Favorite Video Game.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011
On Facebook it's Favorite Video Game Character week and I had to think about this quite a bit, because there are a number of video games I love. Everyone who knows me, or has been in my room simply, knows I love Final Fantasy VII, but I can't say that it's my FAVORITE game, it's close though.
My actual favorite, which many people don't know even if they know me well, is The Legend of Dragoon. A very old game from the year 2000 I believe for the PS1. I actually finally managed to beat it (wasn't able to because I didn't have a working 4th disk) and my favorite character is Rose.

She's the Dark Dragon Dragoon and is mysterious, seldom laughs and is the smartest of the bunch. Her attacks can drain health and such, she's really useful. Also the most beautiful.
This game has been apart of me for a very very long time and I still love it to this day. I think it'd be really snazzy if they re-made it, without altering any of the story line or how the game play is because I love all that just update the graphics and such. Or had a prequel to tell the story of Rose and Zeke. It'd be so cute, and then really sad... and the ending of the game would suck LOL.
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  1. Oooo Rose is a pretty game character~
    The last time I remember being into a game was back in grade 6... And it was Runescape. *hurls*

  1. Totally!~ She'd be my wife if the end of the game didn't happen. x3
    I used to play that too x3 But I quit because I made my guy have platinum blonde emo hair and according to the game that means he looks bald ;___;

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