Don't look back

Thursday, December 30, 2010
2010... was a dramatic year to say the least. It started out with me going back to school recovering from being hit by a car and discovering that nothing was really the same as I left it, but slowly this all changed.

  • I learned who my real friends were
  • I became more fashion/hair/makeup loving (girly I guess?)
  • Started to become more selfless
  • Cared about my grades
  • Fell in love who Korea and Japan
  • Strived towards the future
  • Helped people see that life's worth living
  • Became an optimist rather than a pessimist
  • Found out what I like and what I don't like
  • And most important: Stayed self-harm free for ALL of 2010 :D
By the end of 2010 I've learned so much and have been thankful for everything, to me it was really a year of change. :D

Koizora = sadest drama I've ever watched ;__; Cried so hard I got a headache! I'd totally watch it again but... not a fan of crying that hard :P

The black turned blonde

Monday, December 27, 2010
Boxing day was yesterday, and of course I wanted to spend all my money, and it just so happened I had plans with Tyler to do just that and make me a blonde on top of that!
Of course though we started off roughly, we both forgot to set our alarms and woke up after the arranged meeting time had come and passed- but thankfully we both did it so it wasn't a big deal! We got ready as fast as possible and got the 9:00 bus into Victoria.
We arrived at the new mall type thing and wandered into the underground parking lot- where we got lost for a bit until we eventually found the exit sign into the underground parking lot we meant to enter so we could get to Shoppers.
He bought me my hair bleach and I bought him some conditioner for blonde hair and myself some ash blonde dye (incase the bleach turned my hair a really ugly color) then we left on our merry way to Mayfair!
In Mayfair we wandered around trying to find Sephora, and it was huuuugeee! (To me) As I know pretty much nothing about makeup I just let Tyler drag me around and felt really awkward when the sales assistants asked me if I needed help. I was considering buying some eyeshadow when I realized one thing: My wallet which was in my hand was no longer in my hand!!! O__O I was freaking out searching the entire store like 5 times until Tyler finally said I should just ask the lady at the front desk, and thankfully my wallet was there with all my money, ID, and discount cards! Biggest relief ever.
I decided not to buy the eyeshadow as I really did need more shirts, so we caught a bus to The Bay Center in Downtown Victoria, but before any shopping I decided to go to the food court to get some sushi because Tylers stomach was being pretty loud and clear. ;P
What we were gonna do was I was gonna pay for the sushi while he payed for the drinks so I got the sushi and picked out my Orange Crush and he some tea.... when the tea slid out of his hand infront of the poor little asian girl cashier and shattered.
We all did what Koreans do when they're embarrassed, stand there and smile for a few minutes. The cashier lady finally broke the awkward silence with a small voice asking, "Uhm.... are you going to pay for that too?" and Tyler said of course! So he got another tea and I ended up paying for it all. We felt soooo bad though it was the worse thing ever! XD
Afterwards we went into Urban Planet (My favorite clothing store as it's always cheap) and picked out a few shirts, Tyler bought me one of them to make up for the whole drink fiasco. Then we went to Peoples toget a resized ring for his now ex boyfriend, and finally were back on our way to Sidney to do my hair!

I made a short video of the stages my hair took, the lighting in my room is really bad though so it's not actually the exact colors it turned U__U
Now this... was a whole 5 hour process of doing my hair- I'm not even kidding it really did take 5 hours.
We did the first bleach and while I was processing we played DragonBall Z Budokai 2 to pass the time LOL. I only have a gamecube and really weird games like that for it so... XD It was super fun though as I was still apparently really good at it and he wasn't LOL.
We washed out the bleach and it had turned a very strange... ginger color. Which was exspected but it was just a really weird ginger color lol. My hair was still really healthy though. We decided we needed another bleach so we went to the Shoppers in Sidney and bought some more bleach with the remnants of the Christmas money, applied it, played some more dragon ball Z, washed it out.
It was pink. Noooo joke. Probably because my hair was a purple based black.
Thankfully we had leftover bleach, so a\ third bleach was going on!
After that it was a lighter pink, so we put on the Ash Blonde dye and it turned a nice coppery caramel blonde- almost what we were aiming for so we were soooo happy about it!
When we showed my mom she thought at one point we had gotten bleach in my eye because apparently when we game we freak out about whats happening and get really over-dramaticly emotional! XD
She was jealous of me though because my hair had turned the color she always wanted!
Bad picture lol, the lighting in my house everywhere is bad but this was the best picture I could get, I was tired soooo it's more blonde in real life!

