Love Hotel.

Saturday, July 30, 2011
I was going to post Light in the Deep Sea part 3, but there hasn't been much progress with that. (BTW Light in the deep sea is the chapter name not the book name.) If you follow me on Twitter you may know that last time I went out to write a hornet tried to attack me so I had to run outside. I don't like writing my novel inside due to the lack of beauty. Although, as I've said many times already, I do have a side project going on that's been working out quite well. I've been trying to make it a short story, but because I dislike planning my stories it's working out a bit too well. It's already 8 pages long, and she hasn't had any real big drama yet other than the story setting its self. Of course this will all be worked out in the end, lets just hope it doesn't turn into a novela or a novel.
I love this story though, and I don't really know why. Mostly when I write I'm just venting my feelings and it turns into this jumpy story, but with love hotel its different. 
Well, I've been going on and on about this story through various posts without giving any quotes or anything, so I decided because I actually have it typed instead of written I'd share my favorite parts so far, and the beginning of course.
Before I begin this story is again based in Japan and has a little bit of Japanese terminology in it, so here's a breif run down on the concepts and terms that we don't have in English, and one translation.
Hime is short for Ohime which in Japanese means Princess.
They call eachother by their last names because they aren't very close yet.
a Love Hotel is a hotel in which couples go to uhm... have fun.
Blonde hair and peircings on a guy isn't the norm, it's more or less considered dangerous.
A Bentou is a lunch box.

How about it girly, wanna go for the night?” An adult man’s voice sounded in the girls ear only a few octaves above the sound of the rain on the aluminium over hang.
She looked up at his face. He was indeed an adult and worked at an office judging from his suit. He was balding and his brown eyes seemed black as coal to her, “Alright. You have to pay for the hotel though and my fee.”
“Of course,” he grabbed her hand and a sleazy smile spread across his face, “Anything for my Ohime-sama.”
Ohime-sama, it may as well be her new name. All of her customers called her that. In the beginning it bothered her, but now she was beyond caring about such trivial things. The man took her to the closest love hotel which wasn’t very far. The hotel block was close to where she was standing around.
Once inside he wasted no time. He quickly stripped her down and tainted her body further, plastering his dirty body onto hers and thrusting hard. She hated it, but at the same time she had no choice. The money from this is what would pay her bills and when she was being touched by greasy fingers and demanding hands the numbness inside her heart melted for a few moments.
The man was quick and zipped his pants back up, “I paid for the night so you can stay here. I also left you a little tip and my number.” And just like that he was gone. That’s how her life was for the past year. People coming, doing the deed, and then leaving.
She stood up and walked into the bathroom staring at her naked body in the mirror. She wasn’t exactly ugly, she had silky long black hair and facial features a lot of the girls at school would die for, she was skinny and her eyes were wide. This all helped her in this line of work she had decided upon, but yet she never had a boyfriend. Despite all her beauty that others saw, she hated her body and herself.


He wasn't half bad, appearance wise. If she was on the right path in life she may have targeted him as her first boyfriend. He was skinny, but had a nice body. His hair was bleached practically white and was long also well styled. He had a couple piercings on each ear and seemed like he had history.


She shoved him in a supply closet and closed the door behind them. No one saw them enter together, “Sorry to burst your bubble but I'm not permitted to have the hots for anyone.” He was about to question her but she shook her head, “If you really want to know about me come to this address at 9:00.” She wrote out the address of the place she usually scouted, “You look like someone who can keep a secret. It'll answer all your questions about me.”
Mika turned to leave the confined space but he grabbed her wrist spinning her around and slamming her against the wall leaning in close, “What if I can't find you?”
Surprise colored her face at the pose she was in now and the fluttering inside her chest, but she refused to lose her composure. She played along and pulled his tie so his face was extremely close to hers, “Here's my mailing address and number then.” She snatched the paper out of his hand and wrote the additional information on it. She placed it in his pocket and walked out of the room feeling something other than numbness.


He didn't pay for the night, only for the next two hours. That's all it took for him to make her do embarrassing things and then leave ahead of her. She threw on her clothes, not caring if they looked nice, and walked out of the hotel with a new wad of cash in her purse. Strange techniques cost extra and he had a lot.
On her way out a hand grabbed her and pulled her down a dark ally way. Was it the guy wanted a free session? She glared at the figure before her, it was too dark to see his features, “Look, I don't give out free fucks. If you want another round you're gonna have to pay again.”
She felt a hand slap her across her face, “What are you doing to yourself Tsubaki?!”


