Anything you say.

Saturday, January 29, 2011
As I've become obsessed with Evanescence and Amy Lee (She's my new role model/idol type person) I've become really torn with my hair. It has faded to orange because of my recent encounter with swimming, and I really do NOT like having Orange hair. Mother said I could dye my hair any color, I'd just have to stick with it for a long time.

In all my years of dying hair, I've always gone back to black. It was also the first color I ever put in my hair also and the majority of my styles had black in it, and so black and I have gone a long way with each other.
Someone said Amy Lee looked like a slut because she wore a wedding dress and combat boots... wtf I think it's beautiful .__.
First I just had it because everyone said I'd look ugly with it because of my pale skin and dark circles, and so I had to prove them wrong - which I did. Soon enough though I grew out of the whole angst stage and just had black in my hair because 1) I wanted to be different and 2) It grew on me.

Although with black I've always had it pigmented, purple black, red black, blue black, I've had it all. I have to say I liked blue black the most. It stayed the longest and looked the best to a lot of people.

Plus I asked people on Facebook if they were opposed to the idea of me dying my hair black again and a couple people said to do it blue black, and so yeah... I'm torn.

I'm torn because I love black and Amy Lee and I KNOW that I'll probably go back to black, but on the other hand I don't wanna throw away all the hard work I took to get it to this thing it's at now. Sigh...
Now I worship Amy Lee because 1) She's drop dead beautiful, 2) She makes a lot of her own clothing 3) Her voice... it's just hauntingly captivating 4) She has a GREAT personality (She's not dark at all even though her music is mostly)
What should I doooo?! Dx

Aquatic firsts.

Friday, January 28, 2011
Today was the day I finally went swimming, it's been 4 years or so since I last went swimming and so I was afraid my body has somehow forgotten how to swim- which was not an issue thankfully.
The 2 people I went with were my wife Neve and my friend Kory, oh gosh it was so much fun it's hard to put it into words (but I'll try anyways.)
Neve and I met up at the bus stop a little early as always and Kory showed up one minute before 6 and so he was still early. XD I gave them some lollipops I stole from home and we were on our merry way to the pool while talking about a ton of random crap that has no relation to anything- like anime/manga.
We payed (While Kory had a very interesting conversation about the name of the swirly pool with the lady who worked there. He calls it the lazy pool lol.)
First we all went into the hot tub and spoke a bit cause all that was open was part of the shallower pool/the swirly pool and the hot tub so... hot tub it was lol. Then Neve got warm and so we went to the shallow pool and then into the swirly pool which current is really strong. Every time I'd pass a jet I'd make this sound like I was being raped or something >__< Yeah, they laughed at me pretty hardcore- and so did I till the point I couldn't breathe XD
Eventually we made it out and chilled in the shallow pool having many random water fights which I tried to protect my wife to no avail, i'm a bad human shield it seems XD We also got this boat type thing I dunno what its called, and Kory flipped us sooo many times! I fall really weirdly too and so it looked all dramatic .__.
Finally at 8 the diving board opened up so Neve and I took 1 dive (at which I failed at and yeah...) and Kory didn't cause he's a wimp :P
A lot of other stuff happened after that, more flipping, more screaming, more being raped by water jets and Neve unitentionally groping me (her foot almost took my top piece off .__.) more random chatter, and then we got out at 9:20 or something like that to get changed, buy food and drink. (Did you guys know it's a bad idea to buy orange juice after swallowing a ton of chlorine? Yeah, I learned that today, it burns.)
We also bought some chocolate (Neve dropped my piece on the floor and so she said she'd eat it XD) and Kory bought these fried potato skin chip stuff that tasted really good. x3
All in all it was a really good time, and I can't wait to go again! As a kid I remember I really loved swimming and would go every Sunday, then stuff happened and I couldn't go for 4 years LOL. Next time we go, though, we're going to have a ton of people to have even more fun :D
We didn't take any photos for obvious reasons and I don't like blank posts so... enjoy this picture of my idol, Amy Lee of Evanescence. (If you don't know them you're missing out on so much!)