All mixed up

Friday, December 24, 2010
I was looking at my facebook and at the way I talk and you know what? I am truly amazed at how I get A's in English! I mean, I spell pretty much everything wrong, substitute words accidently (rapping and raping...) forget words entirely, have REALLY bad grammar, and can barely pronounce basic words.
Heck, I don't even really like English, it's so confusing and half the words are completely redundant other than for emphasis and to make yourself sound smart.
My Insomnia really doesn't help either. As I'm like always tired my brain suffers. ;__;
I swear I talk like that sometimes....

I want to become the sky

Thursday, December 23, 2010
I really don't normally post sad things on my blog, so I've been contemplating posting this all day long since I woke up at 10:30 (awoken by bad rapping none the less) until now, 7:03. I decided to post this only because in the end, it kind of turned out to be a good thing I guess. It opened my eyes to the fact that my deepest fear of being all alone wouldn't come true any time soon, and that no matter when I always have a friend to turn to. So here's the story of what happened to me and my family last night in my perspective.
Last night I came home from hanging out with Kory/Christmas shopping and went on my laptop to play Jade Dynasty, catch up on my animes, and listen to music as usual, and it was all normal until Midnight. (Ironically enough as that is lol.) Then my brother came home.
I was changing songs when I started to hear arguing from the living room, which again isn't out of the ordinary for me. But this time I heard the word "assault" so I stopped and said be right back to my game and began to listen more carefully.
Apparently my brother had been assaulted while he was out by a group of people who had been harrasing him for a long time. Cold as it may make me sound, I wasn't surprised. My brothers lifestyle had been changing for the worse as of late and so I lost all respect for him due to the choices he made. how can I respect someone who wont even respect their self- or their mother?
Anyways, my mom said she was going to report the kid to the cops and my brother told her if she did that he would run away. (Why you wouldn't want to report the person who beat you up is beyond me.) He was starting to raise his voice so I finally got annoyed enough and said "You're being an idiot." and of course he screamed at me to shut up with my reply being no.
He then had the nerve to start blaming mother! He kept going on, and on, and on about how his shitty life was all her fault. I love my mother to bits and I have so much respect for her so I had enough and said, "Respect your mother! She'd given you a roof over your head, food, water, warmth, all your clothes- everything!" and he again told me to shut up.
This time I didn't just reply with no, "No! Stop blaiming mom for your own short-comings and your own crappy life choices!"
Eventually he just got completely out of hang to the point where I had to leave. I could not stay any longer as I had fallen into the depressed zone. Mom told me to go to my room (nicely I mad add) so I wouldn't make him more insane.  I asked if I could just go for a walk and she said yes, so I changed into my warm sweater and grabbed my coat and scarf and iPod and walked to the back steps. While I was leaving mother was calling the Police.
At this point I was crying, I didn't trust myself to be alone as I'm a recovering self-harm addict. I haven't cut in a year but I still don't trust myself. I kept thinking that I didn't want any of this drama, that I thought things wouldn't come to this point. I knew I needed someone to keep me sane, to help me and calm me down, but who? Tyler, and Jenny were in Vancouver, Sera lived too far away, and Cole was probably busy.
I phoned Neve.
I was still crying so my voice was all retarded and I didn't really have a hold of myself so I wasn't making much sense. I explained the situation to her having to repeat myself a few times- then she said "Okay I'm coming Brianne." I was just like "....It's Kaleigh" and she was like "OHHH sorry!!"
Anyway we met half way from her house to mine and hung out outside her house until 1:30 AM. I felt so bad because she was almost asleep! I apologized soooo much but she was so nice and I'm really thankful. I further explained things in detail on the way as I wasn't crying anymore. She cheered my right up and kept me sane, I'm so thankful to her you have noooo idea!

I'm really glad this all happened though, because it showed me I didn't have to face everything on my own like I used to do, that I had people who loved me and whom I could rely on. I got home at 2 AM and didn't fall asleep until like 4 AM...XD Oh insomnia, how I dislike you so!
Sorry for the long pictureless blog post by the way, it's just something that's been on my mind that I don't want to forget. (:

Well isn't that special?

