Club President, me? Yes, please!

Thursday, September 30, 2010
Today at school was the first meeting of the new club Social Justice. (We're considering a name chance, this one is way too boring!) Honestly, at first I thought no one was going to show except my friends, but Cole didn't go to school, big surprise, Tyler is sick from mono and tonsillitis I think, so he'll be out 'till Monday, Bethany couldn't, and Sera couldn't either so out of all my friends (I don't have that many in the first place) only Jenny and I went.
The funny thing was is that between the 2 of us we had to choose a President, and a Vice President, if we had more members it may have been this whole exciting election or something like that, but since that wasn't the case it was more like this:
Me: "I'll be President, I guess :)"
Jenny: "I'll be Vice President then :P"
Then we both burst our of laughter due to the anti-climatic nature of our 'competition'.
After that Mr. Young went out to round the halls to see if he could find anyone from our meetings last year to come and join in this years club. He came back with no one. (Big club, huh?)
Thankfully, a few minutes after he came back Kayla came through the door and saying she forgot, making us all laugh.
The rest of the meeting was like any other club meeting- to a certain, point. We decided that we would try to have a DJ come to the school (possibly in the evening) to start of with a bang on the 28th of October, and then sometime after that have a Talent Show-like thing to raise awareness to the students on Self-harm.
After all the seriousness ended we spoke about how Kayla almost got arrested numerous times over the summer and over the course of last year, and how I almost got arrested on my Birthday for steeling my own laptop and breaking into my own apartment.
The lunch bell rang and Mr. Young said, "And this is the Social Justice Club, telling stories about our run ins with the cops!"
A great way to spend a Lunch break! :D

A Book and a Picture!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Well during the weekends I generally just sit around my house watching anime, and reading manga but this weekend Sera wanted to hang out. (More like she texted me saying 'were hanging out' and so we did...)
At first Sera wanted to go into second hand stores and thrift shops, and what do we find in the first one we go into? A record player! Of course Sera had to buy it but before that we had to go back to Second Street to buy some classical records, and then all the way back to the store with the record player and buy it plus a tuner!
All together this way all really heavy, thankfully Sera's mothers truck was just around the corner, or we would have been in trouble...
On the same street as her mother's truck there was a book shop that's shutting down and every book in the store was on sale for $1 INCLUDING tax! Woo! Sera bought a GIANT Chemestry/Physics book, a Psychology book, and some book in german from the 1800's.
I got a book about Lesbian Psychology (Only got it because it was about Lesbians) and a old quote book from 1907.
The following day I was flipping through the quote book and I opened to a random page around the middle and a photo fell out. It's a very old photo probably from the 1900's and it was of a dog laying on a grave. When I held it I got a sad energy from it... I wish I could research into the matter, but I can't. Maybe I have a bit of history? :)

Computer City :D

Saturday, September 25, 2010
I was looking around on Youtube and I found this amazing song called Computer City by Perfume, and I instantly fell in love with it!~ The beat to it is almost hypnotic and they're voices are just in perfect harmony with each other, it's one of those songs that make you smile and feel excited even when you're down in the dumps

Not only is the song itself amazing, but they're outfits are so kawaii in the video! I love the whole blue extension idea, it goes great with their blue tights ^_^ 
It's not only that song either that has that hyper/happy feel to it, most of their songs have it, that's why I love Japanese music it has more of a feel to it and has amazing beats ♥♥♥♥

Are You Japanese?!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
I often get asked by people on the internet, even though in my display pictures I'm clearly not, they always feel the need to ask my anyways, and when I say I'm an Irish Canadian they still seem to believe that I'm Japanese. It's not that I have a problem with them thinking that because I think it'd be amazing to be Japanese, my problem is the fact that they're pretty much telling me what I am sometimes.
Like one time on Facebook this guy from like indonisia messaged me and said "You're Japanese." No question intended. I didn't even like the person in the first place so I told them off for probably the 10th time since he added me. It probably looked a little like this:
Well it would look like that if I was cosplaying and it was in real life.
I never really did like men much...

A Name.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
We're all given a name at birth, some stick with this name while others choose to change it. I personally believe in having both. My birth given name, and the name that I feel is me. 
I figured if I was going to use the name Yomi Kobayashi for everything, I may as well explain it. (That and people keep asking me why I changed all my social networking sites names to Yomi, and not Kaleigh) The reasoning is a strange story, and I'm going to be honest. Truth is I don't know how much of it really is real, and how much of it was made up in my head.
Before I get into all that, though, I'd like to let you in on the meaning on the name. Yomi (黄泉?) is translated to Underworld and Kobayashi (小林?) is translated as small forst. So, put together it would read "Small forst of the Underworld." Dark, ne? Well I like it.

Now, my obsession with the name Yomi started as I watched an anime called Ga-Rei: ZERO (which is still my favorite) pretty much its a anime about a girl named Yomi who is a demon hunter and ultimately ends up being possessed by a stone and killed by her best friend which is like a sister to her. 

I felt a real connection to Yomi for some reason that I didn't know until I began to read the manga. At that point something awakened in my, something sort-of like a second personality, but it's more like another soul due to the fact that she had a life, she's my past life I guess.
She told me her name was Yomi and her fate was some what like the Yomi in that anime, thus why I connected to it so much.
As for why I choose Kobayashi... I just liked the sound of it...

That's pretty much the story of why I choose the name Yomi Kobayashi as the name I feel to be 'true'

Lets hope my next post has nothing to do with animes, it's not the only thing I love about Japan, but it's a good pass time!

Jigoku Shoujo

Monday, September 13, 2010
Well, to start off with a snazzy little bang, I thought I would write about this little anime which I recently finished as of Sunday (Season one, I've to watch Season 2 and 3)
This anime is titled "Jigoku Shoujo" in Japanese, the english version is called "Hell Girl" Although English dubbed anime is really terrible because they never actually translate things properly and they voice acting is always down the drains.

The anime is about a girl named Enma Ai (Ai Enma) Who over 400 years ago was murdered by her villiage to satisfy the Moutain God, although Ai came back to life, and burned down the villiage out of revenge. Now as punishment she has to send souls to Hell out of others revenge.

While I was watching this wonderful  anime I really connected to Ai, and through out the entire thing wanted to learn more about her past, and why she had to send souls to Hell. You don't get the change to really learn anything about Ai until the latter episodes.
Most of the anime until the latter episodes is about people who want revenge on one or more individual, and they resort to accessing Hell Hotline which is a connection to Ai who will imidiatly send them to hell, but as price when you die you will be sent to Hell.

The kanji in this image translates to "Your bitterness, I will dispel."
I, personally, found it really interesting to see all the little stories. While some pulled on my heart strings, others left me uncaring about the result.

This anime, I found, was a manifestation of the human want to get revenge, but not do it themselves. I happened to love this anime and will be continueing to watch the 2nd and 3rd seasons as well as the Live Action 12 episode drama.

I'd give this anime a 7/10 because even though it was well made, I didn't like the fact that it was predictable.