Beautiful souls.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011
I said in a previous post that I try really hard to find something beautiful in everyone, even if they're the meanest person ever who's stabbed me in the back or something, I would try to find something beautiful in then. Which often brings me to wonder why everyone thinks they're less than perfect.
Perfection is just a word we create with no real definition, I searched the deepest corners of my mind trying to figure out what 'perfection' is, and I can't find it. It just doesn't exist. We humans, especially girls, beat ourselves up over the silliest things! I used to absolutely loath myself because I simply wasn't "as pretty as her" or "as smart as her" and things like that, but hey, I'm sure there's someone who thought those things about me too.
We all have talents and skills that make us unique to us, and flaws just show us that we're still human which means we all do things wrong.
If you want, you can pick at everything wrong with you and make yourself feel bad, or you can take the time out of your day to pick out 1 thing you were proud of today, that you like about yourself that day. If you look on the bright side of things more happy things will happen to you and you'll enjoy life a bit more. (:
I made this because I know soooo many people that just complain about the way they look or their lives and don't even try to be happy, it's such a shame! We're all unique to ourselves and we're all beautiful, you are, I am, the guy next door is, that little girl in playground is, and that elderly old man reading the newspaper is.
So keep smiling. (:

What's one thing you like about yourself?
I'd have to say I really like my eyes, they're just such a unique color. ♥

Mild Scene Hair Tutorial

Saturday, January 22, 2011

This isn't the best as I was in a hurry, but you get the jist. I only say mild because it's not super poofy as I'd like it to be because all I own is hair wax and hair spray, I plan to get some moose in the future. Plus the first song randomly cuts so there's silence for a minute <__< siiigghhh.

Hello, good-bye.

Friday, January 21, 2011
The past 2 days to me have been more or less a blur due to lack of sleep and the things that happened over all- it just seems so... weird? It makes me really question things, also. Like, what am I really going to do when I graduate in a year? Before I was going to move to Japan, but I found out that having tattoos there forbids you from doing a few things I wanted to do, so I guess that ruined those plans.
After that I thought of making a business called Happy Happy Sun Sun Studios, it would consist of hair, makeup, nails, tattoos and piercings with a little asian clothing/cute items aspect, but that would be so much work and a lot of money I don't have. I mean, I do have people who are willing to work for me and such already but, where am I going to get all the money for the things I'd seen for a basic salon/store? I know you get a government grant on these things but how far would take get me?
I remember as a kid I always had an idea for where I wanted to go if I made it that far in life, but now that I have really made it this far in life I've run out of ideas.
Anyway, on Thursday my Writing 12 class had an open mike at Serious Coffee, and my wife Neve came to see me read my piece, my mom and Husbife Sera also came (Sera recorded me o-o) It was an amazing experience as nerve racking as it was. I was glad I was able to participate. Neve really liked what she heard of my piece (It was her belated birthday present. :P) She couldn't hear some of it because 2 guys with laptops and phones were talking and she couldn't hear. So rude, but whatever. I ended up just giving her the copy of my story which she said she'd going to post on her wall. XD
The story was about lesbians so it's pretty funny she's putting it on her wall LOL.
I finished up another lesbian story which was really... dramatic and tragic, for my Writing 12 final project and went to bed, not falling asleep until like 3 AM. I woke up at 6, turned off my alarm, fell back onto my bed, slept until 7:15... which is when I leave to go catch my bus! ;__;
So, I ended up getting ready as fast as I could throwing on the first clothes I found, doing virtually no makeup (only eyeshadow T__T) and hardly straightening my hair which resulted in really frizzy hair all day long- which people didn't mind because apparently when you have pink hair the style doesn't matter. o-o
I also lost the $5 my mom gave me at Serious Coffee which WAS in my pocket when I got home from Serious! <__<
It was also Tylers last day at school for an entire year, which is really sad. I don't really know what'll become of school without him as he kind of brought us all together... but it can't be helped as he's perusing his dreams. (:
I kinda fell asleep in Social Studies instead of studying for exams... yeah... I was really tired, guys! XD The teacher woke me up and was all "Kaleigh, shouldn't you be studying?" to which I replied, "I already did." and went back to sleep. It wasn't really a lie, I did study for a good while but got bored.
In Peer Helping we put nice things on a cared for everyone which was really sweet, most of the comments on my cared are about my hair LOL. It's really nice to know people these days don't hate people based on trying to be different. When I first entered High School it wasn't like that because I was the first kind of different person there, to which people grew to accept by the end of Grade 10 when I was fed up and retaliated to the bullys. (:
Anyway in Writing 12 Tyler joined me for the last day as he didn't have a Block 4 and we had a bittersweet class of good-byes (unspoken) and awards which were so sweet!
I'm really going to miss this semester, it was soooo easy this next one's gonna be hard ;__;
After school Tyler, Sera and I went to Victoria, took a ton of pics, Sera got her ear done, and then we headed home. It was kind of a farewell thing for Tyler, unoffically, and we had a lot of laughs, but were SO tired on the bus ride home- where my phone ran out of battery while I was texting XD
All in all I'd say it was a good day, although sad because it made me realize how scared I am of Graduation next year. T__T I wouldn't be so scared if I had a burning passion for something in this world. I used to have a passion for helping people who were like me, but the burn out rate for counsellers is 3 years as they generally go insane and quit because they can't separate the lives of the patients and their own. I know I'm the same, so I can't go after that either. I love writing but I can't make a life out of that, and it would probably stress me out more than anything. I'd rather do it just as a hobby. I dunno, I might still do something to do with psychology because human minds do really fascinate me.

