A ocean of wars.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Have you ever been sad? Well, that's a stupid question, we've all experienced the emotion of sadness at some point or another because life is a fickle, finite thing. Although, have you ever been depressed? By depressed I don't mean it in the way of a small period of extreme sadness, I mean it in the form of a long, long time. The kind of depression, that even though you know that some day there will be a happier time deep in the depths of your mind, you don't see it. The kind that actually doesn't just weigh you down, but actually physically hurts.
I'm sure some of you have, there's no doubt in my mind about that.
Here's a visual picture: Depression, a deep one, is like sinking. Sinking to the bottom of the ocean slowly. At first you fight and struggle thinking “I can still make it to the surface!” but soon that idea comes to an end as you gaze out to the surface of the water and see the light of the sun grow dimmer, dimmer, and soon there's no sun at all. The oceans heavy pressure then starts to bombard you from all sides crushing your insides and the constant throbbing pain becomes more sharp with time, and all you can do is simply watch and feel your life as you know it ebb away, being pushed around by the tides.
Depression is that kind of thing, and it doesn't just go away. You either come to terms with your inner conflict, or get medicated. It's not easy to deal with inner demons once you're in the state of loneliness, realizing that your comrades are never there when you really need them. Eventually you begin to push them all away because you want to grow stronger on your own to feet. The sad reality of that though, is it's rare for someone to grow on their own. Humans need the nurturing feelings of those around us to feed us positivity. As much of a finite thing this sounds, bounded by others, it's actually something much brighter than that. With others we can extend our reach by relying on them. Not a simple feat to accomplish, though.
If I had to put the entire complex process of depression into one simple thing, I'd say it's a war. This way is fought between only the self. Each person has two sides of them, the dark and the light, yin and yang, positive and negative. Love, and hate. These two forces constantly are clashing against each other trying to gain control of the conscious mind. Usually the two find peace with each other and create the proposed balance. Sometimes that doesn't happen and the two drive the mind insane. We are all imperfect beings made from the two forces that drive this world.
If we could get rid of all the hate in this world, there wouldn't really be love because there would be nothing to compare it to. Therefore we couldn't really call it “love” could we?
Depression can be caused by the inability for these forces to create the balance. The self then loses desire to do anything one side says one thing, while the other says another. The self then claims to be “useless” or “a failure” because everyone around them has a dream to thrive onto something. The individual wants to thrive, too, but for what? The inability to clear the mind and think of something enjoyable is clear in their mind and so they spend countless nights shedding meaningless tears over something so uncontrollable. Wishing for someone, anyone to come and save them.
No one will, though.
The only person to save the self is, of course, the self.
Depression is not an endless battle between these two polar forces. One day the balance between the two is achieved and a beautiful being is created, but that road to beauty is carved with suffering and mundane fighting. Rest assured, making it through this road will lead to a paradise no unbalance can destroy. Then one day, the simple scribes pen crusted with dry ink, will be able to write a story like no other, a tale of extreme beauty.

Punky studz.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Toxic Vision's new line of punk biker jackets in neon colors and studs has indeed caught my eye. One of my favorite lines for sure.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Fulfillment dress in red/white, Elephant Cub Tee in Black/White, and Magile Elephant Cub Top is Black/Cream. 
From Vivienne Westwood Angelomania Summer 2011 Collection.

Vivienne Westwood has to be my favorite designer out there, she's always coming up with new stuff. Now if only I had a high paying job to afford all this stuff...

Tattoo land.

