Club President, me? Yes, please!

Thursday, September 30, 2010
Today at school was the first meeting of the new club Social Justice. (We're considering a name chance, this one is way too boring!) Honestly, at first I thought no one was going to show except my friends, but Cole didn't go to school, big surprise, Tyler is sick from mono and tonsillitis I think, so he'll be out 'till Monday, Bethany couldn't, and Sera couldn't either so out of all my friends (I don't have that many in the first place) only Jenny and I went.
The funny thing was is that between the 2 of us we had to choose a President, and a Vice President, if we had more members it may have been this whole exciting election or something like that, but since that wasn't the case it was more like this:
Me: "I'll be President, I guess :)"
Jenny: "I'll be Vice President then :P"
Then we both burst our of laughter due to the anti-climatic nature of our 'competition'.
After that Mr. Young went out to round the halls to see if he could find anyone from our meetings last year to come and join in this years club. He came back with no one. (Big club, huh?)
Thankfully, a few minutes after he came back Kayla came through the door and saying she forgot, making us all laugh.
The rest of the meeting was like any other club meeting- to a certain, point. We decided that we would try to have a DJ come to the school (possibly in the evening) to start of with a bang on the 28th of October, and then sometime after that have a Talent Show-like thing to raise awareness to the students on Self-harm.
After all the seriousness ended we spoke about how Kayla almost got arrested numerous times over the summer and over the course of last year, and how I almost got arrested on my Birthday for steeling my own laptop and breaking into my own apartment.
The lunch bell rang and Mr. Young said, "And this is the Social Justice Club, telling stories about our run ins with the cops!"
A great way to spend a Lunch break! :D


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