Book clubs are fun too.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011
In English we're doing book club and my friend and I decided we wanted to do something to do with homosexuality and coming out so the librarian directed us to the book Running With Scissors by Augusten Burroughs.

At first glance we were excited to read the book and do our report on it as no one had done it before and we've always been a fan of books about the gay community, and so we began reading as soon as we got our hands on it. We thought it would be funny and cute.
We were wrong.
I want to say one thing. DO NOT READ THIS BOOK!
If you're a fan of pedophilia, rape, and plain insanity go for it, but legit at least half this book is of very graphic disturbing scenes of rape and sex. That's not even what got to us though, no. We can handle a sex scene even if it is graphic normally it wouldn't phase us. It'd be like reading about someone going to the store.
What go us was that this is a Memoir. Meaning it legitimatly happened in his life which while you're reading it you think that it's a lie but who would lie about this kind of stuff? It's gross.
Also, we have to do a presentation on why people shouldn't read this book and demonstrate it visually. We could cosplay (Probably as the more sane characters) and draw things but we're stumped on how to keep it PG13.
What have we gotten ourselves into?
All in all besides the really uhm... gross content I liked the book. It was really well written and kept me gripped the entire time. Even with that said I wouldn't recommend it to the average person on the street to read.


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