Call me crazy

Monday, January 3, 2011
School starts again tomorrow and I cannot wait! I know that sounds crazy coming from a 16 year old girl, but I really do like school. When I was a kid I hated school, but I hated home too and I had no friends so I really don't know why I hated school so much when it gave me a place to escape from my home life. Sure I had no friends and I was picked on a lot, but it was still better than what was going on at home. I kind of wish I tried harder as a kid.
I was super shy back then too (didn't help the no friends thing) and because of that and the things that were happening at home I did horrible at school and they put me in a class for Special kids because they thought I was mentally handicapped- I wasn't obviously.
Also as a child my non-step-father wouldn't even let me have friends because I was a girl, and it wasn't until Grade 5 when I finally got 2 friends who I stuck by.

and Cole.

They're still 2 of my closest friends and probably always will be.

What I'm trying to say by opening this small door into my past is that I guess I love school now because I get to be with people whom I love and love me. We often take for granted what we have at school: a place to escape from the house problems and a time to be with friends and learn things. A place where we can be cherished and cared for if we find the right people, and a place to reach out a hand to those people who are having issues. 
Even though I've changed into a social person this past year I still have my issues and even vices I still hang onto, I think everyone has a vice they clutch. Although I love hanging out with people and such on breaks I don't seem to do much of it, I just sit around and play games, watch anime, and complain that I'm bored. I get used to the lifestyle so I don't do my homework and end up regretting it later. 

I think in 2011 I'm going to change to be the social person I want to be so badly, and try harder, get a job, get the things I want, and hold the ones I love closer. I want to make more happy memories with friends and let go of more of these vices I still carry with me, I want to become a better person more so, and learn to love again, and I think with my new and old friends I can do that.
What's your main goal for 2011- if you have one?

Sorry for the  super deep post btw I was listening to this really moving song and it motivated me ;__;


  1. Anonymous said...:

    Hello there... ^.^ Visiting you here. I hope we could be good friends. Do you mind if we follow each others blogs? Take care. ;)

  1. Melody said...:

    Ahhh. I used to love school back then too! Hanging out with friends and etc was so greattt :) Although I'm not looking forward to going back to Uni xD cos it's not exactly the same type of thing as high school T~T!! <3

    Anyway, good luck with being the better you. Wishing you the best for 2011 <3

  1. I'd love to be your friend and consider yourself followed my dear (:

    Friends are the best part of school :P The learning is just a bonus XD

    Awh~ Thank you!~ Good luck with Uni!!! :D

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