Monday, August 15, 2011
I love tattoos and piercings, I'm sure some of my readers already knew I loved getting stabbed by needles. (by the fact I said I wanted like 7 more ear piecing's and another lip) but I love tattoos also. I don't have one yet, but I do have a plan.
Before I talk about my own tatts I want I'd like to say Yuki got a tattoo on Sunday. He got the kanji for Yuki in Japanese meaning snow, and it looks really good. I really like it, although watching him getting stabbed by a needle half naked (top half obvious LOL) was pretty awkward considering it was like an hour and a half, and I had nothing to do other than watch. Which gets really boring after like 15 minutes I found.
Anyway, there are two tattoos I'm getting when I turn 18 next year. One that Yuki is paying for which will be on the left side of my chest. It'll be the kanji for Yomi in Japanese which means Underworld. Now, I don't want it for the dark meaning exactly, but for the meaning I've attached to it which are a few so here's the run down on the tat. When I got hit by a car I transformed into a new person who let go of her past, and it was around that time when I watched Ga-rei: Zero and felt attached to the main character Yomi Isayama. She was strong despite having everything taken away from her, even her humanity, and wanted to protect the person she cared about most even disposing of herself to do so. I'm the same as Yomi in every aspect. It was also around that time where I gained the nickname "Yomi" and then I found out it meant Underworld. For me Yomi symbolizes my change in self and the fact that I'm able to embrace the darkness that still lingers in my soul. It also reminds me of my friends because they call me that, and embodies that through darkness we can not have light because in Shinto the Tree of Eternal Life is located in Yomi.
That would be the tat cept obviously bigger.

The second tattoo I'm getting is, of course, the tri-force from Zelda on my upper arm. I like how it stands for Courage, Wisdom and Power. I'm also getting it with my mother, and all my friends plan to get it too also. :) I was thinking of this design:
I also want, but wont be getting when I turn 18, a star or multiple stars behind my ear. To symbolize my desire to reach for the stars and not be left as a nobody or a failure, to become a somebody.
|Something like this is pretty:

Although when I get my tri-force tattoo I wont be able to shave my arm for awhile 0-0. Yes I shave my arms, along with pretty much everything else.
I also figured out what I want as a career when I'm out of school, but I'll leave that for another  post. ;3

Thank you for reading, and remember you are always beautiful.

Working it through.

Friday, August 12, 2011
I said in a post before that I had gotten a new idea for a story and was inspired by a few things. I've always loved writing about the supernatural and researching it, so I thought I'd put my current love for lab coats, beautiful woman,  and the supernatural and collide it into one story.
I have a rough idea for the plot, but I have to work out a few details that are major in fact. I'll try and work that out here.
The idea for the story is this: A woman (nameless for now, might name her Xya) who has dedicated her life to research and knowledge is working as always, she feels trapped inside herself, never feeling satisfied with her level of understanding and so plunges into darker research. Naturally she never bothered to have an in depth relationship and felt no attachments to any of her prior partners. She lived a lonely life, but didn't regret any of it. One day while in the middle of a ground breaking discovery she is killed in cold blood. While she lay there feeling her life ebb away she thought of the things she could have done, the things she could have learnt if only she let herself. Research was important but so were so many other aspects of life she'd never get to experience. Death infuriated her, she was young only 27 and yet someone had the odacity to shoot her.
So she stayed on the planet as a ghost, she fed her desire for knowledge and walked the lands in search of the missing element. One day a boy stumbles across her and can see her. Amazed she's drawn in and develops feelings for him. illogical as it seems. Sadness strikes her when she realizes she can't possibly fall for him, he's human and she is a spirit now.
The boy also loved to research things and so the two of them began to look for a way to bring the dead back to life. Along the way an organization studying the same thing grows aware of his research and tries to oppose the two.

I'm not sure if I should make her pass on happily, or actually come back to life have relations with the boy, and then die again because artificial life can only be made temporarily.

As for her character design I was mostly inspired by Makise Kurisu from Steins; Gate
But with like... black hair, gray eyes, and more like...sexy? Instead of the shorts maybe a skirt with some heels. I'll figure that out too I guess, I have no idea what the guy will look like either LOL.
Lab coats ftw!

