5 days.

Monday, August 1, 2011
As I mentioned in a previous post I landed a job volunteering at an animal place where they sell kittens for adoption among other random nic naks. Today was an unusual day according to my co-workers, we only sold like 7 things and had 4 cats come in. I've never been so tired for awhile, but that's probably due to the lack of sleep and actually going outside for a long while.
I didn't do much, played with the cats, wrote out some cards, and otherwise did random things. I still don't really know how to use the cash register... Nora kinda really quickly explained it and then went on her own thing...
My brains fried and this is a pree bad post... xD
Time to play Rusty Hearts. <3
I thought that screen shot was funny.
Also look what kind of stuff Gaia was promoting in the ads. o.0 I dunno about you but I don't want to make babies with my friends or anyone in fact.


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