I can't help but do retarded faces with you guys ♥

Something new

Wednesday, January 19, 2011
So apparently I'm going to be making a hair tutorial. I wasn't aware of this until my friend Tyler posted a video saying I was going to, so I guess I will. It'll be on how to do Scene hair ;) I honestly can say I love Scene hair a lot. It's the only hair style I've looked up tons of videos how to do. I also love the scene style even though I don't agree with stereotypes. x3
This is probably the style I'll do, but when I took that photo I still had a ton of product in my hair from when I got it done, and I'm washing it tonight finally so... in the video it'll probably be a lot more faded and not as good, but I'll still hope for the best. ;__;

Live it up!~

Monday, January 17, 2011
These last couple days have been amazing for me(: I mean hanging out with my 2 fav people? I'm one lucky girly (:
On Sunday I hung out with Tyler and we took a couple photos and a ton of videos (Which will be uploaded to my youtube at a later date :P)
We found stuff that we would have liked to furnish our future home with and came up with Happy Happy Sun Sun Studios!~
It will be a hair. makeup, nail, tattoo, and piercing place with clothing and random items from asia, my friends will work for me and we'll take 'business trips' to asia twice a year. :D Cannot wait for this.
 Me being a nerd and checking out games I can't buy.


I couldn't resist doing it... XD

 Nachos, they were okay, I've had better.
Guys... she has a dick...

Today after school, where I recived many compliments and stares on my hair and my hat, I went over to Neve's house so she can do some scene makeup on me. :D She tried to do my hair... she needs to be taught how to backcomb properly and not retardedly LOL. So I ended up doing my hair and her hair kinda, and she did the makeup. 

I wasn't aware a photo was being taken. x3

She took a photo of our eyes accidently LOL

I enjoy making silly faces

She's cute :3

We don't know how this turned out as evil as it did o-o;

This is her favorite face of mine ever xP It's quite hard to do LOL

Taking a vid which is on my FB :P

Tomorrow I'm staying home to look after the cat as people are invading my home to measure the windows and doors and we're not allowed to have a cat so therefore we have to throw him in the washroom so no one sees him- I just pray to god they don't have to open the door the measure it!

Make a Scene.

Sunday, January 16, 2011
Lately, I've been missing my scene hair a lot. I loved having crazy hair yet I gave it up for a year so it can recover from my crazyness, but as of late I've bleached it a ton and done some hardcore stuff to it.
Today I decided to embrace my scene desire and went pink! It came with bleach so we decided to put a little blonde part in the bangs.
Bad picture time!~ :D
In real life it's more darker and way more vibrant.

I'm proud.

Saturday, January 15, 2011
2 Years ago I used to be a video editor on youtube, I would throw together random clips and music in Windows Movie Maker and try and make a flow- sometimes even a story.
I took a 2 year break as I lost motivation to work for weeks to make a 3 minute thing, but I rememebered how much I enjoyed it, so I downloaded Sony Vegas.
Sony Vegas is a pro video editing program that costs a ton of money but it is worth it.
I didn't have any clips on my new laptop except like 1 so I made a slideshow type thing and felt like sharing (:

This 30 second thing actually took me 2 hours to make lol. Got lazy at the end and decided to not finish it, but I will one day make a video! XD

