Time to get a little serious

Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Normally on this blog I try to blog about happy things as to make other people happy and not have a ton of people barge into my most personal and sensitive times, but I guess I have to state one thing because it really got to me.
I was on youtube and I saw a video, and then near the end the person (fakely but it looked super reals) self harmed and I pretty much just about freaked out. Not because the person was self harming because I accept those people, but because I remembered my own experiences and dances with that devil. I used to be an addict to self harm so I remember quite clearly what it felt like- I wont go into details though.
It's just, the sight of skin being opened, or blood on a knife makes me remember what brought me to those times and makes my limbs go numb and my body shake because I don't want to relapse ever. I deal with a lot of people who self harm and I don't tell them "Don't do it it's bad!" I just simply ask "Do you know the consequences and what this will bring in the future?" If they say yes then I won't lecture them, but if they don't I will give them a run down on how the scars normally don't fade completely, how you always have the feeling that you'll give in and how blood flow isn't normal in the limbs you self harmed on. I don't want them to feel the guilt when someone asks, especially a child, "What are all those scars from?" Because honestly, no matter what the hell you say, you will feel guilty and sad when you're asked.

You can't save someone, you can only help them save themselves. I learned that the hard way various times and now my help is more effective. If you know someone who self harms do NOT ask tell them not to, it makes them do it more and worsely. Just simply ask if they know what they're getting into and if they want to bear with that guilt. Let them do the thinking, not you. :)

Sorry for the super deep post but honestly it's something I can't let go.


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