Korea needs to stop fighting with its self, it's too awesome to do so D: The sooner the better, the U.S will just cause WW III o_o
They look so like... fake excited, ne?
On another note, I don't need surgery!!! :D I'm sooo happy about that, we went to the hospital and waited for like 2 hours, here's a bit of the convo in the begining
Hi Kaleigh (Mispronouncing my name)
How are you?
Any trouble with your knee?
Did it dislocate again?
...Then why are you hear?
...You told me to come back in 6 months? o_o
Oh... (checks knee) Well, it's loser than the other one
(No shit...) Oh?
But, you don't need surgery
A lot of it I already knew... if you couldn't tell I really don't like that hospital xD
Final thing: My USB keyboard half-fixed its self :D It spazes out sometimes, but other than that it works just fine ^^
ooh, congrats on not needing surgery~ :D That's really great news! :)
& I totally agree with you. I pray that there won't be a WWIII ;___; And I pray that NK and SK will make up and just become Korea. It's sad to see families separated in both sides of Korea as wells as the poor conditions the NK live in. T__T