Weird night

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
It's early here in Canada, we're on Spring Break and it's about time I got off my lazy bum and got a job, which is why I'm up so early- that and I had really scary nightmares (I'm a scardy cat...)
The first of the two this island randomly sunk for like no reason and Yuki-chan and Aki-chan and I were having a training camp for our band like in K-ON cause we're exactly like them and for some reason we wanted to see the rocks that the island had O__o so we were to the beach in our bathing suits and there was this evil lady with a glass case full of rocks, crabs, baby squids and baby octopuses inside- on the beach which I find really weird now. Anyway, we looked at them and the lady's all "Want to see something funny?" and of course we said yes. She takes a baby crab out of the case, and puts it on my back. Now one thing you have to understand is I'm deathly afraid of crabs... so I started thrashing around screaming but it clasped its self to my bathing suit and Aki and Yuki were laughing at me T.T eventually I got it off and ran off the beach and crouched over repeating "I'm not scared, that didn't happen." over and over like Mio in K-ON (were alike in a lot of ways) then I woke up from that one and drifted into another one.

This one is also really uhm.. weird... There was this field and we (same people) were standing in a yardish thing and there was a camper and a rhino. The Rhino had this giant egg under it and then started fireing off octopus babies like a cannon which pirced through the camper and hit some guy in the shoulder, he fell out of the camper and the baby octopus ball thing like ripped out his lung and then he stood up again and died. 0-0 I woke up after that. I also have a huge fear of octopuses so...

Now I'm going to go over my stuff from games and then head out to look for work at 9:30 AM <.< I better get hired for all the dedication I'm putting in!

Girls in Wonderland

Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Gaaah! Talk about a hepatic couple weeks! Last week, all week, I had the flu it was horrible! Of course the entire time I was sick it was sunny, taunting me to go outside but as soon as I felt well again and went to school it was cloudy again. ;__; I want Vitamin D too sun! D: The weathers turning up though, the plum trees are blossoming and it's so pretty! I wish I owned a camera so bad... Oh well. It's recently gotten up to 10 C :D I'm so happy I don't have to carry a jacket with me everywhere in school now!
My clubs also doing pretty well, we got a few more members I think and we did a thing for Japan today and raised all of 8 dollars, which is a lot considering it was last minute and the Peer Helping class already went around collecting donations during second period.
On another note I've become obsessed with the anime K-ON! again, I was obsessed with it last year around this time too. I love it, it's about a high school club which is a band and their crazyness, it reminds me a lot of my friends and I, me being Mio the shy one who likes to get work done :P It made me wanna learn Bass, if I had an extra $200 laying around I'd totally buy one, I have an acoustic guitar that I dunno how to play and has 3 broken strings from my brother. Maybe one day, I already donated all my money to Japan so...
If you watch anime, has it ever made you want to go out and do something like buy/learn to play Bass?

Pray for Japan

Friday, March 11, 2011
I'm sure you've all heard of the disaster that's struck Japan, an earthquake, a tsunami, and nucular plants over-heating. I don't want to say much about it but please everyone send your thoughts out to Japan in their time of need. They really need it, villages were swept away completely and cities were destroyed. I love Japan and it tears me apart to see them suffering like this.
I really liked this photo, although I don't mean this in a religious way at all!

Tearing it apart!~~~

Sunday, March 6, 2011
That was the result of me helping my friends for their Lord of the Flies video, facepaint and evil faces. x3
Anywhoooo on Thursday I went to a school dance, I hadn't gone to one in years so I figured I would. (Actually my friend wanted to go and I only had a $10 bill, the tickets we're $4 and Mr. McKinney only had 2 dollars for change so I bought myself one too.) I do not regret that choice though!~
It was so much fun, got sweaty and hardcore, whipped my hair back and forth (Resulting in a VERY sore neck the next few days.) and near the end Lauren, Brianne, and Neve randomly started grinding with me so o-o Under normal circumstances I wouldn't do that buuut it was a cool dance, and now I volenteered myself to take my younger friends clubbing when they're legal cause we had that much fun. Gotta say I suck at dancing though. LOL Also I'm apparently getting a ring tattooed on my finger so I can be married to Neve forever .__.
This weekend I've had to not go out though, as last night I suddenly got really sick, it was either the flu or food poisoning from sushi... which had no fish in it... so I just video edited and watched anime all day long.

I might be getting my lip pierced again for a spider bite whenever I get a job. People said it'd look good...
First on my list is a lip stud or a new ring, as I'm still using one without a ball, fun to play with though!~~ :P