Mika awoke to find herself still in his chest. She blinked and then fell off the bed in surprise. He laughed at her and peaked over the side of the bed wiping sleep from his eyes, “You okay? What's up?”
“You... what did you do to me while I was asleep!?” She looked over herself, she was still dressed in her clothing, (how she managed to sleep in studded leather was beyond her) and showed no sign of being messed with after her night job, “Nothing?... Sorry Ohayashi...” she wiped the crust left from crying all night from her eyes and then looked at the time, “Crap! My uniform's still at home!”
He laughed at her again extending his hand, she took it and he pulled her to her feet to which she began pacing the room attempting to figure out what to do to not be late. If she was late again she'd surly be suspended and they may have to investigate her home life. He placed a hand on her shoulder stopping her pointless pacing and pointed to the closet, “I had your clothes brought here. I told you you're living here from now on.”
She stared at him blankly, processing what had happend last night in her mind again. She had agreed to his proposal. Then it clicked, “Wait, so you're saying from now on I'm going to be sleeping in this room, in this bed, with you every night?”
Mizuo brushed the hair out of his face, “That's right.”
She grabbed her uniform from the closet and scurried to the door as far away from him as possible, “Last time I checked we were not in a relationship!”
“So now you care who you jump into bed with?” His voice took on a hard edge.
Her face flushed red from embarrassment, “Who I jump into bed with has nothing to do with you. It's for money.”
He crossed his arms and seemed to glare at her, “Is it really just for money, Mika?”
Her blush deepened, “One: Whoever said you could call me by my first name, and two: probably not.”
Before he could reply she bolted out the door into the washroom to change and wash off/ put on makeup. She was surprised he even went to the trouble of getting her toiletries and her favourite things. She sighed and walked out of the washroom back into the bedroom where he was sitting on the bed already changed, “Uhm... Okayashi...”
He looked up, obviously put in a bad mood, “Yes, Tsubaki?
She sighed again and sat beside him on the bed playing with her hands, “It's okay, you can still call me Mika... I wanted to apologize for just now. You went through all the trouble to take care of me and I just yell at you, so... I'm sorry.”


He pulled her onto his lap, automatically she felt comforted by his embrace and his scent, “You do. Everyone does, I'll teach you what love is if you'll let me.”
She nodded and let him kiss her, it was a real kiss that wasn't just a result of lust and it felt different than any kiss she had ever received. Once he pulled away she leaned in and bit his ear, “That'll be 1000 yen.”
He narrowed his eyes at her and shook her head, “You don't charge your boyfriend. That was as far as we'll take it for now.”
She tilted her head, “So...” she was confused on how this love thing worked, normally kisses and little bits of teasing would just be foreplay for her.
“When you love someone instead of being payed with money you're payed with feeling happy and loved.” He explained.
“I don't have to pay either? For feeling nice?”
He shook his head with a smile, “It's mutual.”
She stood up and dusted off her skirt once she heard the bell. She ran towards the building and turned around and smiled at him, for the first time, “Thank you Mizuo.”

Sorry for the huge wall of text but yeah, felt like sharing. If you read all that, cookies. :3

Nerdy side taking over.

Friday, July 29, 2011
I've mostly been wasting the summer away, like every year, but this time in a nerdy way. Here's an example.
Anime I'm currently watching:
Blood - C
No. 6
Ao no Exorcist
Hanasaku Iroha
Kamisama no Memochou
Mayo Chika
R-15 (For the wtf I efing hate this kid I hope he dies factor, I'm not a perv)
Steins; Gate
The Idolmaster
Yuru Yuri
Fullmental Alcamest: Brotherhood
Kimikiss Pure Rogue (I thought it was a yuri/shoujo ai anime but apparently not. <__< The poster was misleading)
Deadman Wonderland
I'm considering watching a few others also.

