Ohai Zombie-face.

Monday, February 7, 2011
Busyyyy weeekkkk!~ Ahead of me I have a ton of homework, a couple tests maybe, and I have to MC a show at my school for my club. Considering I don't even have a clue to what the names of the acts are, I'm gonna have to wing it big time. :P
As I had said in my last post I had decided upon dying my hair black- which I did yesterday with Neve and Tyler!~ (Pictures later)
We all decided to go into Victoria together, and Neve's entire family was like "I wanna ride the bus in B.C.!~" and so they tagged along for the bus ride into Victoria. Neve, Tyler, Raven (Neve's older sister) and I got off at Super Wal-mart and went underwear shopping for me- they're perfectly okay with it but I wanted out as fast as possible! I dislike underwear shopping, too personal even if it is with my closest friends. XD
Tyler calls the really big bras "War helmets" As soon as he saw them he gasped and ran over to them to find a suitable one he'd go into battle with- and he did. XD Gay guys are fun to go underwear shopping with lolll.
After we were done with that we went over to the bus stop, waited for like an hour, got impatient and were running low on time so we decided to go back home do dye our hair. I had bought my red dye and black dye (needed red for the base color so the black would stick) and bought Neve a color remover and red dye.
When we crossed the street guess what we saw down the road? The bus we had been waiting for for an hour! So we ran across the high way during a red light which is dangerous- but Neve stayed so we freaked out at her cause we all thought we were going to miss the bus, thankfully we didn't lol. While waiting for the bus I also developed a new crazy voice XD
While downtown we bought... shoes! I got myself some really crazy converse which were on sale for $20 CA when normally they're like $80 CA so it was quite a deal! They're black with yellow polka dots and random monster faces :3
We went to Neve's place for our hair dye party, Raven had to leave shortly after to catch a plane though o: Tyler dyed both our hair at the same time, and it worked out so we rinsed one after another, which was really good! It took like... 3 hours I'd say.
Tyler and I went to my house to cut it because we didn't wanna make Neve's house dirty lol, and we cut it SHORT!~ I keep going to stroke hair that isn't there- but it had to be done so it could be healthy again. T__T
We decided to keep a bit of red in to save dye and it looks cool lol
I edited this one to look like a zombie princess person XD

Today I went clothes shopping with Neve to spend all my other money, she owes me like 30 dollars now lolll x3


  1. v said...:

    Gorgeous black hair!! :D And love the hair cut!! :)

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