Fiction Junction

Hello travelers of the world! -shot for being weird-
It's been awhile since I last wrote a legit blog post not about random emo crap, sorry about that. I'm in bit of a slump.
I guess in this post I'll update you about my life? It's not even interesting In the past few weeks I've been doing like... next to nothing, I know I'm not really that extravagant in the summer but my summers are a time for me to work out my inner conflicts.
I did hang out with Yuki though. I got new boots from him, which I need to repair but it's worth it, and we went to Vic and saw quite a few attractive people. That reminds me, guess what? I didn't run into any really creepy people for once! It's been the first time in a long time where I've gone to Victoria without anyone hitting on me and creeping me.
A day or two after that I went to the doctors with him and everyone in the waiting room was staring at us like they were scared of us. Probably the fact that we were wearing all black with combat boots in the summer... Yeah that would scare most people. Well, that's fashion for ya.
Today is Yuki's birthday o: I said it at Midnight but I'll say it here: HAPPY BIRTHDAY <3
I know you didn't expect to live this long and I think you thought you were going to be dead around 15/16 like I did, but now you're 18 a legal adult in most parts of the world and pretty much all of Canada except B.C.(here) Good luck with the remainder of your life.


As for story updates I am still writing in my book when I'm out and about, right now I'm writing the first major battle scene of the story. I still don't have a name for the book either, but I think I'll worry about that on a later date.
As for Love Hotel I haven't written in that anymore, but I have been thinking about it. At work they called me their princess and I thought of how in Love Hotel Mika was called princess (ohime-sama) by the random guys. x3 I'm actually going to try planning the remainder of the story before I continue writing or it wont turn out to be a short story knowing my habits.
I also have an idea for a new story. Because of my fandom for Steins; Gate I've been quite in love with the majestic thing that is lab coats! So on Gaia I bought two, a bloody one and a normal one. Right now my gaia character has a bloody lab coat, a demon sword, some green tea, a lab coat, long red hair that covers the face, red glasses, and books around her with rainbow prisms. After someone commented on it asking if it was based kind of off Makise Kurisu from Steins; Gate I got thinking, that this woman I created would be a great protagonist in a story! A supernatural love action story of course. That's my favorite genera!

That's all I have to say, really. Thanks for reading. :)

I was reading this manga and got inspired to make a new supernatural love story. The last one I wrote was for writing, which I no longer have I want to read it though.

Born this way. - Tag.

Saturday, August 6, 2011
I watched the Born This Way Tag done by Blake Bliss quite awhile ago, but I recently re-watched it and decided I'd give it a shot. I was only planning on it being like... 6 - 8 mins but it's like 11 or 12... I talk a lot when it comes to people hate and love. :)

I realize it's bright but... I didn't like the original coloring so it had to be changed.
I was thirsty so at some point I aquire a lisp O__o
I could have gone on and on and oooon I actually had one more prepared but I decided not to do it because it tied into ugly.
If you want to do it go ahead. :) I'd love to see your responses.
I love you all, good day. <3