Here's my manga list- Keep in mind I forget half of them cause I finish what's out and forget it's name LOL
Good Ending
Kaichou wa Maid-sama
Dengeki Daisy
Vampire Knight
Kyou Koi Hagimemasu
Black Bird
Say I Love You
Watashi ni xx Shinsai
Hapi Mari (JUST starting this one)
Why Do You Love Me?
5 CM per Second
Boku Kare Kimi ga Kienai
Love Berrish
Switch Girl
Chocolate Cosmos
Honey Hunt
Tokyo ESP
NANA (I have a firm belief that it will one day be continued ;A;)
A Lolipop or a Bullet
and that's only the ones that are still ongoing ;3 There's more that I've read this summer lol those are just the ones I'm still reading/waiting for updates.

I've also been playing the Closed Beta of Rusty Hearts and the Open Beta of \Dragon Nest.
The gunner isn't out yet but when she is... ;A; If only she had black hair she'd be my new wife.
I am a HUGE nerd... for things out of this country.

But I haven't wasted it ALL away I've also been video editing, writing and as of today landed a volunteering job. On Monday's I get to work with cats all day long. and sell stuff. After I'm done my 30 hours for school maybe I can finally get a PAYING job.

Favorite Video Game.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011
On Facebook it's Favorite Video Game Character week and I had to think about this quite a bit, because there are a number of video games I love. Everyone who knows me, or has been in my room simply, knows I love Final Fantasy VII, but I can't say that it's my FAVORITE game, it's close though.
My actual favorite, which many people don't know even if they know me well, is The Legend of Dragoon. A very old game from the year 2000 I believe for the PS1. I actually finally managed to beat it (wasn't able to because I didn't have a working 4th disk) and my favorite character is Rose.

She's the Dark Dragon Dragoon and is mysterious, seldom laughs and is the smartest of the bunch. Her attacks can drain health and such, she's really useful. Also the most beautiful.
This game has been apart of me for a very very long time and I still love it to this day. I think it'd be really snazzy if they re-made it, without altering any of the story line or how the game play is because I love all that just update the graphics and such. Or had a prequel to tell the story of Rose and Zeke. It'd be so cute, and then really sad... and the ending of the game would suck LOL.
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I saw a turtle.

Monday, July 25, 2011
Excuse the uncreative title but I can't think of anything to describe these past couple days together.

Yesterday I went out with Tyler as we decided to have a photoshoot. The last one we had was one year ago, like exactly. We dressed up in a simple summer theme, mostly because it's too hot to dress up too much, and caught a bus into Victoria to Beacon Hill Park. We were worried because last time we went there there was some guy who's phone got stolen and we said we didn't take it and then we had to go home and as we were walking away we hear, "FUCK YOU!!! @$^#%$@%# YOU %$#^#%@^$@ PHONE $#^$#E#$ FUUUUCCCCKKK!~" Obviously we were frightened. (The %$^#$ stuff is because we couldn't make clear of what he was saying exactly.) We were glad we got out, sounds like he was gonna get violent.
In any case he wasn't even there today so we were able to take pictures on the giant rock peacefully.
 Copying a pose we saw some Asian girl do the day before.
 We're on the whiter side of pale...

 Sometimes I really enjoy posing as a man.
 You see where it starts to look like Africa? Apparently that zone is dangerous and we were told not to go over there, so we never have. :3

After we were done with the rocks we moved on to a bridge where we saw ducks and a turtle swimming! I've always wanted to see a wild turtle, and it was sooooo cute! he swam underwater though... T___T I have a video of us chasing him. :P We also decided to take a couple photos there, I decided to pose like a man and he like a woman. We switched roles you see.

After that we continued on our grand quest inwards. We heard some music which we thought was a chior but it was really some random band playing. I think they were religious so we fled but we found a nice shady bench and couldn't find the will power to leave... Also because of our obsession with K-pop and whipped out my iPod and started playing some on speaker. :P People passed us with questioning looks throughout the entire time.
I need to lose weight... so badly...

