I saw a turtle.

Monday, July 25, 2011
Excuse the uncreative title but I can't think of anything to describe these past couple days together.

Yesterday I went out with Tyler as we decided to have a photoshoot. The last one we had was one year ago, like exactly. We dressed up in a simple summer theme, mostly because it's too hot to dress up too much, and caught a bus into Victoria to Beacon Hill Park. We were worried because last time we went there there was some guy who's phone got stolen and we said we didn't take it and then we had to go home and as we were walking away we hear, "FUCK YOU!!! @$^#%$@%# YOU %$#^#%@^$@ PHONE $#^$#E#$ FUUUUCCCCKKK!~" Obviously we were frightened. (The %$^#$ stuff is because we couldn't make clear of what he was saying exactly.) We were glad we got out, sounds like he was gonna get violent.
In any case he wasn't even there today so we were able to take pictures on the giant rock peacefully.
 Copying a pose we saw some Asian girl do the day before.
 We're on the whiter side of pale...

 Sometimes I really enjoy posing as a man.
 You see where it starts to look like Africa? Apparently that zone is dangerous and we were told not to go over there, so we never have. :3

After we were done with the rocks we moved on to a bridge where we saw ducks and a turtle swimming! I've always wanted to see a wild turtle, and it was sooooo cute! he swam underwater though... T___T I have a video of us chasing him. :P We also decided to take a couple photos there, I decided to pose like a man and he like a woman. We switched roles you see.

After that we continued on our grand quest inwards. We heard some music which we thought was a chior but it was really some random band playing. I think they were religious so we fled but we found a nice shady bench and couldn't find the will power to leave... Also because of our obsession with K-pop and whipped out my iPod and started playing some on speaker. :P People passed us with questioning looks throughout the entire time.
I need to lose weight... so badly...

The sun was beginning to set and this place gets really scary at night so we decided to walk to the bus stop. I didn't bother to stop my ipod either so a lot more people were staring at us and some were glaring and others laughing. Anyway as we were across the street from the bus stop guess what just happens to pass by? Our bus! The next one didn't come for an hour. We walked to the next bus stop and then some weird chicks started begging everyone for gum. Some guy on a old person scooter drove by and winked at me and gave me a thumbs up.
Every time... some weird guy hits on me. Yet I'm moving to this very city. LOL

Onwards to today, much less eventful. Today mother forced me to go out and... volunteer! So I have to phone some lady tomorrow about it. I really hate working for free but I guess the days of getting a job without experience and being trained is over. If these people are going to look for people to work for them for free they better have the nerve to like train them. It's common sense in my books.
ANYWAYS. I went and got her number and then marched on off to the glasses place to put a down payment on my glasses. They're $173 CAD and they're not even my first choice of frames. The first choice would have totaled up to over $300 CAD. T___T They were cool too, but I guess plain black ones will have to do.
Also the worst thing happened today, we were cut off from our internet. My world ended... that sounds pathetic... but for someone who relies on the internet to contact people because she's legit out of phone minutes for the next month, it's pretty bad. Although thanks to this I was able to start editing a new video which looks pretty good. I only finished 17 seconds in the two hours I was working on it. Dedication.
Other than that I worked on Love Hotel the short story mentioned in the other post. It's turning in a direction I didn't think it would go. She's not going to be a whore much longer actually. She was only a whore for five pages. u___u
I make it sound like I don't have control over how my stories go, and I guess truthfully I don't. Words just flow through my body onto paper or a screen and eventually there's a result.
Another weird thing is, I don't know if this happens to you guys, but I was looking on my files from my laptop and I found 4 stories I have no memory of starting. They're called "Addiction", "I was told...", "Things Fade With Time", and "Would You Kill for Love?" I write a lot of love stories, actually I find a story boring without a little romance and drama. That's my prized genera. ;3
"Would You Kill for Love?" is another version of a story I wrote for Writing 12, but I actually don't remember writing this version and I called the actual story "Beautiful and Evil."
I'm a weird kid.


  1. LOL! I was like... Where's mister turtle? :O
    It looks like you and your friend had fun taking photos. Thank god the crazy phone man aint there!
    You're brave to blast kpop on your iPod! I listen to my music down lowww -_-
    Ahah, it seems you are always getting hit on by weird people!
    That's whack how your found stories that you don't remember writing. I've got one short shitastic story saved somewhere on the comp. Maybe one day it'll surface!

  1. Maybe I'll edit the video with him in it and post it but ipods dont have zoom so you probs cant even see him LOL
    I waas feeling brave that day. :3
    I'm pretty sure I could write a book souly on what kind of people hit on me. .___.
    You should post it I'd love to read it. :) I might post Love Hotel when I'm done. Or parts of it.

  1. What the fudge @ iPods not having the zoom function in its camera! D:
    I'd totes read the book about people hitting on you! It'd definitely amuse me rofl!
    Eurgh! My writing is horrific. Like it's not good enough to show to anyone but my uni teachers.

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