New things.

Sunday, September 18, 2011
This week was... interesting to say the least.
Got new members for the club and I actually began mentoring a grade 9. She's legit the me from 3 years ago so I want to make sure she doesn't go through all the bullshit I went through/am going through. Although I realized one thing, I'm weird.
On the internet through like twitter I can give like motivational speeches and offer kind words that sound super smart, but in reality I can only be super silly. On the other hand that appears to be working.
Yesterday I had to meet her mother and so I took out my lip piercing, (which in its self changes my appearance more drastically than you'd think) dress normally and act straight. I bowed a lot actually... Iwasborninthewrongcountry.
I think it went well, but I don't know.
I also finally sold my long board yesterday for $150! I bought money for my phone at long last and am going to be getting my hair dyed next friday. Also I have to get my boots repaired cause they like... died when I was fleeing my house yesterday. I had to take them off and walk in my socks. People were staring.
Lastly, I get my glasses this Tuesday. I am excited!
Life has had its MAJOR down sides lately, but I wont share. If you follow me on Twitter you probably already know anyway lol.
Black hair, I will have you once again one day.


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