I'm not perfect, no one really is but still.
I've used people, they've used me. I've run away from those who love me, they ran from me, I've done horrible things and have done everything to make up for it. I'm lazy, procrastinate everything, easily depressed, never say what I really want to say, lonely, hurt people who care about me, and am a cold person.
But I'm also very loving, beautiful, strong, smart, independent and dependent, good at giving advice even if no one follows it, so caring, selfless, helpful, good at writing and video editing, learn from my mistakes, learn from the things I watch and read, giving, and a damn good lover when I find the right person.
I'm not perfect, I have a million and one flaws I didn't even bother listing here, but for every flaw I bet something positive shadows it not far behind. I'm a contradiction of myself for everything negative I put I'm the opposite also.
I'm a human.
I'm not an angel (Even if you may think so.)
I hurt people a lot.
But I also help people save themselves a lot.
So remember, you're beautiful even though you're not perfect. :)
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