Monday, December 20, 2010
I got $20 dollars for christmas! Wooo, time to spend it all on something useless XD
So today Neve was all "TAKE A PICTURE FOR MY PHONE CONTACTS!" So I got all dolled up (I discovered that my eyelashes are a lot longer than I thought lol) and took a picture for her on my phone lol. I felt like taking pictures so I took a couple.

Legit, what would you do if someone with a face like that followed you all day long? LOL I'd probably run away and lock myself in a washroom or something.

Oh, and I don't wear foundation that's why my face is all red lol. I don't like wearing it because I have really bad acne and not wearing it keeps it more at bay. Plus I'm pretty much out, also I got mine from wal-mart so obviously it sucks.

Can you guys lift only your bottom eyelids? 
Out of all the people I know I'm the only one that can...

make come alive.

Saturday, December 18, 2010
I spent my entire day today trying to make my character on Jade Dynasty level 45... she was level 43 when I started playing today. It was worth it though (:
This is a picture of my character floating in front on the moon on my new skyblade in my new armor with my new sword :D Normally she has a mask for a bit of extra defense but... it's kinda ugly so I took it off. I thought this screen shot would be really pretty so I went to Jadeon and attempted to find the moon, and I did yay! This is my favorite Jadeon armor so far, I wonder what my next set will look like? :D
By the way, it's normally really easy to level in the game... until it's all "YOU'RE TOO LOW OF A LEVEL TO GO HERE" then you have to run around doing really bad quests for a LONG time =__=
Screen name: YomiRyu
Realm: 7
Non PVP server America west
Tier 2 level 45 Jadeon
I'm so proud (ToT)

don't stop, make it rock.

Friday, December 17, 2010
Today I went to Victoria after school with Jung-su, and it was amazing (: First we went to my house in Sidney so I could change clothes and he could put on makeup (I was wearing these red skinny jeans and my shirt had a GIANT stain on it which I didn't notice until I got to school =__= just my luck.) Then we took the long bus ride to Victoria.
On the bus ride there we decided that next year for Semi-formal he would be doing my hair and nails maybe my makeup. Apparently I don't have ownership of my hair, he owns it now XD I'm not allowed to let anyone cut/dye it other than him not LOL. I'm also going Gothic Lolita for semi-formal! I'm really excited. He's also apparently my date LOL. (He's gay so that's why it's funny XD)
When we got to the mall he had to go Christmas shopping for his boyfriend and his mom, so we went to Peoples. They had freaking Hello Kitty jewelry.... too bad it was like 200 dollars <__< He ended up buying the boyfriend a purple sapphire necklace/ring. The lady working there was really nice, and had really good recommendations. I liked it because she really knew her stuff about jewelry and stuff and what would be affordable  and good for people.
For the mother on the other hand he did not want to get her any real jewelry as she's making him pay rent. So we ended up going to Clairs and getting a cheap necklace that looked kinda real. It was really pretty and was only like $20 CAN. (Personally I would make just make a heart-felt card and put the rent inside LOL.)
After shopping he showed me an Asian accessory store which was so amazing- but really costly because everything there is actually imported for various parts of Asia.
Following this Jung-su got his eyebrows thinned out and re-shaped- but of course he was having trouble with his card so we had to run back and forth between the eyebrow place and the bank like 3 times! It looked really good so I think it was worth it.
FINALLY we got to eat some Korean food! Same as last time, but sadly we didn't get any of that really amazing sauce, and I couldn't finish as I had pudding when I went to my house.
Finishing the food we went to Urban Planet and he bought me a sweater! I really like it too, it's soft. It's a guys sweater, but that's okay considering it doesn't look really masculine! (:
We wanted to take a ton of pictures and videos but... when we got on the bus ride home we realized we had taken none, and only managed one picture and one video on the bus. We were wearing like 4 layers as it got really cold, and I was wearing a scarf so... yeah.

Personally I think I look effing ugly <__< Can't wait to bleah my hair LOL

So I just realized I slip into some random accent at times... don't mind me. XD And I look FAT, I'm not I was slouching lol

Well, time to go play Jade Dynasty all night long LOL.

life is a game.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010
I was bored the other day so I was looking at games I could download (for free) and I found one that appealed to me so I downloaded it.
It's called Jade Dynasty and it was made by the people who made Perfect World, it's soooo beautiful! You can even get married in it LOL (obviously im not married) There are a lot of classes but there isn't a wide variaty of hairs and stuff lol, but really thats okay considering all else!

common phrase.