The sun was beginning to set and this place gets really scary at night so we decided to walk to the bus stop. I didn't bother to stop my ipod either so a lot more people were staring at us and some were glaring and others laughing. Anyway as we were across the street from the bus stop guess what just happens to pass by? Our bus! The next one didn't come for an hour. We walked to the next bus stop and then some weird chicks started begging everyone for gum. Some guy on a old person scooter drove by and winked at me and gave me a thumbs up.
Every time... some weird guy hits on me. Yet I'm moving to this very city. LOL

Onwards to today, much less eventful. Today mother forced me to go out and... volunteer! So I have to phone some lady tomorrow about it. I really hate working for free but I guess the days of getting a job without experience and being trained is over. If these people are going to look for people to work for them for free they better have the nerve to like train them. It's common sense in my books.
ANYWAYS. I went and got her number and then marched on off to the glasses place to put a down payment on my glasses. They're $173 CAD and they're not even my first choice of frames. The first choice would have totaled up to over $300 CAD. T___T They were cool too, but I guess plain black ones will have to do.
Also the worst thing happened today, we were cut off from our internet. My world ended... that sounds pathetic... but for someone who relies on the internet to contact people because she's legit out of phone minutes for the next month, it's pretty bad. Although thanks to this I was able to start editing a new video which looks pretty good. I only finished 17 seconds in the two hours I was working on it. Dedication.
Other than that I worked on Love Hotel the short story mentioned in the other post. It's turning in a direction I didn't think it would go. She's not going to be a whore much longer actually. She was only a whore for five pages. u___u
I make it sound like I don't have control over how my stories go, and I guess truthfully I don't. Words just flow through my body onto paper or a screen and eventually there's a result.
Another weird thing is, I don't know if this happens to you guys, but I was looking on my files from my laptop and I found 4 stories I have no memory of starting. They're called "Addiction", "I was told...", "Things Fade With Time", and "Would You Kill for Love?" I write a lot of love stories, actually I find a story boring without a little romance and drama. That's my prized genera. ;3
"Would You Kill for Love?" is another version of a story I wrote for Writing 12, but I actually don't remember writing this version and I called the actual story "Beautiful and Evil."
I'm a weird kid.

I am the best.

Friday, July 22, 2011
Lately I've been like... obsessed with 2NE1. They're so cute and funny though. x3 I love Minzy. :3
Their fashion is the best.

Look on the bright side.

Thursday, July 21, 2011
The future scares me. I'm going to flat out say it, it terrifies me. Although, I'm trying to get over that.

"There is no past, present, or future. Life is only a series on Nows." - Blake Bliss.

I watched a video and heard him say that, and I thought and thought and thought about it. Guess what I discovered, he's right. Why bother thinking about what's happening at other time's when there's NOW to think about. I'm so busy fretting over Graduation that I'm losing track of who I am right now and who my relevent self is. Life is this finite thing that I was trying to break past, but I guess I'm okay with it now. Well- not exactly okay with it but I'm willing to accept the boundaries that I have.
Blake Bliss actually has inspired me a lot as of late and he truly is a beautiful man. He isn't that popular of a youtuber yet, but I think he could be. He helps people and encourages people. He also makes really beautiful music too. He's helped me stir myself back on the right path.
Instead of sitting here in a state of depression wasting my life away I think I'll go outside and admire the little things, the way the sun dances across the grass. The way the ocean twinkles on a sunny day and looks animated on a cloudy day. 
So instead of thinking of how life is the fragile finite thing, why not embrace the gift we were given to speak?
Think of who you are right now, this moment, as you're reading this, because no one will remember who you were two weeks ago and this post will even become completely relevant and forgotten. It matters now though. Don't concentrate on who you were back then, or who you want to be in 10 years, think of who you want to be right now and live in now. 

Actually I was going to use this post to say when I move out in a year I'll be making a lot of vlogs with Yuki... but it turned into a spew of random thoughts. ^ o ^ 
It was a beautiful day today. :3

New favorite word = Finite. :3 

Oh yeah, look up Blake Bliss on youtube. You wont regret it I promise. <3
~Love you.

