a new beginning.

Friday, December 3, 2010
I don't really remember if I said it here or not, but I was planning to go to City Youth ( A Youth Group in Victoria) on Thursday, but then I got loaded with a few take at home tests and said I couldn't go, but of course Kory begged me to and I went anyways- but Neve couldn't cause she was sick ):
Anyways, they drove to my house and picked me up and surprisingly I knew like everyone there beside 2 people- and most of them knew where I lived before hand which kinda scared me considering I never invited them to my home before!
When we got there Kyle and I had to register and were put on the red team, then we went downstairs, mingled, and then Kory made me play Halo with him. Now, I have really great horrible gaming skills, and I didn't manage to kill anyone in the like 3 rounds we played... but I got killed a lot! :D I don't think I'll ever pursue a career in gaming, I'm only good in games like... Final Fantasy where it doesn't require a lot of skill. ^__^
After that we went upstairs into a large room with a band set up and it was all shiny (I don't have a camera so I can't really show... it's on my wish list xD) and we played a game. We had to wrap a person of the oposing team in wrapping paper and ribbon- we made a dress... type thing... kinda made her look preg .__. We didn't win anything LOL.
Following that everyone grabbed a chair, sat down, and a video announcement started. Now during the announced a song plays and guess what kind of song played? A Chinese song! I was like "YESSS ASIAN MUSICCCC I love this place now just for that! ♥" It made the night that much better xD.
As I said earlier a band had set up and they played, the songs were obviously about God, and they were actually really good. The singers had such beautiful voices I was kind of in awe.
After 3 songs a sermon started, but it wasn't like a boring one it was really amaizng. The guy mixed in comedy, tragedy's that had recently happened and power! He told this one story, a girl had come in on Thursday and told them her friend had a large tumor on her stomach and the doctor hadn't seen anything like it, it wasn't looking good. The entire council prayed for her really hard and powerfully and the test came back negative for cancer. I was actually pretty amazed as I hadn't really practiced in anything spiritual for awhile now.
The back came back up and started playing a couple more songs which everyone stood to swaying and reaching out in their own ways. I just stood there spaying from side to side holding my necklace which was given to me by my diseased grandmother. I believe it has spiritual power in it so... it's special for me.
The best part though was I did feel a connection, and normally I don't. It made me believe that I was important, cared for, and that I had power through God to help this horrible world get better. I'm so glad I went instead of doing homework. ♥


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