Light in the deep sea.

Saturday, July 9, 2011
As I stated in my previous post I would be posting little bits and pieces from my book ,and what other place to start than the very beginning? So here we go. :) This is the first anyone has ever read this also. It's based in Japan so when they say their names it's Last name and then first name.


The sun was starting to set and in the distant corner of her mind she realized school must have ended. She still sat in the corner of the roof, her knees hugged  to her chest. The tears has finished leaking from her eyes, yet she still wouldn't move. Her body was numb except for her joints which screamed for movement and her knuckles which blood was beginning to dry.
Kagura slowly raised her head as she felt a warm arm rest around her shoulders. A strikingly beautiful woman with silver hair and deep brown eyes whose hair was long and well kept sat beside her. Beside the woman stood another beauty. This one wore a shy smile and blue eyes that seemed sad. Her short black hair was the perfect contrast to the other girl.
Kagura moved her lips to for the words 'what are you doing here?' but only the tiniest voice escaped.
The silver haired girl was close enough to hear the whisper, "Sayuri and I always come up here during the sunset as of a few weeks ago. What are you doing up here all alone?"
The girl with short hair, Sayuri, shot a warning glance at her friend although Kagura answered anyway. It made no difference as to who knew, "I was broken up with here at lunch and never bothered to go back to class... I guess school ended then..." Her voice gained more volume than before.
Sayuri was the one who spoke this time, "Poor thing..." she looked away from Kagura to the other girl, "Tsukino..."
She winked at Sayuri and squeezed Kagura's shoulder, "Are you free right now? Sayuri and I were going to go out for some cake, our treat."
Life returned to Kagura's body as she listened to the kind strangers request, and slowly realized that in her entire life she had never made any friends apart from Sana and... and him. She smiled and nodded, forgetting everything Hiro, her ex, had spoken of just now, "My name is Hisagi Kagura, thank you for inviting me."
The girl stood up and extended her hand towards her, "I'm Hanazono Tsukino and this,"  she gestured towards the girl who had taken her free hand, "is Mitsu Sayuri."
"Nice to meet you, I hope you feel better." Sayuri's lips rested in a smile on her small face.
"I already do." Kagura raised her hand and the two girls took it pulling her to her feet together. The girls then went on either side of her grasping her hands and walking out of the school into the town. For one of the first times in her life she had managed to make friends with people at school. Breaking up had some upsides after all.

I didn't draw this but this is kinda what Kagura would have looked like when she was with her ex boyfriend Hiro.
And now she's turned punk due to the influence of Sayuri and Tsukino and her CURRENT boyfriend Taku

Taku would kinda look like this. I'd marry him xD

For lack of a better picture this would be Sayuri

For lack of a better picture that wouldn't get my blog flagged this would be Tsukino. Cept not all sad. xD

I used anime photos because it's even harder to find pictures of real people that fit the bill... and it's creepy. There also aren't any like... ugly people in my story I realized. o-o I couldn't bare to make any of them ugly though D: 


  1. I didn't notice this because I haven't been on blogger lately, but good work. :) I have trouble making ugly people too, or ugly protagonists at least- but mine usually suffer from some psychological issues.

  1. I'd feel sorry for them if they were ugly! D:

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