Light in the deep sea - part two.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Before I launch right into another segment of my story I thought I'd put a little update (or lack of) on the writing process. I want to say that I've written tons and tons like I did while school was in, but that's not really the case. Lately I've been out of sorts and my depression has worsened (I make it sound like an illness haha! well that's what it actually is, but...) although this always happens to me during the summer due to my lack of actually going out and doing things. This year's a bit different though, but this post isn't about my weird mental/medical disorders - it's about my book! Actually, the truth is since that last post around a week or so ago I've only written a page. Yes that is all I've written and I am ashamed.
But that doesn't mean I haven't been writing!
I actually got an idea for another story while talking with Yuki about telling people to go to love hotels. (They don't have those in Canada though) so I've been writing a story about prostitution in high school. I've only written a page of that but I liked what I had written so I may continue! It's called, big surprise, Love Hotel.
I've also, just recently, gotten inspiration from Blake Bliss on youtube, he's soooo amazing, and the anime Macross Frontier. The character Sheryl to be exact.
Now onto the main event! This segment is still in the first chapter but it's not exactly where we left our depressed little Kagura.
As a little catch up so you're not all "WTF GOING ON?!?!? D<" Kagura now lives with Sayuri and Tsukino who she has discovered are Lesbians and just saw Sayuri's band practice becoming a dedicated fan. They're now having a party, for no reason.


He took the hint, "Anyway, where's your alcohol? I want a beer!"
Everyone laughed feeling the same thing, "You can go get some with Kagura," Sayuri replied as she snickered together with Tsukino.
"Eh?! Why do I have to go too?" she flushed red, "I'm still a minor!"
Tsukino reached over Sayuri to pat her shoulder reassuringly, "Little Taku can't possibly carry all of that alcohol on his own, just go!" Kagura wanted to protest but before she even got the chance to say anything the two girls had grabbed her, pushed her out the door with Taku and her bag, and locked her out.
Taku laughed at her confused and shocked expression, "Let's go then Kagura, will you split the cost with me?"
She recovered herself quickly, "Ah, yeah. I've got some money to spend anyway." She walked behind him to the liquor store, admiring his light attitude all the way. It somehow made the night feel less lonely.
It was dark, but Taku kept up a steady pace that was easy to match. He was being considerate of her, or so she thought, "This is going to sound sudden, but do you have a boyfriend? Or are you Sayuri and Tsukino's play thing?"
Kagura couldn't help but to giggle, "No I'm not their play thing, and I'm single."
He slipped his hands into his pockets, "That's a bummer. Why are you living with those two then? I tried asking them at practice but they'd never answer me."
They must be trying to protect me, she thought happily but her voice still turned cold at the memory, "Truthfully, I was dumped at school and those two and comforted me some time back now. I've been living with them since then."
He stopped walking causing Kagura to bump right into his back. He then turned around, grabbed her arms, and gazed into her eyes, "Are you okay now?"
She was surprised and couldn't speak. His deep green eyes were full of concern- but not the kind of concern Hiro would have shown. His was more deep rooted while Hiro's was just a genuine kind of concern. She found herself easily getting lost in his eyes and suddenly moisture tracked down her cheeks. After a moment she had to look away in order to answer him, "I want to say that I am after everything they've done for me, but... I don't think I am." The tears rolled more steadily from her eyes as she looked back into those eyes, "I'm happy to have changed life styles though."
Taku pulled her into his chest and embraced her tightly, "If it's okay, I'll be there for you. I know we just met and all... but you're really special. I'll do everything into my power to make you happy!" His voice took on a hard edge that she could tell was a rarity.
"Taku..." she breathed into his shirt, and slowly wrapped her arms around his body, grasping his shirt tightly in her fists, "You're going to make me fall for you..." she was scared, scared to fall for anyone. Scared of being hurt, scared of losing him, but scared of gaining him and absolutely terrified of being alone. But somehow, it didn't feel wrong.
His next words changed her forever, "Then fall for me. I like you Kagura," she jolted straight in his arms with wide eyes, "I want to be yours."
She pulled away to look back into his face, and saw the love inside him reflect from his eyes, "You win." She leaned up and kissed his lips. Her heart was racing inside her chest as she tasted his moist breath. Forcing herself to pull away to wipe away her tears of joy, "We should probably get the beer." She grabbed his hand, grinning brightly looking forward to days to come at long last.


I'm not sure if I'm that great at writing the romantic parts, even though I love writing them, because I've never experienced a romance. Something like what happened above to me is just a scenario I had in my head that I wrote on paper. I hope I wrote it properly haha.
I should stop reading so many shoujo manga and get writing or something! Or -looks at clock- eat something due to the fact it's like 9 PM now...

I attract weird people.

