Girls in Wonderland

Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Gaaah! Talk about a hepatic couple weeks! Last week, all week, I had the flu it was horrible! Of course the entire time I was sick it was sunny, taunting me to go outside but as soon as I felt well again and went to school it was cloudy again. ;__; I want Vitamin D too sun! D: The weathers turning up though, the plum trees are blossoming and it's so pretty! I wish I owned a camera so bad... Oh well. It's recently gotten up to 10 C :D I'm so happy I don't have to carry a jacket with me everywhere in school now!
My clubs also doing pretty well, we got a few more members I think and we did a thing for Japan today and raised all of 8 dollars, which is a lot considering it was last minute and the Peer Helping class already went around collecting donations during second period.
On another note I've become obsessed with the anime K-ON! again, I was obsessed with it last year around this time too. I love it, it's about a high school club which is a band and their crazyness, it reminds me a lot of my friends and I, me being Mio the shy one who likes to get work done :P It made me wanna learn Bass, if I had an extra $200 laying around I'd totally buy one, I have an acoustic guitar that I dunno how to play and has 3 broken strings from my brother. Maybe one day, I already donated all my money to Japan so...
If you watch anime, has it ever made you want to go out and do something like buy/learn to play Bass?


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