Dear Angel...

Thursday, September 29, 2011
It was only 4 short weeks ago that we met again on Facebook,  where we spoke to each other properly then first time. At that time I had no idea what you would become to me, and what I would become to you. Fate has its funny way to deal out cards, sometimes it'll throw you a blessing disguised as a fallen angel. I suppose that is what happened to us.
When I first saw you, and heard you had the same name as me, it struck me that you are exactly as how I used to be which I've told you many times. A lost soul wandering through this world, seemingly alone, and screaming lies to herself just to make it through the day, no, through the minute. When I saw this I was... scared perhaps. Scared you would make the mistakes I did and then even follow through on some of those mistakes.
I can't let that happen.
That was when I offered you my hand to hold, as a mentor.
Going into being your mentor I honestly did not know what I was getting myself into. I actually thought it'd be this fun little thing where I could just joke around with a cute little girl and sometimes have to give advice. Boy, was I wrong. It turned out to be nothing like that at all.
Don't get me wrong, I actually prefer the way it did turn out. I'm happier now - somehow. I've grown to need you in my life, know that you're okay, and know everything that happens to you. I've even sacrificed my pride often for you, and you know very well how much that means to me.
Anyway, soon I dived straight into your life as you opened up to me and told me many things, and I've had to share more than just a little of my wisdom. I've spent long nights on thinking of what to say to you, how to go about doing certain things, how to show you that you are loved.
This experience has also shown me a lot about my friends and myself. We're all good people despite our bad points. They all want to give themselves up to help you just like I have. I've surrounded myself with the best people on this planet and I didn't even know it. They offered to house you, and even buy you a secret pay as you go phone. This amazes me, they're such beautiful people.
Now that your family issues have gotten bad again I've decided to take action with my own mother and try to foster you, we love you very much. I'd gladly accept you as my sister, considering I already do everything for you.
In a way, I think I've fallen in love with you. Not as a lover but as a person. You've made me so much more happier and I don't even know how. I will always stay with you and remember you. Even if being a mentor scared me to death because of my past sin, I can somehow manage to fight for you.
I will protect you and help you save yourself. I love you, my Pupal Kali. ^__^

I'm not in love.

Monday, September 26, 2011
I guess I should probably blog about the person, other than pupal, who's been on my mind day after day for awhile now. As I've finally gotten over the embarrassment of feeling something towards someone else. xD
I wont disclose his real name but for now I will call him Kye-kun. I met him on Tagged, which is surprising because usually all I meet there are perverts, and we instantly became friends half a year ago. Although recently, I don't know how, we developed feelings for each other.
Let me say this: neither of us date online, we refuse to for our own personal reasons. Although we aren't really dating we still kind of text each other like we are with good morning and good night texts every single night.
It sounds stupid, I know, but it brightens my day.
We also have plans to meet each other when summer arrives in 10 months after my graduation. Either by means of a road trip or my going to Calgary and he driving down to meet me. When we meet we have plans to make pumpkin pie, penis shaped cookies, and fetus shaped cake and eating these while drinking tea scaring away the small children. x3
He also wants to sleep under the stars with me, which was the most romantic thing anyone has ever said with me in my entire life time. c:
He's exactly like me but different at the same time. I'm sure we'd be best friends if we weren't interested in eachother.
I can't wait to meet him. x3

Awkward turtle...

Today I began actively mentoring in like person, which is hard for me. Normally I'm just silly but I actually did something today other than that.
In the morning I cleaned her cuts of a good mentor, which wasn't that awkward it just kind of makes me sad because I remember how it was back in the day.
Anyway in block four I deiced that it would be best if I skipped Marketing to drop in on pupal in her Foods class because I had caught wind that she was struggling. I have to say now THAT was awkward.
Also is hurt my pride quite a lot. I mean, a grade 12 in a grade 9 class? All the kids were staring at me all like wtf? Obviously I wasn't in a very good mood either, because my pride was hurt and all the little kids are annoying as fuck. They wouldn't quit talking, and I don't know about you but I prefer silence during a lesson. I actually had to tell my pupal to pay attention and she like rolled her eyes at me. I thought she was mad at me but apparently not, she thought I was mad at her actually.
I'm going to try and do that once a week... Even though it REALLY destroys me inside. It helps apparently according to the teacher.

Everchanging creatures.

Friday, September 23, 2011
As humans we always have a desire to change something whether it be appearance or personality wise.
Today I changed my appearance.
I now have redish black hair and glasses. :3 Here's a crappy picture.


Sunday, September 18, 2011
Omg my wife Neve is gonna be a Magicarp for me for Halloween. It like made my life.
Also I love this picture Yuki-kun sent me.

New things.

