hind sight.

Monday, December 6, 2010
I was just thinking, as I seem to always do, about the past and how far I've come since Grade 7/8. It's amazing... Here's some old pics of me for memory sake LOL
Grade 8
I cringe every time I see this...

Grade 9
First time dying my hair, extentions, emo belts emo style LOL

First time taking a picture with makeup on LOL (Horrid ne?)

I cut like all my hair off so I didn't have to tie it back LOL

Transformation into a scene kid xD

And now I'm a scene kid. LOL first time I dyed the fringe green by myself I got my eyebrows so I took my Socials 9 exam with green eyebrows xD

Toned it down for awhile lol and tried to learn better makeup

I went hardcore again within a month LOL

Grade 10
Pretty much I got my first BF lol (broke up in a month)

Taken the day I got hit by a car, November 20th 2009 ♥

I had always wanted black and white hair, got it in December and had it until like... april lol (with bad regrowth I may add)

LOL okay I dyed my hair black/blue and became friends with Jung-su again xD ( we got into a HUGE fight over my ex lol)

Got a lip ring, oh and btw at this point I was obsessed with Japan LOL

Grade 11 (Now)
Fell in love with black hair and stopped being an emo scene kid thing lol

Wear makeup properly, take care of skin, thankful for what I have rather than hate what happened in the past, love who I am, begin to understand what looks good on me and what doesn't, embrace Asian cultures, and make lots of new friends and be outgoing. 

I've come a long way from Grade 8 and I hope to continue to grow and follow my dreams :3 BTWs that last picture is still kind of old <_< need a haircut lol 

Sorry for the picture heavy post!! *__*

Have you changed a lot in the past 3 - 4 years? (: 


  1. v said...:

    Oh! I can see you've undergone alot of changes here (and colours lol). Oh I've changed alot the past 3-4 years, many hair colours and styles, not to mention how I pose in each picture haha.

    Thanks for sharing! :D

  1. Lol yeah xD I used to be compeltely obsessed with being different, now I don't really care as long as I'm me :P

    Thanks for reading :D

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