Beautiful souls.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011
I said in a previous post that I try really hard to find something beautiful in everyone, even if they're the meanest person ever who's stabbed me in the back or something, I would try to find something beautiful in then. Which often brings me to wonder why everyone thinks they're less than perfect.
Perfection is just a word we create with no real definition, I searched the deepest corners of my mind trying to figure out what 'perfection' is, and I can't find it. It just doesn't exist. We humans, especially girls, beat ourselves up over the silliest things! I used to absolutely loath myself because I simply wasn't "as pretty as her" or "as smart as her" and things like that, but hey, I'm sure there's someone who thought those things about me too.
We all have talents and skills that make us unique to us, and flaws just show us that we're still human which means we all do things wrong.
If you want, you can pick at everything wrong with you and make yourself feel bad, or you can take the time out of your day to pick out 1 thing you were proud of today, that you like about yourself that day. If you look on the bright side of things more happy things will happen to you and you'll enjoy life a bit more. (:
I made this because I know soooo many people that just complain about the way they look or their lives and don't even try to be happy, it's such a shame! We're all unique to ourselves and we're all beautiful, you are, I am, the guy next door is, that little girl in playground is, and that elderly old man reading the newspaper is.
So keep smiling. (:

What's one thing you like about yourself?
I'd have to say I really like my eyes, they're just such a unique color. ♥


  1. Melody said...:

    This is an absolutely great post!
    I agree with you so much. It's so easy for us to pick out the bad things; but when we stop and think about the good things ..there's probably heaps and heaps !

    One thing I like about myself? I like my height xD Even though I'm really short (151cm) and I used to hate ...I just like it now. Cos it's easy for me to be like tucked in to someone's arms and etc :D <3

    I also love your eye colour ! x

  1. It's true! :D Plus it's really healthy to think of the good I find. x3

    Awh, I think being short is amazing because it's so cute x3

    Thanks :D I wish I had a real camera so I could take good photos buuut .__. Maybe for my birthday. XD

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