Thursday, January 6, 2011
Schools started up again which I'm happy about, I got to see all my friends again and all, and things were starting to go back to normally (Although it's only been 3 days...)
I got so many compliments on my hair though!~ Who knew so many people liked me as a blondish ginger thing (: I love it myself. I figured I'd get the blonde phase out now as when I go to Japan to live and work for a company or something I'll dye it black again and take out my piercing to look more professional. I'ma miss it T__T
Anyways back on the subject of school! On the first day I started off with 0 hours and 0 minutes of sleep due to stress, excitment, and flaring insomnia. Oddly enough I was wide awake until 5 though O__o I always get tired around 5 anyway. When I got to school I still felt... surreal? Probably not the right word, but I felt as if I had been away longer than 2 weeks, but I was so happy to go back as I've been having family issues again lately and I really don't like being home.
Although in block 2 that good mood died when the ball to my lip piercing fell out, so I tried to put it back in and it smashed out of my hand under an unmovable filing cabinet.... So yeah my piercing looks retarded right now! Neve was highly against me taking it out though so she's apparently going to buy me a new one and Tyler said he was going to buy me a stud .__. I feel so loved x3
Wednesday was boring I think so yeah
Today my club started up again and we're making a logo thinger and stuff and setting up a concert type thing ^^
I think my writing project is gonna incorporate lesbians, cause for some odd reason lately I like forbidden love  more than I used to so yeah... plus it makes for good material ^^

...Bipolar post much? o-o;
I'm so tired XD Havent slept well all week i look like a mess after relaxing for like 3 hours :P


  1. Melody said...:

    Nawww, your hair loooks good!
    And haha. I always get insomnia the night before something (exam/school starting /etc ) T_T ! Even the night before seeing my boyfriend HAHA. I'm such a loser :(

    But eee, I also like the topic of Forbidden Love !!!! ;)

  1. I'm gonna try and make it go more blonde and maybe add some darker streaks :)
    You're not a loser! I'm the same D: Cept for the boyfriend part cause I'm single x3

    It's so cute!~ o(^^o)(o^^)o

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