Beauty is possible in everything.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011
I live by the statement of this title, I really do believe that there is beauty or potential beauty in every single thing, and I try to see the beauty inside everything no matter what.
Like, even though I really don't like snow that much I do love the fact that it embraces the ground really beautifully covering it in sparkling white (:
Which brings me to today! Today I had plans to go out with Neve and get some sushi, and when we got out of the school we were surprised, and sad, to find that it was snowing! Gladly, we didn't have to walk to Sidney. Instead we went to Neve's house (Meeting up with Bryanne) and she got her skateboard and changed her coat to a warmer one.
It was amazing though because Neve and Bryanne are gonna fake date to make people stop asking Neve out it was SOOOO CUTEEEE!!! She even like legit asked her out and AWHHH I loved it XD Later I found out Neves actual feelings which made me all OMG YESSSS even more so x3 (I really love forbidden love if you couldn't tell.)
We bid Bryanne farewell at the bus stop and while waiting for the bus I taught Neve a little Japanese... she said it with a Spanish accent it was sooo funny XD
When we finally got to Sidney we went to a thrift store where she took the LAST and BEST sweatervest ever for her friend and then got 2 pairs of cheap shoes that are simply AMAZING! Gosh I wish I didn't have big feet so I could get awesome shoes. (Plastic surgery maybe?)
The lady there told us about the new sushi place just a block away and so we HAD to check it out and I was impressed! Upon walking in the lady told us to sit down and gave us some free tea! We ordered the avacado rolls and a bowl of rice. It was SOOOO GOOOOOOODDDD!! We made that place our new hang out, and she wants to go there every week. I'm pretty sure that wont happen because we're both jobless. XD
We then went to safeway, got some serial, then to the bus stop where we met this amazing lady who used to have blue hair and a cheek pircing and oh my gosh she was amazing. She lets her kids skip every so often as skipping school IS healthy for you and she lives on a boat and longboards and stuff, she was really cool.
When I got home my FB husband Codys doctor texted me and told me he was okay and he was gonna be just fine and stuff, and I was SOOO happy, I was worried all day long but when I heard that I was really glad. He then gave Cody his phone and he texted me and asked me out like usual, but unlike usual he proceded to tell me how much he loved me and stuff and how much he wanted to date me. And as usual I said no as he doesn't live near me, but this time he didn't give up. He said he wanted to marry me and a ton of stuff so...
I finally kinda gave in! I told him when he visits me I'll go on a date with him, wearing a dress and all, and if that goes well and we click I will date him even when he would go back home. It's my first date ever guys so I'm freaking out, but Neves gonna go shoe shopping with me and stuff so I'm really excited at the same time.
Completely off topic, but I love her boots and stockings ♥

Into the night

Sunday, January 9, 2011
Yesterday I went into town with Tyler and his mom was kind enough to give us a ride on the condition that we went to cosco with her, soo nice ^^
Although she decided to bring both children so I had to climb over one which made her cry Dx I felt sooooo bad!! The male child was asleep so I didn't have to listen to it talk, and I cannot understand baby talk so that was really good. The female fell asleep soon enough too, and they both decided to rest their heads on my arms, I couldn't move causse I didn't want to wake them up!
When we finally got to cosco we devided up the children, we took the female and Tylers mom took the male, but the female wanted to be with her mom (probs hates me after having my butt in her face. :P) so we took the male and then the male wanted to be with the mom too so we had to find her and give her the male! So we had no kids and she had both.
So apparently we were having a contest to see whoever could get all the items on their part of the list the fastest, so Tyler and I of course had to say all the ones we knew in Japanese/Korean while we were finding them XD It ended in a tie lol.
We got back to the car, smashed everything in the trunk, and then got in (I got in first so my lady lumps didn't destroy another child.) and then went and got some gas, and I'm fairly sure the male pooed his pants while waiting, and the female almost broke my bracelet by pulling on it. Gotta love the middle seat. T__T
Anywho Tylers mom dropped us off at a bus stop and we finally were going into Victoria.
First we went to China Town to get some asian snacks (which were SOOO good, I'm so glad Moe showed them to me that time at school!~ ♥) :
Photo wasn't taken by me, but we did get both of those kinds. (:

And some Bubble Tea where I left my bag at so Tyler went and got it while I bought the Hello Panda cookies XD

Again, not my photo, but that was the kind of flavor we got (Manga, peach and orange) but instead of tapioca balls we got strawberry jellies so it looked like a sunset! owo

And then we went to Uma Sushi and got some drinks cause we were still thirsty and took some photos outside.
This cloud was following us all day- and then it rained.

We went back inside cause it was raining lol

I got a text LOL

The Bay Center

Do not disturb.

Infront of the fountian (:

It's supposed to be night time... but his camera disagreed

I looooveeee

I was trying to explain something LOL this is actually my fav pic of me XD

Infront of Parlament (It's still Christmas here apparently O__o)

Golden Chopsticks XD

Rainbow trees :D

Parlament, over the door looks like a rainbow to me...

On the bus looking like retards


The light in the bus makes my hair look green lol

wtf x3

And so that was our adventure, we also found fudge on sale and bought that... can't resist temptation. I'm broke again LOL.