Sweeter than heaven hotter than hell.

Friday, June 24, 2011
BoA, one of the most beautiful and talented people ever.

I've decided to steal this majestic quiz from Vivian. :P -Obviously bored.-

1. One of your biggest regrets - Blowing off friends cause I'm tired.
2. One thing a girl/guy can do to make you smile - Spaz over anime with me xD
3. What every person should have - Love.
4. A song that leaves you feeling emotional - -Scans through iPod- Need by Hana Pestle. Can't listen to it without feeling something. ;A; Or Heavy In Your Arms - Florence + The Machine
5. A secret - Hmm... The first person I fell in love with(and only atm) lived in Texas and pushed me over the edge. 
6. Last purchase - Minutes for my phone. I can finally make plans again!
7. Your guilty-pleasure - Gaming for hours on end. x3 Prius currently in that game.
8. Place you'd like to live - Japan or Australia. 
9. Earliest make-up memory - Playing with my moms lipstick as a really young traveler. I didn't know how to put it on and so... o__e 
10. Someone who inspires you - Anna Tsuchiya. She's not afraid to speak her mind and be whoever she wants.
11. Your weakness is - Love .__.
12. I am proud of - My friends/family.
13. A celebrity you'd invite for dinner - Amy Lee ;D
14. Your craziest dream involved - Me being a power ranger and hang-gliding. 
15. If you had the money, you'd buy - Oh dear me... Either a 3DS with the new Zelda game oooor a leather jacket. xD


  1. v said...:

    Power ranger? AWESOME! I used to do like self-sound effects when I pretended to be one haha. Oh yes, a guy who spazzes over anime just like me definitely would make me smile!! :D

  1. I was a strange child. xD I'd wake up at 6 AM JUST to watch Power rangers. Oh yeah ;D

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