Wait, they don't love you like I love you.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

It's been awhile hasn't it? This week has been pretty hectic. Thus why there's so many pictures of me for once. Pretty much last Friday I went to my friend Ty's house and we had a nerd night, meaning we downloaded a game and played it right beside each other for hours and ate. We also looked for work but you see that didn't work out too well.
Then the following Thursday was semi formal! I went in a suit (because I don't own a dress and I don't really feel like dancing and head banging in a dress in any case) which no one believed I would even though I had been saying I would for 2 weeks. When I did show up everyone laughed and was like "I love you so much for doing this." I ended up having 2 'dates' both of which were women who I'm married to so it's natural. All in all it was a really good time got a lot of dancing done and the potatoes we're great. <3 That's all I ate really, potatoes. Some pasta on the side as well. Then  lots of chocolate. :3
Today I went out with Sera on an ugly sweater adventure, we wore our ugliest sweaters and adventured downtown. I got my mother 3 Christmas gifts as well. I hope she likes them. c:


  1. Hi, thank you for adding me to your watch :)
    on the photo is this that sweater from 'ugly sweater adventure'? Actually it isnt ugly xD I like your smile x]

  1. No probs. :3 and yeah it is lol. Oh o.o I guess my purple sweater is more ugly then. xD I don't think they're ugly but others do.
    Thank you ^^

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