Starts with one.

Thursday, June 9, 2011
Schools coming to an end soon and so I've been busy- well not really. Truth is I downloaded a new MMORPG and yeah... end of story. I have been doing stuff though. On the weekend I went to Victoria with Tyler and we saw an adorable lesbian couple holding hands walking down the street- rare species. We also saw a monk and really attractive punk kids. I wish I had a camera to take pics. Dx
Also the weathers been really nice lately which makes me quite happy.
I found out that my first 2 wives, Neve and Bryanne, are indeed my soul mates. Last night we were all bawling our eyes out and PMSing due to various issues around the same time. We're connected by the threads of fate. :3
I also hung out with my new friend, and 5th wife, Sara today. - Before I tell you about that I will share a confusing concept for many to understand. I know 3 Saras, all spelt differently of course, but whenever I say "Oh Sara said..." people are always like "Which one?" My 3rd wife is named Sera, I call her Fay most of the time though, my 5th wife is Sara and my girlfriend is Sarah. Very confusing.
Anyway Sara and I went to the market and yeah she wont a shower timer. O__o

Jenny got me a Hatsune Miki wall scroll for my birthday :) I lurve it! I'll post a picture next time if I remember.

Well that's all I really have to say so... fair winds young travelers!~

I really wish my hair would stay up like that... PS: I'm dying my hair lighter for the summer so I don't have to re-dye it black every 2 weeks.


  1. Melody said...:

    I wanna seeee the wall scrolll ! :D
    and loool what mmorg are yo playing xD?

  1. One that came out a week ago called Prius Online x3 It's pretty snappy ^__^
    I'll take a pic of it then. :3

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