Monday, July 18, 2011
I'm fairly sure I've posted once or twice about my strange encounters with people, but I'm sure this one takes the cake.
If any of you have run into someone with a fetish I'm sure you'd feel the same.
I was on my way to Victoria with with Bryanne and on the bus some weird fat ugly ass native sits in front of us, nothing wrong with that - until he kept turning around to stare at my hands on my lap.
Then he started talking to us bending his finger and trying to joke with us- I think was his intention but it just scared me. He kept trying to talk to us but like I couldn't understand a word he was saying other than "boil in my throat" or something like that. He then put out his hand and said something like "nice to meet you" so I being polite shook his hand but then he started like... stroking my fingers so I was all "0-0 -pulls hand away for fear of being raped or some weird crap-" Although he kept trying to talk to us every time we'd talk to each other - he had no interest in Bryannes hands btw I guess my long freakishly skinny fingers attract people? Anyway he asked me if I could bend my finger but I really had no clue what he was getting at... He had to leave so he was all "Nice to meet you" this time I understood and he wanted to shake my hand again so I ASSUMED he got the message last time that I'm not into hand fetishes but no... he did the weird stroking shit again.
But on our way to the bus to go home later this one guy made up for it. He like jumped over the bench and was all "NINJA!" so we read his sign and gave him some money and he said we were really beautiful and that he dressed punk like us to just not on that day and offered to go drinking with us some day. (Everyone thinks we're of age but she's 16 and I'm 17...xD) then after we crossed the street another dude did a double take and was all "Woaaahhh hooot!" and we just laughed.
Three weird people in only a few short hours. I'm fairly sure I'm some soft of creeper magnet.
Also I will be sanitizing my right hand for awhile.
I thought this fit the bill of weird people. A weeks ago on Tagged I got this lovely message. I didn't bother replying I couldn't stop laughing to do so.

Rainbow day.

Saturday, July 16, 2011
Last Sunday was LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transsexual) day in Victoria and of course all of my friends and I went as all of us, minus Fay, are part of that world. Yuki did my hair and makeup for the day and then we all met on the bus. Afterwords we got some food, I bought five doughnuts which I only ate 3... x3 They were on Sale though and I had money D:
Then we went to the parade! It was magical. I have no photos of the parade its self as we didn't take any. I took a video but I really don't wanna edit/post a fifteen minute video on youtube. The rendering time would take too long! If you're really keen on seeing the parade just look up Victoria Pride Parade 2011 or something on youtube there are a couple videos there.
After that we had no idea what to do, Bert and Fay and I made up naveling. Where you randomly flash your navel in public. We bought some sharpies and wrote on our tummys and naveled like twice... xD Here's a picture of it:
We all decided we needed to lose weight... We also wen't planking as you can see.

Bert and Fay got to take a picture with some drag queens!

By the fountian

On some mail boxes
On a recycling bin making a scary face

On some random box with starfish on it

There were more photos like one was really epic on a pole but they weren't posted for some reason.

Next year we wanna be IN the parade. :3 Hopefully on a car cause I really don't wanna walk that much. ;A;

I also had a plan to take someone to a hotel buuuut... that failed really hardcore. I met no new people. xD

They also gave out free condoms, score? Too bad I wont need it due to loverlessness. .__.

Light in the deep sea.

Saturday, July 9, 2011
As I stated in my previous post I would be posting little bits and pieces from my book ,and what other place to start than the very beginning? So here we go. :) This is the first anyone has ever read this also. It's based in Japan so when they say their names it's Last name and then first name.