Monday, December 13, 2010
I'm currently IMing with my pals from school and I happened to notice something: I CANNOT SPELL! I mean, on this blog I spell pretty well but that's due to a magical thing I love to call spell check, and when I'm IMing I tend to be too lazy to use such a thing. As a result a common phrase of mine has become "Wow, I cannot spell." Everyone laughs at me because I wanted to be a writer... a writer that has spelling issues, I wonder how that'd work out? LOL.
I also love how I've had my Facebook name as Yomi for like half a year and people are just now starting to notice that it's Japanese XD. My real name is Kaleigh and that's what everyone knows me as, yet on Facebook people seem to not notice that my name isn't Kaleigh, gotta love not paying attention :P

tip taps, tip

Sunday, December 12, 2010
My mom got a letter in the mail on Woman rights in 3rd world countries and she gave it to me to have a looksie (which was really random in my opinion O__o)
Pretty much all it wanted was for me to pay $35 CAN a month to sponser a child. Considering I have NO money at all I'm not gonna do it, but it came with this cute little picture:
Excuse my face in the background, I had to see if the picture was centered >w< oh and this was taken with my webcam cause I HAVE NO CAM. I also seem to have issues holding things still as I'm a tad spazzy x3

It also came with a cute little bracelet that I'm probably gonna start wearing around lol, it's a pain to put on though >__<
The dark circles are bad because I slept in =__= that and it's night time and webcams hate me LOL

On another note I finally decided that I will be going caramel for hair color, and I hope that will bring attention away from my freaking hideous black circled. Seriously it looks like someone punched me in the face =__= That's the one thing I hate most about myself! I'm also getting it cut tomorrow hopefully, just a trim so I can see again and maybe get it thinned. I may or may not get more layers as the more layers = the longer it takes hair to grow out. I should just get extensions LOL

you got the wrong number.

Even though this weekend was a little hectic emotionally, and it really did get me down, I'm kinda glad it happened. When you get down the the dumps it just makes you that much happier when it's over. I'm so glad I have such great friends. I honestly think without them I'd be nothing, and I would not be at this level of happiness.
I've never been this happy in my life, so thank you Tyler, Sera, Jenny, Neve, and even Cole. (Even though only Tyler will probably read this LOL)
Although one good thing did come out of my sadness this weekend other than my thankfulness: I came up with a good story plot at LAST! I've been trying to write something good for ages!

Because of my new mood I renamed this blood to Euphoric field, which is the title of an amazing song by Eliza. (:

ALSO I've re-fallen in love with Kpop LOL i fall in love with things a lot x3

LOVE these girls, just sayin'

left, right, up, down.

Saturday, December 11, 2010
Lol I'm REALLY bored considering I'm waiting for my anime to buffer so i'm all "Huh... lets do this meme..."
It's like late so I'm all like whooo.... xD Well it's late for me considering I hardly sleep considering I have insomnia o__o so yeah o__o

Things I am Passionate About
- Asian cultures, especially Korean and Japanese ♥
- Writing
- Kpop and Jpop
- Learning more about fashion and makeup, and hair
- Building myself as a person
- Learning, knownledge is the basis of many things :3
- Friends
- Shopping (Even though I have no money or income LOL)
- Anti-drugs >:D
Things I Want To Do Before I Die
- Leave Vancouver Island (I'm known as the loser of Sidney, as I'm the only one who has never left here T_T)
- Become fluent in Japanese
- Attend concerts, I've never attended a concert in my life, which is pretty sad (another reason why i'm the loser of Sidney)
- Go to a Kareoke place
- Attend a fashion show
- Go on a giant shopping spree

Things I Say Often
- LOL 
- Baka (idiot in Japanese)
- Um
- Like...
- Seriously?!
- Pokemanzzz
- You know...
- When did I ever say I was nice? ;)

Books I Have Read Lately
- UHM... Sharp North - Patric Cave. Seriously I used to read like every day last year, now I never do LOL

Songs I Could Listen To Over and Over
- Don't Stop the Music by 2NE1
- Clap Your Hands - 2NE1
- Lucifer by SHINee
- Tip Tap Tips - HALCALI
- Collect Call - Metric
- Bonamana by Super Junior 

Things That Attract Me to My Best Friends
- They're weird LOL
- Just being there for me as I'm not generally the most emotionally stable person in the world x3
- Saying really random things on the internet ie. "Hey there, gettin' your work done?" or "Power Suit."
- The random gifts they give you which you never exspect.
- Knowing you can tell them anything and they wont judge you seriously
- Knowing they got your back when you have theirs
- Being themselves, no room to pretend
- Our obsession with Asian...yeahh... xD
-Our different yet similar fashion choises
- We're all really close mostly, and if one of us were to go through something tough we ALL do.

you're desperate.