This week was... interesting to say the least.
Got new members for the club and I actually began mentoring a grade 9. She's legit the me from 3 years ago so I want to make sure she doesn't go through all the bullshit I went through/am going through. Although I realized one thing, I'm weird.
On the internet through like twitter I can give like motivational speeches and offer kind words that sound super smart, but in reality I can only be super silly. On the other hand that appears to be working.
Yesterday I had to meet her mother and so I took out my lip piercing, (which in its self changes my appearance more drastically than you'd think) dress normally and act straight. I bowed a lot actually... Iwasborninthewrongcountry.
I think it went well, but I don't know.
I also finally sold my long board yesterday for $150! I bought money for my phone at long last and am going to be getting my hair dyed next friday. Also I have to get my boots repaired cause they like... died when I was fleeing my house yesterday. I had to take them off and walk in my socks. People were staring.
Lastly, I get my glasses this Tuesday. I am excited!
Life has had its MAJOR down sides lately, but I wont share. If you follow me on Twitter you probably already know anyway lol.
Black hair, I will have you once again one day.

Picture day.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011
I was signed up to help with school picture day (against my will I may add) and at first it was easy. All I had to do was sit at a table, ask people their names, and give them a little card. Although this is my life we're talking about so it changed pretty drastically after an hour and a half.
Now, our school got a new principal this year and he decided that at that moment it would be a wonderful idea to find out how many students there are in this school, and how did he decide to do that? He printed out 215 pieces of paper that contained class lists with NO grade on them. He wanted us, who were already fairly busy, to sort them by grade and tick of students names as they came in their classes. No one came in like a class, it was all random so after various minutes of us all stressing and pulling our hair out, arguing, and such we gave up on his idea. He can just count how many cards are left over and add it to the total of students who got their photo taken. 
I should get paid for all that but NOOO. I get nothing, we didn't even get a thank you.
Lauren, one of the people doing it with me, was so mad after all of this bull shit she left the school for a drive.
I also had to wake up at 6 AM for this. 

On the bright side I did get to make a new friend who shares me name and is a lot like how I used to be. I think I'm going to try and kind of "mentor" her so she doesn't make the same shitty mistakes I did and have to get hit by a car to get knocked out of all this bullshit. My heart goes out to her in all honesty. 

Life update.

Saturday, September 10, 2011
I haven't been making proper posts updating your guys about my life, and I know I said I would like disclose my future career plans in it's own post and never did, so I'll do that all here along with a short story update.
Let's start with school.
As the above implies I started school this week and I've been having a very good time. I have a spare in block one meaning I can sleep in for a bit, and have friends in all of my classes. I also noticed that I've become a LOT more social this year, I don't shy away from conversations like I used to in years prior to this. I guess I adapted a new personality after a summer of self reflection and watching anime and The L Word. Yet another thing I've noticed is... I've become popular. Not just like "Oh people are talking to me so I'm popular" I actually mean popular. No one hates me it seems (cept this one german guy was like glaring at me in Law class. o___o) and a lot of people are asking to be my grad date. There's only been 3 days of classes and I already have... like 6 people who want to be my grad 'date'. I'm beginning to think I should just bring an army of people to grad and say "They're all my dates..." Although I think I'm only permitted to have one or 2 dates for the dinner.
My club, L.E.A.F has actually been slightly productive. We had a meeting without Mr. Young and actually got everything we needed to discuss worked out. Lets just hope people follow through. This monday we hope to get some new younger members.

Now the new career path I've chosen is a Fashion Consultant. I like fashion so I thought it was a good choice and I can't come up with excuses to not do it. I actually found a college also so I'm all set. I get to make my own line of clothing in college!

As for my stories Love Hotel is more or less on hiatus because I don't feel like making it, but the other one which name isn't set in stone yet with the lab coats is well under way, I may actually finish this one. It's not my best work but I really like it.
As for my novel I've been writing bits and pieces now. I've also kind of re-written Sekai's past. (: I'll post a piece of it sooner or later I believe.

I also legit JUST got my hair styles for free. it's like Jrock inspired. (: Here's a terrible picture I just took.

School picture day's next week... I better like... start being more photogenic again.

New beginnings.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Often times to go forward we find we have to revisit the past.
That is only slightly true for me. I went back to hanging out with my old friends today, as it was the first day of school and I had a blast. We almost all have writing together next semester!
Afterr the 15 minutes we were required to be there (I got put in a new TAG class... they used to be alphabetical but apparently not anymore because I was put with R's and K's when I'm a T O__o) and then just talked about games and anime and such for like... 2 hours then we went into Sidney while seeing a ton of panties littered on the ground. They weren't new ones either... they were like used ones. .___.
Then we went into thrift stores and wandered a bit before going home. I believe this will be an amazing high school year and it's my last! I'm really happy about gradding.. but sad at the same time.
In any case tomorrow is my clubs first meeting. x__x so busy and it's only the first day of classes!


Monday, September 5, 2011
I haven't posted in a long while. Here's a little update list thinger:

  1. Finished my volunteering.
  2. Cleaning out nonstepdads things, found a poem I wrote 3 years ago about my ex. He probably thought it was about him LOL.
  3. Found a convection oven.
  4. Need to find a job ASAP.
  5. School is starting tomorrow.
  6. Getting myself a lab coat.
  7. Been fanning over Steins;Gate hardcorely. 
  8. Currently as in right this moment am watching Shark Week, it's scaring the living shit out of me. I don't know why I watch it every year when I really hate it.
  9. Also been watching a lot of The L Word recently. I know, my lesbian side is showing. u__u (pansexual)
  10. Getting my glasses in like 20 days hopefully.
  11. Selling some stuff... but no one's buying ;A;