The sun was starting to set and in the distant corner of her mind she realized school must have ended. She still sat in the corner of the roof, her knees hugged  to her chest. The tears has finished leaking from her eyes, yet she still wouldn't move. Her body was numb except for her joints which screamed for movement and her knuckles which blood was beginning to dry.
Kagura slowly raised her head as she felt a warm arm rest around her shoulders. A strikingly beautiful woman with silver hair and deep brown eyes whose hair was long and well kept sat beside her. Beside the woman stood another beauty. This one wore a shy smile and blue eyes that seemed sad. Her short black hair was the perfect contrast to the other girl.
Kagura moved her lips to for the words 'what are you doing here?' but only the tiniest voice escaped.
The silver haired girl was close enough to hear the whisper, "Sayuri and I always come up here during the sunset as of a few weeks ago. What are you doing up here all alone?"
The girl with short hair, Sayuri, shot a warning glance at her friend although Kagura answered anyway. It made no difference as to who knew, "I was broken up with here at lunch and never bothered to go back to class... I guess school ended then..." Her voice gained more volume than before.
Sayuri was the one who spoke this time, "Poor thing..." she looked away from Kagura to the other girl, "Tsukino..."
She winked at Sayuri and squeezed Kagura's shoulder, "Are you free right now? Sayuri and I were going to go out for some cake, our treat."
Life returned to Kagura's body as she listened to the kind strangers request, and slowly realized that in her entire life she had never made any friends apart from Sana and... and him. She smiled and nodded, forgetting everything Hiro, her ex, had spoken of just now, "My name is Hisagi Kagura, thank you for inviting me."
The girl stood up and extended her hand towards her, "I'm Hanazono Tsukino and this,"  she gestured towards the girl who had taken her free hand, "is Mitsu Sayuri."
"Nice to meet you, I hope you feel better." Sayuri's lips rested in a smile on her small face.
"I already do." Kagura raised her hand and the two girls took it pulling her to her feet together. The girls then went on either side of her grasping her hands and walking out of the school into the town. For one of the first times in her life she had managed to make friends with people at school. Breaking up had some upsides after all.

I didn't draw this but this is kinda what Kagura would have looked like when she was with her ex boyfriend Hiro.
And now she's turned punk due to the influence of Sayuri and Tsukino and her CURRENT boyfriend Taku

Taku would kinda look like this. I'd marry him xD

For lack of a better picture this would be Sayuri

For lack of a better picture that wouldn't get my blog flagged this would be Tsukino. Cept not all sad. xD

I used anime photos because it's even harder to find pictures of real people that fit the bill... and it's creepy. There also aren't any like... ugly people in my story I realized. o-o I couldn't bare to make any of them ugly though D: 

Let the love begin.

Friday, July 8, 2011
I was looking through old photos on my old myspace account- back when myspace was popular you know, and I remembered my special place. It was a little pond where ducks would come to find their lover overshadowed by trees and beside that was a hill, and this was my most favorite and most precious place. I had so many memories there tracing back to my childhood. Some memories weren't very happy at all, but others were so much fun.
The hill would have been a little to the right of this place.
I had a lot of plans for that hill, like where I'd have my first romance.
 I always went there to write stories and read books I got a lot of inspiration from that place either from my own memories or just from the beauty I found there. Now that it's actually gone (yes my town managed to destroy my hill and my pond -__-) I'm having a tougher time trying to find a place where I can relax and write. I don't write my book on the computer, actually there isn't a single bit of it on my laptop it's all in various notebooks in my room. I tried going to the elementary school for inspiration but really that place barely has any beauty and I really have no good memories there almost, but there isn't many places within walking distance that aren't cold cause of the ocean.
Yuki and I probably will mourn over the loss of that place for a really long time, for us together it has a lot of power over us, I can't tell you the reason though only my most close personal friends know of the reason. ;)

Oh also I've decided that I'm going to be posting little bits of my book weekly or something to attempt to keep me motivated to write it. I'll be starting with the first chapter of course- of the second book. I've decided to keep the first book in my storage just to look back and see how it progressed over the years but it will never be published if I look for my series to be published.
This is a REALLY old photo of me from 2009 back when I was sort of in a band. I was writing a song for it- although it never was used. xD

Strange and beautiful.

