Strange and beautiful.

Monday, July 4, 2011
With each day another adventure begins and another realization occurs. It seems a little late but I've been realizing recently that summer has really begun and I really have nothing to do and no place to go unless I make the plans, which I guess I'm not used to. I've also realized that since school ended like 3 or 4 weeks ago, not sure when because I'm not a fan of breaks, I haven't written in my book at all. Is it weird that I feel bad for the characters in my story? I'd assume it is.
Well, when I write a story I don't just write. I create another world, another reality and by me not writing in it I kinda feel like they're all frozen in place. Let's see what my little creations are frozen doing...
Kagura got out of the shower and is laughing with her lesbian friends
Sayuri is amazed at how long Kagura can sleep
Tsukino just got home and is making tea
Taku is probably still sleeping knowing him.
Hiro is probs being an emo kid in his room- or  is he? ;)
Haru is waking up from his night job. He's a little play boy.
Yuu is studying.
I feel bad that they're all stuck in the morning with nothing to do- especially Yuu! How can that boy study for 3 straight weeks? I feel horrid. I should probably write in it as soon as possible.
Also, that story is a continuation of another book I had written which I had considering calling Time because time is a very important thing in the story with memories and all. I spent a year writing it, but I really don't like how my skills then we're very bad and how much better the second book is compared to the first. I think I could just... drop the first, but that would put the story in jeopardy.
Like, in the first book Kagura met Hiro, regained her sense of time, fell in love, attended high school for the first time ever, remembered the time she lost and her rape and abuse, realized she could live with the scars, became happy with Hiro, realized she has a second persona, almost got killed at school activating her second persona, learned about her second persona Sekai, got abducted with Hiro but her uncle who adopted her and raped her ect, learned he's a demon, saw her bf her close childhood friend almost die, kill the akuma, moved to Japan with them, healed, adjusted, learned of Saki and Sekai, got abused by her new family, and lastly got broken up with.
I've conveyed SOME of all that in the second book but... not the whole uncle/akuma battle which was pretty important cause it is the first time Sekai is really prominent and important cause she is a really important part of the plot. But book one doesn't have attractive punk guys and lesbians and mature content. >__<
Writing a book series for over a year and a half is hard....
I'd probs make something like this the cover if it ever got published. xD


  1. Your book sounds quite intriguing. :)
    Reading this inspired me to get back into writing. My post-apocalyptic idea didn't work out the way I wanted (not to say I'll never finish it), but I had another novel idea that I came up with in grade 10 that I want to use, I just need a way to captivate myself into writing more. I'm going to finish a draft post about it tomorrow, I feel like I've been neglecting my blog this month.

  1. Yay thank you. I'm glad I've inspired you to get back into writing. Lets hope this idea pans out unlike the other thousand ideas you've had xD.
    You haveee llol.

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