Look on the bright side.

Thursday, July 21, 2011
The future scares me. I'm going to flat out say it, it terrifies me. Although, I'm trying to get over that.

"There is no past, present, or future. Life is only a series on Nows." - Blake Bliss.

I watched a video and heard him say that, and I thought and thought and thought about it. Guess what I discovered, he's right. Why bother thinking about what's happening at other time's when there's NOW to think about. I'm so busy fretting over Graduation that I'm losing track of who I am right now and who my relevent self is. Life is this finite thing that I was trying to break past, but I guess I'm okay with it now. Well- not exactly okay with it but I'm willing to accept the boundaries that I have.
Blake Bliss actually has inspired me a lot as of late and he truly is a beautiful man. He isn't that popular of a youtuber yet, but I think he could be. He helps people and encourages people. He also makes really beautiful music too. He's helped me stir myself back on the right path.
Instead of sitting here in a state of depression wasting my life away I think I'll go outside and admire the little things, the way the sun dances across the grass. The way the ocean twinkles on a sunny day and looks animated on a cloudy day. 
So instead of thinking of how life is the fragile finite thing, why not embrace the gift we were given to speak?
Think of who you are right now, this moment, as you're reading this, because no one will remember who you were two weeks ago and this post will even become completely relevant and forgotten. It matters now though. Don't concentrate on who you were back then, or who you want to be in 10 years, think of who you want to be right now and live in now. 

Actually I was going to use this post to say when I move out in a year I'll be making a lot of vlogs with Yuki... but it turned into a spew of random thoughts. ^ o ^ 
It was a beautiful day today. :3

New favorite word = Finite. :3 

Oh yeah, look up Blake Bliss on youtube. You wont regret it I promise. <3
~Love you.


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