Life update.

Saturday, September 10, 2011
I haven't been making proper posts updating your guys about my life, and I know I said I would like disclose my future career plans in it's own post and never did, so I'll do that all here along with a short story update.
Let's start with school.
As the above implies I started school this week and I've been having a very good time. I have a spare in block one meaning I can sleep in for a bit, and have friends in all of my classes. I also noticed that I've become a LOT more social this year, I don't shy away from conversations like I used to in years prior to this. I guess I adapted a new personality after a summer of self reflection and watching anime and The L Word. Yet another thing I've noticed is... I've become popular. Not just like "Oh people are talking to me so I'm popular" I actually mean popular. No one hates me it seems (cept this one german guy was like glaring at me in Law class. o___o) and a lot of people are asking to be my grad date. There's only been 3 days of classes and I already have... like 6 people who want to be my grad 'date'. I'm beginning to think I should just bring an army of people to grad and say "They're all my dates..." Although I think I'm only permitted to have one or 2 dates for the dinner.
My club, L.E.A.F has actually been slightly productive. We had a meeting without Mr. Young and actually got everything we needed to discuss worked out. Lets just hope people follow through. This monday we hope to get some new younger members.

Now the new career path I've chosen is a Fashion Consultant. I like fashion so I thought it was a good choice and I can't come up with excuses to not do it. I actually found a college also so I'm all set. I get to make my own line of clothing in college!

As for my stories Love Hotel is more or less on hiatus because I don't feel like making it, but the other one which name isn't set in stone yet with the lab coats is well under way, I may actually finish this one. It's not my best work but I really like it.
As for my novel I've been writing bits and pieces now. I've also kind of re-written Sekai's past. (: I'll post a piece of it sooner or later I believe.

I also legit JUST got my hair styles for free. it's like Jrock inspired. (: Here's a terrible picture I just took.

School picture day's next week... I better like... start being more photogenic again.


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