Monday, July 4, 2011
With each day another adventure begins and another realization occurs. It seems a little late but I've been realizing recently that summer has really begun and I really have nothing to do and no place to go unless I make the plans, which I guess I'm not used to. I've also realized that since school ended like 3 or 4 weeks ago, not sure when because I'm not a fan of breaks, I haven't written in my book at all. Is it weird that I feel bad for the characters in my story? I'd assume it is.
Well, when I write a story I don't just write. I create another world, another reality and by me not writing in it I kinda feel like they're all frozen in place. Let's see what my little creations are frozen doing...
Kagura got out of the shower and is laughing with her lesbian friends
Sayuri is amazed at how long Kagura can sleep
Tsukino just got home and is making tea
Taku is probably still sleeping knowing him.
Hiro is probs being an emo kid in his room- or  is he? ;)
Haru is waking up from his night job. He's a little play boy.
Yuu is studying.
I feel bad that they're all stuck in the morning with nothing to do- especially Yuu! How can that boy study for 3 straight weeks? I feel horrid. I should probably write in it as soon as possible.
Also, that story is a continuation of another book I had written which I had considering calling Time because time is a very important thing in the story with memories and all. I spent a year writing it, but I really don't like how my skills then we're very bad and how much better the second book is compared to the first. I think I could just... drop the first, but that would put the story in jeopardy.
Like, in the first book Kagura met Hiro, regained her sense of time, fell in love, attended high school for the first time ever, remembered the time she lost and her rape and abuse, realized she could live with the scars, became happy with Hiro, realized she has a second persona, almost got killed at school activating her second persona, learned about her second persona Sekai, got abducted with Hiro but her uncle who adopted her and raped her ect, learned he's a demon, saw her bf her close childhood friend almost die, kill the akuma, moved to Japan with them, healed, adjusted, learned of Saki and Sekai, got abused by her new family, and lastly got broken up with.
I've conveyed SOME of all that in the second book but... not the whole uncle/akuma battle which was pretty important cause it is the first time Sekai is really prominent and important cause she is a really important part of the plot. But book one doesn't have attractive punk guys and lesbians and mature content. >__<
Writing a book series for over a year and a half is hard....
I'd probs make something like this the cover if it ever got published. xD


Saturday, July 2, 2011
It's Pokemon profile picture month again, and you know what that means?
Hit 'em with a Splash attack!

I probably wont even change my profile picture. xD

Born in the wrong country.

Today was Canada, woohoo!
This day just further reminded me that I was born in the wrong country. How you ask? Well simple. Yuki and I wanted to go to Victoria to watch the fireworks, we were expecting a really special night you know? Like in anime where the best friends look up at the exploding sky and think "Wow... this is really beautiful and special." Sadly, life in Canada is NOTHING like it would be in Japan.
Let me explain.
In Japan when one gets on a bus or a train it is like normal to be quiet and respect people and follow the law. Here in Canada everyone who got on that bus was either high or drunk, was carrying alcohol and drinking it on the bus and being loud and hitting the bus. One person hit the lights causing it to flicker! As soon as Yuki and I got downtown we left that bus it was NOT safe. I honestly felt like all hell was going to break loose.
I thought that that was the end of my worrys but the people of Victoria were no better. We were still afraid and were talking in the little Japanese we knew. Why? Because we knew that if people knew we were scared they'd probably take advantage of us. We wanted to hide and every store was closed or filled to the brim with drunks.
We also thought none of them would approch us. Wrong again.
1 person questioned our genders (I have boobs, obviously I am a woman.) MANY people commented on those though saying "Nice tits!" I honestly hate my country there is no respect. I just wanted to have a nice day but I spent it so damn afraid of being raped of harmed and Yuki was the same way, everywhere we went there were people there who were loud and drunk. They all reminded me of the person I hate most my nonstepfather.
We eventually figured we HAVE to leave NOW before we miss the last bus or something and get stuck here with no money for a hotel and no friends who live there.
They changed the bus stops for the event.
We ran to the correct sign feeling like toys in their game.
We also found my second wife Bryanne who also was leaving cause her friends ditched her.
The bus ride home wasn't that bad though. It was enjoyable because I was with them and we were going home, to a safe place. We spoke of Pokemon, our past love experience fails, our future plans, ect.
We also decided to never go out on an event again and make our own.
I belong somewhere where people respect each other, where idiots don't go around like that and say whatever they want and do whatever they feel like, where people are conscious of other peoples feelings. From what I read Japan is kind of like that, I wasn't born in the right place Yuki feels the same.
Neve and I tried to make it as ugly as possible. This was another day but I don't feel like taking pictures today lol.


Friday, July 1, 2011
Lately I've been reading a lot of Shoujo manga. Actually this week alone I've read like 7. .__. I like them all. x3 I just finished what's available of Good Ending and I gotta say i'm disappointed in the latest chapter. They need to be together- forever. -creepy eye twitch-

Yuki says that if we were in Japan I'd waste all my money of shoujo manga. He's probably right.