I live in an apartment in downtown Sidney and some crazy stuff goes down around here- it all annoys me greatly, but this one takes the cake.
I was hearing people outside my apartment yelling "HEEEYYY!" so I figured that it was someone I knew trying to get my attention so I threw on my coat and boots and went on my balconey to check and what do I see?
Pot protesters.
One of their signs said "Honk for Hemp!" which is kind of stupid considering hemp is legal, pot isn't. It's kinda funny because no ones honking. Yet they continue to yell outside my apartment.
I personally despise all drugs almost. I hate pot the most because everyone uses it and they figure it's not bad for their health when it is! It deteriorates their brain and compromises their coping so when something bad happens they just run and smoke a joint, and they remain at that mentality for their entire life. None of the people here see that though and don't know anything about the law either.
My brother thinks it's legal to BE high but not legal to have the pot <__< Yeah... he's an idiot.
I'm okay with alcohol though considering there's nothing we can do about it, I personally don't drink but most people my age do. (I'm only 16 is the sad part LOL)
Drugs are bad, they will destroy your life and the people around you, I know that from personal experience. My brother is a pot head and he's torn our family apart, when I move I'll probably still hate him for it, so please be responsible.

gotta make the move.

Friday, December 10, 2010
"Things fade with time, but there are some things we cannot let fade, hmm?" -Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core

Today I gave a presentation to my friends Planning 10 Class on Self-harm and Depression as I don't ever want someone to feel the way I used to, my partner felt the same as I did, and I think that added to the effect.
At first I didn't know how to act, so I acted like my usual happy self as as of late I've been in a pretty good mood, and of course we couldn't log onto the computer. We got the teacher to go on her account and hack our H drive though so it was okay.
First we put the word "Depression" on the board and said, "What do you think when you see the word?" there were a lot of results that I expected and some I didn't such as Demi Levado LOL. None of them said emo which really surprised me as in today's society I find it really stereotypical. We did the same for Self-Harm and it was the same pretty much lol.
After that we asked them who they thought self harmed and who they thought had been seriously depressed. Fingers were pointed at me! XD Both my partner and I were seriously depressed in our lives, but only I had resorted to self-harm.
We showed our slide show, showed a couple inspirational videos (the one I showed gets to me every time, was close to tears here guys ;__;)
Then, after that we shared our own stories. I shared my past of abuse, love and loss, and my serious addiction to self-harm. Izzy showed the side of the effect of having no friends and suicidal thoughts.
In my story, I think one thing got to them really deeply.
I said "There used to be this girl who I spoke to a lot, she looked up to me in every single way, my style, my personality, my strength, everything. Everything I was drew her in to change herself to be like me. One day she said to me, 'Kaleigh, I wanna be just like you, you're amazing! I wanna have just as many scars as you.' This destroyed me. At that time I had over 200 scars on my body and I have more now. We stopped talking for a while after that, and then a few months later she messaged me again and said to me, 'Hey Kaleigh, remember when I said I wanted as many scars as you? I got there. I regret it.' Now she has over 200 scars on her body and it's all my fault. I have to live with that guilt everyday of my life, and I wish I knew sooner to stop my ways. That's why I'm here before you today, I don't want you to go down the same path I did, I don't want any of you to hurt that way, talk to me. I'm here"
The class was silent after that bit, and I of course almost cried but I'm fairly good at hiding tears so I was okay. After the presentation was over I felt really happy, accomplished, like I had touched just one soul.

I also hung out with Rinko after school today, I forgot how amazing it was to talk to her! Tyler was going to do her hair but for family matters... that couldn't happen. I'll be mentioning this in a later part of this post. Anyway Rinko and I went to Sidney, got bus tickets, and just spoke to each other for a long while it was really refreshing and that's how I felt when I got home- well when I got home that usually ends so... Yeah.

