Thursday, June 30, 2011
Recently I watched the jdrama LIFE and then read what I could find of the manga (Which I personally liked a lot more than the drama for personal reasons which may or may not be shared.) I loved them both a lot though as they're realistic and deal with things a lot of people, myself included, deal with in school.

Basically LIFE is about a girl, Shiiba Ayumu, who loses her best friend because of an High School enterance exam. She makes friends with the top girl Anzai Manami and her clique of people. The drama and manga differ a lot so I'll explain them both I suppose. Anzai's boyfriend breaks up with her and she attempts to kill herself to which Ayumu saves her and eventually is acused of stealing Anzais boyfriend kicking her out of their clique. But it doesn't stop there. Ayumu also wouldn't ignore Hatori Miki (favvv character for so many reasons)
One being she's beautiful and a rebel and does 'dangerous' jobs. x3
which made the girls even more angry and Ayumu begins  to be bullied so badly that she goes to kill herself. (Manga through cutting drama through walking infront of a train) Hatori saves her and shows her real friendship.
 Eventually the two of them are caught up in a spiral of infortunate events that are really crazy and help eachother through it with a boy by the name of Sonoda Yuki. Mana tries to get them all killed through her thug boyfriend and such.
This drama, more so the manga though, spoke to me because I was bullied throughout most of my schooling life until Grade 10 and I self harmed like Ayumu to deal with it. Unlike Ayumu though I had to deal with it alone, I didn't have a Hatori to help me and save me from myself and show me how great life really is until Grade 9. Also Ayumus bullying was worse than mine, sure I was shoved around and people called me names like "monster" and "freak" and such and I was always made fun of for self harming, but my desk was never thrown out the window and I wasn't almost killed- at school anyway. Although, now I'm more of a Hatori than an Ayumu. I save people being bullied on and try to show them kindness, even if my kindness can be a little harsh like Hatori's >__< I do try and a lot of people accept me for it.
I really recommend this drama to anyone though it's hard to find because the name is one common word but I found it and watched it on youtube by searching up LIFE jdrama.
I think I'm going to stop avoiding blogging about depressing stuff and just blog about whatever I feel like, o-o Most of which would be rather silly and happy though. xD

Natural colors.

Monday, June 27, 2011
As I said yesterday I would make a post about my new color. It is very close to my natural. We bleached it and then put a dye ontop. It's professional dye and bleach so I don't know the brand sorry. :P

In real life it's more gingery and lighter than this. :P My room just has horrid lighting as I always say.

My first lunch out.

It's true, I've never been to any sort of resturant before yesterday with Yuki. Well other than fast food ones and like one sushi place in Sid, but yeah... This is the first like legit one.
I really enjoyed it though so I decided to document part of the day. We were being really silly as always. I also got my hair done and now it's very close to my natural (that I remember of it) I'll post pictures and such in another blog post.
Also, the video is a sepia because the lighting and coloring of the original footage was really bland due to our bad choice in seating in a corner. I brightened it quite a bit also.
Enjoy. :)

Sweeter than heaven hotter than hell.

Friday, June 24, 2011
BoA, one of the most beautiful and talented people ever.

I've decided to steal this majestic quiz from Vivian. :P -Obviously bored.-

1. One of your biggest regrets - Blowing off friends cause I'm tired.
2. One thing a girl/guy can do to make you smile - Spaz over anime with me xD
3. What every person should have - Love.
4. A song that leaves you feeling emotional - -Scans through iPod- Need by Hana Pestle. Can't listen to it without feeling something. ;A; Or Heavy In Your Arms - Florence + The Machine
5. A secret - Hmm... The first person I fell in love with(and only atm) lived in Texas and pushed me over the edge. 
6. Last purchase - Minutes for my phone. I can finally make plans again!
7. Your guilty-pleasure - Gaming for hours on end. x3 Prius currently in that game.
8. Place you'd like to live - Japan or Australia. 
9. Earliest make-up memory - Playing with my moms lipstick as a really young traveler. I didn't know how to put it on and so... o__e 
10. Someone who inspires you - Anna Tsuchiya. She's not afraid to speak her mind and be whoever she wants.
11. Your weakness is - Love .__.
12. I am proud of - My friends/family.
13. A celebrity you'd invite for dinner - Amy Lee ;D
14. Your craziest dream involved - Me being a power ranger and hang-gliding. 
15. If you had the money, you'd buy - Oh dear me... Either a 3DS with the new Zelda game oooor a leather jacket. xD

I'm not perfect.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011
I was/am chatting with a guy on Tagged and he's bringing things to my attention without realizing it, just simple thoughts my mind wandered towards while looking back on the things I've done. I've realized one thing
I'm not perfect, no one really is but still.
I've used people, they've used me. I've run away from those who love me, they ran from me, I've done horrible things and have done everything to make up for it. I'm lazy, procrastinate everything, easily depressed, never say what I really want to say, lonely, hurt people who care about me, and am a cold person.
But I'm also very loving, beautiful, strong, smart, independent and dependent, good at giving advice even if no one follows it, so caring, selfless, helpful, good at writing and video editing, learn from my mistakes, learn from the things I watch and read, giving, and a damn good lover when I find the right person.
I'm not perfect, I have a million and one flaws I didn't even bother listing here, but for every flaw I bet something positive shadows it not far behind. I'm a contradiction of myself for everything negative I put I'm the opposite also.
I'm a human.
I'm not an angel (Even if you may think so.)
I hurt people a lot.
But I also help people save themselves a lot.
So remember, you're beautiful even though you're not perfect. :)

It's a perfect day.

