Rainbow day.

Saturday, July 16, 2011
Last Sunday was LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transsexual) day in Victoria and of course all of my friends and I went as all of us, minus Fay, are part of that world. Yuki did my hair and makeup for the day and then we all met on the bus. Afterwords we got some food, I bought five doughnuts which I only ate 3... x3 They were on Sale though and I had money D:
Then we went to the parade! It was magical. I have no photos of the parade its self as we didn't take any. I took a video but I really don't wanna edit/post a fifteen minute video on youtube. The rendering time would take too long! If you're really keen on seeing the parade just look up Victoria Pride Parade 2011 or something on youtube there are a couple videos there.
After that we had no idea what to do, Bert and Fay and I made up naveling. Where you randomly flash your navel in public. We bought some sharpies and wrote on our tummys and naveled like twice... xD Here's a picture of it:
We all decided we needed to lose weight... We also wen't planking as you can see.

Bert and Fay got to take a picture with some drag queens!

By the fountian

On some mail boxes
On a recycling bin making a scary face

On some random box with starfish on it

There were more photos like one was really epic on a pole but they weren't posted for some reason.

Next year we wanna be IN the parade. :3 Hopefully on a car cause I really don't wanna walk that much. ;A;

I also had a plan to take someone to a hotel buuuut... that failed really hardcore. I met no new people. xD

They also gave out free condoms, score? Too bad I wont need it due to loverlessness. .__.


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