Light in the deep sea - part two.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Before I launch right into another segment of my story I thought I'd put a little update (or lack of) on the writing process. I want to say that I've written tons and tons like I did while school was in, but that's not really the case. Lately I've been out of sorts and my depression has worsened (I make it sound like an illness haha! well that's what it actually is, but...) although this always happens to me during the summer due to my lack of actually going out and doing things. This year's a bit different though, but this post isn't about my weird mental/medical disorders - it's about my book! Actually, the truth is since that last post around a week or so ago I've only written a page. Yes that is all I've written and I am ashamed.
But that doesn't mean I haven't been writing!
I actually got an idea for another story while talking with Yuki about telling people to go to love hotels. (They don't have those in Canada though) so I've been writing a story about prostitution in high school. I've only written a page of that but I liked what I had written so I may continue! It's called, big surprise, Love Hotel.
I've also, just recently, gotten inspiration from Blake Bliss on youtube, he's soooo amazing, and the anime Macross Frontier. The character Sheryl to be exact.
Now onto the main event! This segment is still in the first chapter but it's not exactly where we left our depressed little Kagura.
As a little catch up so you're not all "WTF GOING ON?!?!? D<" Kagura now lives with Sayuri and Tsukino who she has discovered are Lesbians and just saw Sayuri's band practice becoming a dedicated fan. They're now having a party, for no reason.


He took the hint, "Anyway, where's your alcohol? I want a beer!"
Everyone laughed feeling the same thing, "You can go get some with Kagura," Sayuri replied as she snickered together with Tsukino.
"Eh?! Why do I have to go too?" she flushed red, "I'm still a minor!"
Tsukino reached over Sayuri to pat her shoulder reassuringly, "Little Taku can't possibly carry all of that alcohol on his own, just go!" Kagura wanted to protest but before she even got the chance to say anything the two girls had grabbed her, pushed her out the door with Taku and her bag, and locked her out.
Taku laughed at her confused and shocked expression, "Let's go then Kagura, will you split the cost with me?"
She recovered herself quickly, "Ah, yeah. I've got some money to spend anyway." She walked behind him to the liquor store, admiring his light attitude all the way. It somehow made the night feel less lonely.
It was dark, but Taku kept up a steady pace that was easy to match. He was being considerate of her, or so she thought, "This is going to sound sudden, but do you have a boyfriend? Or are you Sayuri and Tsukino's play thing?"
Kagura couldn't help but to giggle, "No I'm not their play thing, and I'm single."
He slipped his hands into his pockets, "That's a bummer. Why are you living with those two then? I tried asking them at practice but they'd never answer me."
They must be trying to protect me, she thought happily but her voice still turned cold at the memory, "Truthfully, I was dumped at school and those two and comforted me some time back now. I've been living with them since then."
He stopped walking causing Kagura to bump right into his back. He then turned around, grabbed her arms, and gazed into her eyes, "Are you okay now?"
She was surprised and couldn't speak. His deep green eyes were full of concern- but not the kind of concern Hiro would have shown. His was more deep rooted while Hiro's was just a genuine kind of concern. She found herself easily getting lost in his eyes and suddenly moisture tracked down her cheeks. After a moment she had to look away in order to answer him, "I want to say that I am after everything they've done for me, but... I don't think I am." The tears rolled more steadily from her eyes as she looked back into those eyes, "I'm happy to have changed life styles though."
Taku pulled her into his chest and embraced her tightly, "If it's okay, I'll be there for you. I know we just met and all... but you're really special. I'll do everything into my power to make you happy!" His voice took on a hard edge that she could tell was a rarity.
"Taku..." she breathed into his shirt, and slowly wrapped her arms around his body, grasping his shirt tightly in her fists, "You're going to make me fall for you..." she was scared, scared to fall for anyone. Scared of being hurt, scared of losing him, but scared of gaining him and absolutely terrified of being alone. But somehow, it didn't feel wrong.
His next words changed her forever, "Then fall for me. I like you Kagura," she jolted straight in his arms with wide eyes, "I want to be yours."
She pulled away to look back into his face, and saw the love inside him reflect from his eyes, "You win." She leaned up and kissed his lips. Her heart was racing inside her chest as she tasted his moist breath. Forcing herself to pull away to wipe away her tears of joy, "We should probably get the beer." She grabbed his hand, grinning brightly looking forward to days to come at long last.


I'm not sure if I'm that great at writing the romantic parts, even though I love writing them, because I've never experienced a romance. Something like what happened above to me is just a scenario I had in my head that I wrote on paper. I hope I wrote it properly haha.
I should stop reading so many shoujo manga and get writing or something! Or -looks at clock- eat something due to the fact it's like 9 PM now...


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