Fly me to the stars.

Monday, May 23, 2011
Today I went out due to the return of sunshine! (Which goes away again soon to rain on my birthday on Friday T__T) Jenny had to go to wal-mart to print out some photos for her camera and we went adventuring
Sera and I just wandered around looking at random stuff like the shake weight and electric bikes. We also tried planning our futures and I may be moving to Vancouver even though I really don't want to... I don't have much of a choice though.
While waiting for the pictures to be ready Jenny led us to Qoola and it's so rad, it's a frozen yogurt place where you choose your own stuff yourself. This is what Sera put on hers:
It was like 90% toppings. xD I didn't get a picture of Jenny and I's but it was normal and not like hers.
We then went to Future shop and played on the instruments and ipads and stuff and then to Urban Barn and found this mirror that makes you look tall by making your torso look huge. I took a picture on my phone thus why it looks really hideous and you can't see anything.
I'm actually short so...
I'm so going to Qoola again one day. If I had money this would be nice. x3


  1. I wish I had went, it looked like fun times. :( I didn't end up doing anything today.
    Oh btw, I changed the name of my blog to: just so you don't think I deleted it. I just made it super majestic and on crack, and figured out how to do multiple pages.

  1. You should have it was D:
    My blogger updated it and told me you changed it lol xD Nice :P

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