Love Hotel.

Saturday, July 30, 2011
I was going to post Light in the Deep Sea part 3, but there hasn't been much progress with that. (BTW Light in the deep sea is the chapter name not the book name.) If you follow me on Twitter you may know that last time I went out to write a hornet tried to attack me so I had to run outside. I don't like writing my novel inside due to the lack of beauty. Although, as I've said many times already, I do have a side project going on that's been working out quite well. I've been trying to make it a short story, but because I dislike planning my stories it's working out a bit too well. It's already 8 pages long, and she hasn't had any real big drama yet other than the story setting its self. Of course this will all be worked out in the end, lets just hope it doesn't turn into a novela or a novel.
I love this story though, and I don't really know why. Mostly when I write I'm just venting my feelings and it turns into this jumpy story, but with love hotel its different. 
Well, I've been going on and on about this story through various posts without giving any quotes or anything, so I decided because I actually have it typed instead of written I'd share my favorite parts so far, and the beginning of course.
Before I begin this story is again based in Japan and has a little bit of Japanese terminology in it, so here's a breif run down on the concepts and terms that we don't have in English, and one translation.
Hime is short for Ohime which in Japanese means Princess.
They call eachother by their last names because they aren't very close yet.
a Love Hotel is a hotel in which couples go to uhm... have fun.
Blonde hair and peircings on a guy isn't the norm, it's more or less considered dangerous.
A Bentou is a lunch box.

How about it girly, wanna go for the night?” An adult man’s voice sounded in the girls ear only a few octaves above the sound of the rain on the aluminium over hang.
She looked up at his face. He was indeed an adult and worked at an office judging from his suit. He was balding and his brown eyes seemed black as coal to her, “Alright. You have to pay for the hotel though and my fee.”
“Of course,” he grabbed her hand and a sleazy smile spread across his face, “Anything for my Ohime-sama.”
Ohime-sama, it may as well be her new name. All of her customers called her that. In the beginning it bothered her, but now she was beyond caring about such trivial things. The man took her to the closest love hotel which wasn’t very far. The hotel block was close to where she was standing around.
Once inside he wasted no time. He quickly stripped her down and tainted her body further, plastering his dirty body onto hers and thrusting hard. She hated it, but at the same time she had no choice. The money from this is what would pay her bills and when she was being touched by greasy fingers and demanding hands the numbness inside her heart melted for a few moments.
The man was quick and zipped his pants back up, “I paid for the night so you can stay here. I also left you a little tip and my number.” And just like that he was gone. That’s how her life was for the past year. People coming, doing the deed, and then leaving.
She stood up and walked into the bathroom staring at her naked body in the mirror. She wasn’t exactly ugly, she had silky long black hair and facial features a lot of the girls at school would die for, she was skinny and her eyes were wide. This all helped her in this line of work she had decided upon, but yet she never had a boyfriend. Despite all her beauty that others saw, she hated her body and herself.


He wasn't half bad, appearance wise. If she was on the right path in life she may have targeted him as her first boyfriend. He was skinny, but had a nice body. His hair was bleached practically white and was long also well styled. He had a couple piercings on each ear and seemed like he had history.


She shoved him in a supply closet and closed the door behind them. No one saw them enter together, “Sorry to burst your bubble but I'm not permitted to have the hots for anyone.” He was about to question her but she shook her head, “If you really want to know about me come to this address at 9:00.” She wrote out the address of the place she usually scouted, “You look like someone who can keep a secret. It'll answer all your questions about me.”
Mika turned to leave the confined space but he grabbed her wrist spinning her around and slamming her against the wall leaning in close, “What if I can't find you?”
Surprise colored her face at the pose she was in now and the fluttering inside her chest, but she refused to lose her composure. She played along and pulled his tie so his face was extremely close to hers, “Here's my mailing address and number then.” She snatched the paper out of his hand and wrote the additional information on it. She placed it in his pocket and walked out of the room feeling something other than numbness.


He didn't pay for the night, only for the next two hours. That's all it took for him to make her do embarrassing things and then leave ahead of her. She threw on her clothes, not caring if they looked nice, and walked out of the hotel with a new wad of cash in her purse. Strange techniques cost extra and he had a lot.
On her way out a hand grabbed her and pulled her down a dark ally way. Was it the guy wanted a free session? She glared at the figure before her, it was too dark to see his features, “Look, I don't give out free fucks. If you want another round you're gonna have to pay again.”
She felt a hand slap her across her face, “What are you doing to yourself Tsubaki?!”


Mika awoke to find herself still in his chest. She blinked and then fell off the bed in surprise. He laughed at her and peaked over the side of the bed wiping sleep from his eyes, “You okay? What's up?”
“You... what did you do to me while I was asleep!?” She looked over herself, she was still dressed in her clothing, (how she managed to sleep in studded leather was beyond her) and showed no sign of being messed with after her night job, “Nothing?... Sorry Ohayashi...” she wiped the crust left from crying all night from her eyes and then looked at the time, “Crap! My uniform's still at home!”
He laughed at her again extending his hand, she took it and he pulled her to her feet to which she began pacing the room attempting to figure out what to do to not be late. If she was late again she'd surly be suspended and they may have to investigate her home life. He placed a hand on her shoulder stopping her pointless pacing and pointed to the closet, “I had your clothes brought here. I told you you're living here from now on.”
She stared at him blankly, processing what had happend last night in her mind again. She had agreed to his proposal. Then it clicked, “Wait, so you're saying from now on I'm going to be sleeping in this room, in this bed, with you every night?”
Mizuo brushed the hair out of his face, “That's right.”
She grabbed her uniform from the closet and scurried to the door as far away from him as possible, “Last time I checked we were not in a relationship!”
“So now you care who you jump into bed with?” His voice took on a hard edge.
Her face flushed red from embarrassment, “Who I jump into bed with has nothing to do with you. It's for money.”
He crossed his arms and seemed to glare at her, “Is it really just for money, Mika?”
Her blush deepened, “One: Whoever said you could call me by my first name, and two: probably not.”
Before he could reply she bolted out the door into the washroom to change and wash off/ put on makeup. She was surprised he even went to the trouble of getting her toiletries and her favourite things. She sighed and walked out of the washroom back into the bedroom where he was sitting on the bed already changed, “Uhm... Okayashi...”
He looked up, obviously put in a bad mood, “Yes, Tsubaki?
She sighed again and sat beside him on the bed playing with her hands, “It's okay, you can still call me Mika... I wanted to apologize for just now. You went through all the trouble to take care of me and I just yell at you, so... I'm sorry.”


He pulled her onto his lap, automatically she felt comforted by his embrace and his scent, “You do. Everyone does, I'll teach you what love is if you'll let me.”
She nodded and let him kiss her, it was a real kiss that wasn't just a result of lust and it felt different than any kiss she had ever received. Once he pulled away she leaned in and bit his ear, “That'll be 1000 yen.”
He narrowed his eyes at her and shook her head, “You don't charge your boyfriend. That was as far as we'll take it for now.”
She tilted her head, “So...” she was confused on how this love thing worked, normally kisses and little bits of teasing would just be foreplay for her.
“When you love someone instead of being payed with money you're payed with feeling happy and loved.” He explained.
“I don't have to pay either? For feeling nice?”
He shook his head with a smile, “It's mutual.”
She stood up and dusted off her skirt once she heard the bell. She ran towards the building and turned around and smiled at him, for the first time, “Thank you Mizuo.”

Sorry for the huge wall of text but yeah, felt like sharing. If you read all that, cookies. :3


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