Anyway back to the Tyler thing. In  short- he was kicked out of his home which is illegal to do. My mother and I created a  plan. If this doesn't resolve itself by Sunday we're going to tell his mom what she did is illegal and if she doesn't grow the fuck up we will phone social services and get her children taken from her as she is an unfit mother. My mother would then take Tyler in as a foster parent and we'd move to a bigger home (preferably 4 bedroom) payed for by the Government. Bills and stuff too, I'm also going to get a job to help this out. IF it comes to this. I really hope it doesn't as moving would be really hard but it's necessary maybe.

Amazing song, it's on repeat lol.

power suit event? heck yes!

I was talking to Neve about power suits as she loves them too, and we decided this summer her me and a bunch of random friends are going to buy power suits and have a photo shoot! We call it "Power suit Power Shoot." I can't wait! It inspires me to go out and look for work ^__^

power suit.

Thursday, December 9, 2010
As a joke I kept saying that next year I'd buy and wear a power suit for grad interview, but now I might actually do it LOL.
Power suits are amazing even though most people don't know what they are <__< I will buy a power suit!

I think this one is really pretty o__o"
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
There comes a point in life when you get so tired that you have to convince yourself to have a shower and go to bed.
I just came to that point in life LOL.

rain rain go away.

Normally I like the rain, it's pretty. Although when you live in Sidney there's too much. It's gray, and it does get to you after awhile. Most places in winter there's a beautiful sunlight shinning down in the cold, but here it's just depressing and gray. I honestly dislike the weather here- a lot o__o. Cannot wait to move!

new look?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010
So, as I've been looking through a lot of pictures as of late because it's time for a change in my appearance yet again, I'm seriously considering dying my hair caramel colored. I think it looks really good on people, and I've had dark colored hair for a very long time now, and I wanna try something new for me (:

Kind of like this - maybe lol. You never know.

So, I wanna hear some opinions ^__^

Oh and here's what my hair looks like now-ish. It's a bit lighter than it is here and obs not horrid quality lol
I look so tired, but honestly it was the best picture I had.... I sleep enough actually but the dark circles never go away, help? D:

hind sight.

Monday, December 6, 2010
I was just thinking, as I seem to always do, about the past and how far I've come since Grade 7/8. It's amazing... Here's some old pics of me for memory sake LOL
Grade 8
I cringe every time I see this...

Grade 9
First time dying my hair, extentions, emo belts emo style LOL

First time taking a picture with makeup on LOL (Horrid ne?)

I cut like all my hair off so I didn't have to tie it back LOL

Transformation into a scene kid xD

And now I'm a scene kid. LOL first time I dyed the fringe green by myself I got my eyebrows so I took my Socials 9 exam with green eyebrows xD

Toned it down for awhile lol and tried to learn better makeup

I went hardcore again within a month LOL

Grade 10
Pretty much I got my first BF lol (broke up in a month)

Taken the day I got hit by a car, November 20th 2009 ♥

I had always wanted black and white hair, got it in December and had it until like... april lol (with bad regrowth I may add)

LOL okay I dyed my hair black/blue and became friends with Jung-su again xD ( we got into a HUGE fight over my ex lol)

Got a lip ring, oh and btw at this point I was obsessed with Japan LOL

Grade 11 (Now)
Fell in love with black hair and stopped being an emo scene kid thing lol

Wear makeup properly, take care of skin, thankful for what I have rather than hate what happened in the past, love who I am, begin to understand what looks good on me and what doesn't, embrace Asian cultures, and make lots of new friends and be outgoing. 

I've come a long way from Grade 8 and I hope to continue to grow and follow my dreams :3 BTWs that last picture is still kind of old <_< need a haircut lol 

Sorry for the picture heavy post!! *__*

Have you changed a lot in the past 3 - 4 years? (: 

under superstition

Sunday, December 5, 2010
Wow, I'm trying to come up for a story for my friend Neve's birthday in like 2 weeks and I can't seem to find any good stories in my brain grahhh T__T I came up with a piece of crap. Screw you writers block <__<

fly high dream big.

I was researching what it takes to become a resident of Japan and this is what it said: "Foreign residents who have shown good conduct and have sufficient assets or ability to make an independent living, can be granted permanent residence if they reside in Japan for typically ten or more consecutive years (less in case of spouses of Japanese nationals and people who have made significant contributions to Japanese society). Permanent residence status is indefinite and allows any paid activity."
I'll be like... 35 or something before I'll be considered a permanent resident, and it takes 5 more years after that unless I get married to a citizen for me to be considered a citizen o__o"
That's a lot longer than I thought, better learn Japanese quickly and get enough money in order to make a living before I get a job fast ;__;

I have to see that when I go to Tokyo *__*

we're on fire.