Friday, June 17, 2011
Most people would describe that as falling in love or something along the lines of that, but for me a "perfect day" is just finding joy in the little things and feeling really happy. School ended today, bummer but oh well. I can catch up on my sleep.
Each and every day I'm constantly reminded of how lucky I am to have such amazing truly beautiful best friends. I love them with all my heart- even though I spent like no time with any of my best friends actually. o-o I still love them. So, all in all today was a relatively "perfect day."

This song is so amazing, I'm in like love with it right now. x3 BTW the PV isn't an anime (Sadly, I'd totally watch it if it were...) it's just a PV made for the song lol.

I love me some Supercell. x3

I'm Ashamed...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Some of you may know about the Hockey game and how Canada lost. I actually really dislike sports to begin with but when people act so immature about it I dislike them even more.

In Vancouver the streets are in fire, the flipped a car, burnt a couch, a guy stomped on some chicks head, and the Government? They're doing jack shit. The cops won't do anything either because they're useless. Honestly all they did was waltz in on horses and expect over 1000 people to stop rioting. Yeah right. I really hate living near Vancouver and at the moment, being Canadian is kind of a let down. I'm going to be associated with those losers cause I'm Canadian. That's cool too. o-o
All the more reason for me to dislike sports.

Love to love ya.

Monday, June 13, 2011
Exams are starting in a week, and guess what I'm not doing? Projects and studying. I'm bad at this whole procrastinating thing- in fact some of my projects (Like the one due tomorrow) Isn't getting done. xD Why? I forgot about it :P Next year's my last year of High School so I'll probably work my butt off more so than I've done this year. x__x I'm going to do well on my exams though, I do really well on tests even when I don't study. I have a high B average on my tests and I don't study so... I'll be alright I hope.
Also, last Friday I went to the eye doctor and I indeed need glasses. I was surprised how clear things looked during the test. I though I had alright eyesight but I sure was wrong. Maybe I used to have better eyesight before I got into reading and video editing and anime lol. I wanna get these designer frames by Chaos but they we're $300 CAD with the lenses included- not happening. o-o
This Friday I'm getting a little machine to test my insomnia and maybe see why I can't sleep much. Although I doubt hooking me up to a bunch of wires is going to make me fall asleep faster let alone" normally". It never ends. ;A;
Ontop of allll that I'm having GF probs. o-o I wont be in a relationship much longer. u__u
I really miss having pink hair or blue hair. When I get a job (haha) I'm so asking if I can dye it pink or aqua. T__T

You've got the love.

Sunday, June 12, 2011
Amy Lee announced on her Twitter awhile ago that her new Album is coming out on 10/4. I'm so excited, like even more excited that Rebecca Black on a Friday morning. There is no comparison! x3

She's so legit. I love elves.

Po pi po.

Friday, June 10, 2011
I said I'd post a picture of the wall scroll so here it is, I'm bad at standing on beds and taking photos with a huge laptop so.
It's so cute xD And that little red writing bit at the top says "For adult only." I see nothing sexual about this wall scroll O__o I turned it upside down cause I like it better this way. x3

Starts with one.

Thursday, June 9, 2011
Schools coming to an end soon and so I've been busy- well not really. Truth is I downloaded a new MMORPG and yeah... end of story. I have been doing stuff though. On the weekend I went to Victoria with Tyler and we saw an adorable lesbian couple holding hands walking down the street- rare species. We also saw a monk and really attractive punk kids. I wish I had a camera to take pics. Dx
Also the weathers been really nice lately which makes me quite happy.
I found out that my first 2 wives, Neve and Bryanne, are indeed my soul mates. Last night we were all bawling our eyes out and PMSing due to various issues around the same time. We're connected by the threads of fate. :3
I also hung out with my new friend, and 5th wife, Sara today. - Before I tell you about that I will share a confusing concept for many to understand. I know 3 Saras, all spelt differently of course, but whenever I say "Oh Sara said..." people are always like "Which one?" My 3rd wife is named Sera, I call her Fay most of the time though, my 5th wife is Sara and my girlfriend is Sarah. Very confusing.
Anyway Sara and I went to the market and yeah she wont a shower timer. O__o

Jenny got me a Hatsune Miki wall scroll for my birthday :) I lurve it! I'll post a picture next time if I remember.

Well that's all I really have to say so... fair winds young travelers!~

I really wish my hair would stay up like that... PS: I'm dying my hair lighter for the summer so I don't have to re-dye it black every 2 weeks.