A Name.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
We're all given a name at birth, some stick with this name while others choose to change it. I personally believe in having both. My birth given name, and the name that I feel is me. 
I figured if I was going to use the name Yomi Kobayashi for everything, I may as well explain it. (That and people keep asking me why I changed all my social networking sites names to Yomi, and not Kaleigh) The reasoning is a strange story, and I'm going to be honest. Truth is I don't know how much of it really is real, and how much of it was made up in my head.
Before I get into all that, though, I'd like to let you in on the meaning on the name. Yomi (黄泉?) is translated to Underworld and Kobayashi (小林?) is translated as small forst. So, put together it would read "Small forst of the Underworld." Dark, ne? Well I like it.

Now, my obsession with the name Yomi started as I watched an anime called Ga-Rei: ZERO (which is still my favorite) pretty much its a anime about a girl named Yomi who is a demon hunter and ultimately ends up being possessed by a stone and killed by her best friend which is like a sister to her. 

I felt a real connection to Yomi for some reason that I didn't know until I began to read the manga. At that point something awakened in my, something sort-of like a second personality, but it's more like another soul due to the fact that she had a life, she's my past life I guess.
She told me her name was Yomi and her fate was some what like the Yomi in that anime, thus why I connected to it so much.
As for why I choose Kobayashi... I just liked the sound of it...

That's pretty much the story of why I choose the name Yomi Kobayashi as the name I feel to be 'true'

Lets hope my next post has nothing to do with animes, it's not the only thing I love about Japan, but it's a good pass time!


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