Tyler came over today and helped me set up Rosetta Stone (illegally I may add :P) and it is amazing.

 If you don't know what Rosetta Stone is, it's a program that teaches languages through association with images, intuition, context, ect. There is no English involved in the learning so it's much like how you learned to speak your native language when you were but a baby!
I only just started and so I don't know much but I do know "Onnanokotachi wa mizu nonde imasen" Which means "The girl and her friends are not drinking water." I can say the same thing for the adults and males and can substitute water for a few other things like coffee and rice and such, but I may or may not forget in the morning, it needs to be repeated a few times for me to get it. xD

Also, I took my brothers ipod USB cord like 3 days ago, and he still hasn't noticed O_o Mine broke so... ;__; don't have an extra $50 CAN to spend replacing the USB until I get a job - which requires me to get off my lazy bum!

just music and you.

Saturday, December 4, 2010
(Thanks Vivian for getting me obsessed with Don't Stop the Music by the way <__<)

Anyway, I got my new laptop :D When I started going on all my regular sites I was all "Oh my gosh. NO LAG EXISTS!!!!" my old laptop happened to lag all the time LOL. This one obviously doesn't, and the keyboard works which for me is amazing xD
I have to take my laptop in though to complete Windows 7 set up, seriously shouldn't it come with a complete version instead of an incomplete version which you then have to pay another $100 CAN to complete it? It seems kinda redundant to me o__o"

I WANNA MOVE TO TOKYO T__T Tyler wants to move to Seoul, I'm gonna lose like all my pals when I grad xD
That's beautiful to me. . . ;__;

city life.

Friday, December 3, 2010
Today I went to Victoria with Tyler who I hadn't been able to hang out with in a few months and oh gosh we had so much fun! Considering we share so many interests we can talk about almost anything- 90% of the time it's about something Asian, we love Asia!
First we went to the new mall in Victoria and to future shop to see if they had the laptop I was going to get tomorrow- and they did! We were heading out when we got distracted by the ipad and played fruit ninja xD people were staring at us because it was really loud so we stopped it and left the store LOL.
Then we headed to shoppers so he could get his hair dye and products and show me some really good (But REALLY costly) makeup products because I only have really poor quality brown eyeshadow, bad black eyeliner, and bad mascara. ^__^" Ah, you gotta love being poor.
After that we went to The Bay Center and got some Korean food, we got some noodles, dumplings, tofu, and rice. It was so good! Not to mention filling, I ate the majority of my share though :P We ate with chopsticks too cause we're no noob! LOL
These are what the yummy dumplings looked like :D I wish I had a camera so I could take an actual photo ;__;

After that we head into China Town and got some pocky and metal chopsticks (the wooden ones we have are bleached which is kinda poisonous so. . .) and then went home.
It was an amazing day filled with our Korean/Japanese obsession (as the day went on our English became worse and worse because were learning Japanese and Korean so we kinda forgot sentence structure for awhile there.)

a new beginning.

