common phrase.

Monday, December 13, 2010
I'm currently IMing with my pals from school and I happened to notice something: I CANNOT SPELL! I mean, on this blog I spell pretty well but that's due to a magical thing I love to call spell check, and when I'm IMing I tend to be too lazy to use such a thing. As a result a common phrase of mine has become "Wow, I cannot spell." Everyone laughs at me because I wanted to be a writer... a writer that has spelling issues, I wonder how that'd work out? LOL.
I also love how I've had my Facebook name as Yomi for like half a year and people are just now starting to notice that it's Japanese XD. My real name is Kaleigh and that's what everyone knows me as, yet on Facebook people seem to not notice that my name isn't Kaleigh, gotta love not paying attention :P


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