Hello, good-bye.

Friday, January 21, 2011
The past 2 days to me have been more or less a blur due to lack of sleep and the things that happened over all- it just seems so... weird? It makes me really question things, also. Like, what am I really going to do when I graduate in a year? Before I was going to move to Japan, but I found out that having tattoos there forbids you from doing a few things I wanted to do, so I guess that ruined those plans.
After that I thought of making a business called Happy Happy Sun Sun Studios, it would consist of hair, makeup, nails, tattoos and piercings with a little asian clothing/cute items aspect, but that would be so much work and a lot of money I don't have. I mean, I do have people who are willing to work for me and such already but, where am I going to get all the money for the things I'd seen for a basic salon/store? I know you get a government grant on these things but how far would take get me?
I remember as a kid I always had an idea for where I wanted to go if I made it that far in life, but now that I have really made it this far in life I've run out of ideas.
Anyway, on Thursday my Writing 12 class had an open mike at Serious Coffee, and my wife Neve came to see me read my piece, my mom and Husbife Sera also came (Sera recorded me o-o) It was an amazing experience as nerve racking as it was. I was glad I was able to participate. Neve really liked what she heard of my piece (It was her belated birthday present. :P) She couldn't hear some of it because 2 guys with laptops and phones were talking and she couldn't hear. So rude, but whatever. I ended up just giving her the copy of my story which she said she'd going to post on her wall. XD
The story was about lesbians so it's pretty funny she's putting it on her wall LOL.
I finished up another lesbian story which was really... dramatic and tragic, for my Writing 12 final project and went to bed, not falling asleep until like 3 AM. I woke up at 6, turned off my alarm, fell back onto my bed, slept until 7:15... which is when I leave to go catch my bus! ;__;
So, I ended up getting ready as fast as I could throwing on the first clothes I found, doing virtually no makeup (only eyeshadow T__T) and hardly straightening my hair which resulted in really frizzy hair all day long- which people didn't mind because apparently when you have pink hair the style doesn't matter. o-o
I also lost the $5 my mom gave me at Serious Coffee which WAS in my pocket when I got home from Serious! <__<
It was also Tylers last day at school for an entire year, which is really sad. I don't really know what'll become of school without him as he kind of brought us all together... but it can't be helped as he's perusing his dreams. (:
I kinda fell asleep in Social Studies instead of studying for exams... yeah... I was really tired, guys! XD The teacher woke me up and was all "Kaleigh, shouldn't you be studying?" to which I replied, "I already did." and went back to sleep. It wasn't really a lie, I did study for a good while but got bored.
In Peer Helping we put nice things on a cared for everyone which was really sweet, most of the comments on my cared are about my hair LOL. It's really nice to know people these days don't hate people based on trying to be different. When I first entered High School it wasn't like that because I was the first kind of different person there, to which people grew to accept by the end of Grade 10 when I was fed up and retaliated to the bullys. (:
Anyway in Writing 12 Tyler joined me for the last day as he didn't have a Block 4 and we had a bittersweet class of good-byes (unspoken) and awards which were so sweet!
I'm really going to miss this semester, it was soooo easy this next one's gonna be hard ;__;
After school Tyler, Sera and I went to Victoria, took a ton of pics, Sera got her ear done, and then we headed home. It was kind of a farewell thing for Tyler, unoffically, and we had a lot of laughs, but were SO tired on the bus ride home- where my phone ran out of battery while I was texting XD
All in all I'd say it was a good day, although sad because it made me realize how scared I am of Graduation next year. T__T I wouldn't be so scared if I had a burning passion for something in this world. I used to have a passion for helping people who were like me, but the burn out rate for counsellers is 3 years as they generally go insane and quit because they can't separate the lives of the patients and their own. I know I'm the same, so I can't go after that either. I love writing but I can't make a life out of that, and it would probably stress me out more than anything. I'd rather do it just as a hobby. I dunno, I might still do something to do with psychology because human minds do really fascinate me.

I can't help but do retarded faces with you guys ♥


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