Future cosmos.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011
It's funny, it seems that most of my posts on my blogs seem to be based on the future yet I always say to live in now. Self reflecting is important, I really do believe that. Although, I seem to over analyze myself quite often and hone in on the negative. It's easy to give out advice, live by it for a few mere days, and then completely ignore it.
Anyways, this is another rant about the future more or less for myself, so bare with me for a few minutes, nee? ^__^"
I've said it a few times I'm sure, but I want to be a video editor- I think. I was looking into it and it seemed like something I could do. You sit in an office with a couple people and piece things together in the way they will it, you do this for 12 hours at a time and sometimes because you want to meet your deadline you may have to work 60 hour weeks. Thinking about it, being a video editor can kind of be compared to being a God, can it not? You're piecing together someone elses story to your own will and seeing it unfold before your eyes, taking out pieces and throwing in new events. I bet a lot of people would think of me as being shallow comparing myself to a God, and yes I am shallow. I do not compare myself with a God though, only video editing. I'm just a spec on this lonely planet looking outwards.
Anyway my weak desire to be a video editor kind of conflicts with my other dream, to be famous. It's really vain I know, but I've dreampt of this ever since I started being noticed for being pretty or beautiful. I always kind of thought, "Maybe I could be a model." Or, "Maybe I could get into music." Although, now I realize that both of those dreams are beyond my reality, I'm not tall enough to be a North American model and I'm not that great at singing. I also want to inspire others, so that was another reason I wanted to be famous. To get my story out and to let people who are like me, or are like the old me, that life does get better if you don't let it get to you.
This blog is a way to transmit those feelings, too. You're all reading my journey through life and my hardships. You all know by now that I suffer from depression, untreated, and try keep a beautiful outlook on the world despite these hardships I go through. I think, truthfully, that most of my hardships are brought on by myself. I always think I'm worthless and a failure and bring myself down a lot, and then build myself up.
I wanted to be strong, so as a kid I built up my physical strength, I don't have that now though, to make up for me emotional and mental weakness. Strength comes from within and I'm lacking a lot of it, I'm very weak despite my calm and strong outer shell. Beyond it I'm still scared and have an anxiety attack when my family fights. I think I'll be left all alone again without anyone to hold me, I think that mother will leave me and my brother will team up with my nonstepfather and destroy me. I still have childish fears of that man although he hasn't lived with us for 4 or 5 years now. His voice still makes me angry, at him and myself, myself for not being able to stand up for everyone and him for making me this mess I am now. It's not good to hold onto these feelings, I don't want them, I want to rid myself of them and rid myself of this self-hate.
Although it's that mans fault for making me fear men, have a deep fear of being alone, making me think I'm a failure, and depriving me of things that a child needs like love, security, compassion, peace, faith, and pride as a woman. These scars from the past, these simple fears, probably wont heal. I've gotten over what actually happened to me and my family, I don't walk around brooding over the past I look at the present and the future. These fears are psychologically rooted to me. I don't care that I didn't have a great childhood, and I know I'm not a failure because people are proud of this person I am today and have high exspectations for the future me.
I've learned all the things I missed in these last 5 years of my life. I really like to think of them as the first years of my life. When you live in fear you really aren't living, you're frozen.
Right now is what I live in, and right now, despite all mt hardships with graduating and the family problems that still go on without me involved, I'm okay.
I don't self harm, and so I'm okay. As I type this I know I am okay, and that one day all of this, the me of today, will change. I'll be able to fly, it may not be one day soon, but I'm sure that one day my shakels will be cut off.
I have friends who I care about, and care about me. Even though our main group, Sera, Cole, Jenny, and Tyler will fade away and soon it'll just be me and Tyler living together I still care about them and will visit them for sure. It's thanks to them that I'm still alive.
My story isn't unique, it isn't special and some people have had it a lot worse than I did and do, but we no longer walk alone.

... I got really off topic! Oh dear me, anyway as for my future career I'm still unclear. Video editing is hard but can be rewarding, but I really want to be famous. I actually still want to be a model but I'm still short. Only 170 CM or so, oh well.

Anyway I just wanted to share that rant I got carried away, and I will post this even though it's really deep and personal but I have nothing to hide. I was frozen in place when I got hit by a car so I could heal these past wounds about my ex-girlfriend and my abusive past. I've done that, and now I want to move on the my Senior year of High School. You know what? I'm going to model in my Grad Fashion Show, and I'm going to feel damn good being that sexy edgy girl on the runway.

I want you all to know, you're never alone, and I love you. :)

5 days.

Monday, August 1, 2011
As I mentioned in a previous post I landed a job volunteering at an animal place where they sell kittens for adoption among other random nic naks. Today was an unusual day according to my co-workers, we only sold like 7 things and had 4 cats come in. I've never been so tired for awhile, but that's probably due to the lack of sleep and actually going outside for a long while.
I didn't do much, played with the cats, wrote out some cards, and otherwise did random things. I still don't really know how to use the cash register... Nora kinda really quickly explained it and then went on her own thing...
My brains fried and this is a pree bad post... xD
Time to play Rusty Hearts. <3
I thought that screen shot was funny.
Also look what kind of stuff Gaia was promoting in the ads. o.0 I dunno about you but I don't want to make babies with my friends or anyone in fact.