I don't really remember if I said it here or not, but I was planning to go to City Youth ( A Youth Group in Victoria) on Thursday, but then I got loaded with a few take at home tests and said I couldn't go, but of course Kory begged me to and I went anyways- but Neve couldn't cause she was sick ):
Anyways, they drove to my house and picked me up and surprisingly I knew like everyone there beside 2 people- and most of them knew where I lived before hand which kinda scared me considering I never invited them to my home before!
When we got there Kyle and I had to register and were put on the red team, then we went downstairs, mingled, and then Kory made me play Halo with him. Now, I have really great horrible gaming skills, and I didn't manage to kill anyone in the like 3 rounds we played... but I got killed a lot! :D I don't think I'll ever pursue a career in gaming, I'm only good in games like... Final Fantasy where it doesn't require a lot of skill. ^__^
After that we went upstairs into a large room with a band set up and it was all shiny (I don't have a camera so I can't really show... it's on my wish list xD) and we played a game. We had to wrap a person of the oposing team in wrapping paper and ribbon- we made a dress... type thing... kinda made her look preg .__. We didn't win anything LOL.
Following that everyone grabbed a chair, sat down, and a video announcement started. Now during the announced a song plays and guess what kind of song played? A Chinese song! I was like "YESSS ASIAN MUSICCCC I love this place now just for that! ♥" It made the night that much better xD.
As I said earlier a band had set up and they played, the songs were obviously about God, and they were actually really good. The singers had such beautiful voices I was kind of in awe.
After 3 songs a sermon started, but it wasn't like a boring one it was really amaizng. The guy mixed in comedy, tragedy's that had recently happened and power! He told this one story, a girl had come in on Thursday and told them her friend had a large tumor on her stomach and the doctor hadn't seen anything like it, it wasn't looking good. The entire council prayed for her really hard and powerfully and the test came back negative for cancer. I was actually pretty amazed as I hadn't really practiced in anything spiritual for awhile now.
The back came back up and started playing a couple more songs which everyone stood to swaying and reaching out in their own ways. I just stood there spaying from side to side holding my necklace which was given to me by my diseased grandmother. I believe it has spiritual power in it so... it's special for me.
The best part though was I did feel a connection, and normally I don't. It made me believe that I was important, cared for, and that I had power through God to help this horrible world get better. I'm so glad I went instead of doing homework. ♥


Wednesday, December 1, 2010
On facebook it's pokemon profile picture month, I chose this little guy:
I wished I owned him <3

Psycho test!~

LOL this was fun xDDD

Psychological Test:
In front of you, you see a number of insects. How many are there? Two
You were walking through the jungle when you saw something move past you. What animal is it? A leopard!
You're sitting on a chair about to cross your legs. Which side of your leg do you cross over? Left or right? Left
You're on a safari jeep driving through the Safari ranch, and you see a lion feeding on a dead animal carcass. How do you feel? Oh, gosh gross o_o
When you usually pour a drink, up to which percentage of the cup do you pour? 3/4ish
There are candles burning in front of you. How many candles are there? One.
A ship ready to take off by the harbour, makes a blasting horn sound. How long does it go on for? Four seconds. 
You went into a room and it's all white, how do you feel? Natural, and peaceful
You're walking through a desert, how many pairs of shoes would you take with you? Well, probably 2, a good sturdy pair of boots and my favorite converse :) 
You feel like drinking hot chocolate, and you open the cupboard. How many cups are there? Six
A baby is crying, the doorbell's ringing and water is boiling on the stove. In what order would you resolve the situation? I'd be all "ONE MOMENT!" calm my baby (why would I have a baby? o_o) take the water off the stove then open the door ^__^
You see an abandoned property (house). Is the door open or closed? Closed.
You get on a plane for the first time. How do you feel during takeoff? Excited, but scared because it'd be the first time I've been on a plane xD
You design your own house and draw a house plan. In the living room, is the ceiling considerably high or low? I'd say high, probably.
You see an angel of death. He said that he'll give you one day to do whatever you want before he takes you to the afterlife. Who would you spend the one last day on earth with? Everyone I love and care about :D 

Write your answers of the respective questions above as the answers of the statements below:
The number of people who piss you off right now. Two, hmm. . . I guess that's right I'm always mad at my brother and someone else xD
How people see you. A leopard yayyy xD
What you see in people ( Left leg - appearance. Right leg - Personality) Left. I guess I'm shallow .__.
The feeling after watching porn for the first time. Oh, gosh gross o_o LOLThe level of your self-esteem. 3/4. Ehhh... Really it depends on my mood ;__;
The number of people you can love at the same time. One. Well, I'm glad I'm not a whore but does that mean like. . . I love only one friend at a time or what?
Average time you spend kissing. Four seconds. LOL xD
Feeling right before your death. Natural and peaceful 
The number of relationships you will have before marriage. Well, probably 2, a good sturdy pair of boots and my favorite converse :) Well I've already had 1 I guess if that really counted so O_oThe number of your TRUE friends. Six, Uhm... I only really have 5 close friends o__o
What you value the most in the opposite sex. Water - Wealth / Baby - Virtue / Doorbell - Appearance. Virtue, Wealth and Appearance. 
The door represents your heart. Closed.
Feeling after 'first kiss'. Excited, but scared because it'd be the first time I've been on a plane xD LOL yeah I guess xD I do have a fear of betrayal so yeah xDThe level of your pride. High. 
Who do you wanna see now? Everyone I love and care about :D