Second hand faith.

Monday, October 24, 2011
I never really meant to make you feel bad by saying that, although it was fairly obvious that that would have hurt you. I know you want to spend every waking moment with him, as most young couples do, and I selfishly want you all for myself. That's probably another reason I made you lock me up. I love you too much, I know you say there is no such thing as loving someone too much but I think there is. It's the point where love crosses obsession, the point where the smallest actions you do cause chaos (good or bad) inside my new heart.
I will be with you on Halloween, I told you at the very beginning that I was a self sacrificing woman, and for you I would do anything. Even though I don't want to go because I know you two will have that lovey atmosphere that crushes me so I will go and find a way to enjoy myself. I just wont look.
I'm sorry, I can't show you my true emotions in front of you. I don't want you to see me cry because that would shatter the strong image you have of me. I've forgotten how to cry in front of people also because I've never had any one to cry to. Maybe one day you'll see me cry, and if so I apologize. I have to hide my emotions to save myself from hating myself more.
More so than you're the reason of my pain you are the reason of my pride and my joy. You are my darling pupal. I'm too attached to you that you skipping school to be with him hurts me, I don't want you taken away from me. I also fear that your boyfriend will take you away from me somehow. I'm a paranoid person also, did I ever mention that?
It isn't really a blood ritual if it doesn't have meaning behind it. You only need to do one to become bound forever, anything beyond that is just Vampyric, or a lust for blood. I don't particularly mind the idea though, if you'd actually do it properly this time. I think you're more or less becoming less than human because of me.
Never the less I love you.


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