Beauty is possible in everything.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011
I live by the statement of this title, I really do believe that there is beauty or potential beauty in every single thing, and I try to see the beauty inside everything no matter what.
Like, even though I really don't like snow that much I do love the fact that it embraces the ground really beautifully covering it in sparkling white (:
Which brings me to today! Today I had plans to go out with Neve and get some sushi, and when we got out of the school we were surprised, and sad, to find that it was snowing! Gladly, we didn't have to walk to Sidney. Instead we went to Neve's house (Meeting up with Bryanne) and she got her skateboard and changed her coat to a warmer one.
It was amazing though because Neve and Bryanne are gonna fake date to make people stop asking Neve out it was SOOOO CUTEEEE!!! She even like legit asked her out and AWHHH I loved it XD Later I found out Neves actual feelings which made me all OMG YESSSS even more so x3 (I really love forbidden love if you couldn't tell.)
We bid Bryanne farewell at the bus stop and while waiting for the bus I taught Neve a little Japanese... she said it with a Spanish accent it was sooo funny XD
When we finally got to Sidney we went to a thrift store where she took the LAST and BEST sweatervest ever for her friend and then got 2 pairs of cheap shoes that are simply AMAZING! Gosh I wish I didn't have big feet so I could get awesome shoes. (Plastic surgery maybe?)
The lady there told us about the new sushi place just a block away and so we HAD to check it out and I was impressed! Upon walking in the lady told us to sit down and gave us some free tea! We ordered the avacado rolls and a bowl of rice. It was SOOOO GOOOOOOODDDD!! We made that place our new hang out, and she wants to go there every week. I'm pretty sure that wont happen because we're both jobless. XD
We then went to safeway, got some serial, then to the bus stop where we met this amazing lady who used to have blue hair and a cheek pircing and oh my gosh she was amazing. She lets her kids skip every so often as skipping school IS healthy for you and she lives on a boat and longboards and stuff, she was really cool.
When I got home my FB husband Codys doctor texted me and told me he was okay and he was gonna be just fine and stuff, and I was SOOO happy, I was worried all day long but when I heard that I was really glad. He then gave Cody his phone and he texted me and asked me out like usual, but unlike usual he proceded to tell me how much he loved me and stuff and how much he wanted to date me. And as usual I said no as he doesn't live near me, but this time he didn't give up. He said he wanted to marry me and a ton of stuff so...
I finally kinda gave in! I told him when he visits me I'll go on a date with him, wearing a dress and all, and if that goes well and we click I will date him even when he would go back home. It's my first date ever guys so I'm freaking out, but Neves gonna go shoe shopping with me and stuff so I'm really excited at the same time.
Completely off topic, but I love her boots and stockings ♥


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