How To Do "Anti-"Thanksgiving Dinner

Monday, October 11, 2010
It's that time of year again, where we blow our money on huge Turkeys that normally we only eat about half, and dispose of the other half, boil some potatoes, corn, and make some cranberry sauce to top it off, stuffing out faces until our stomachs are about to burst. Well, my family isn't really like that- just me actually...
For as long as I can remember I've always disliked the whole Thanksgiving Dinner rituals, and as I grew older I began to voice this opinion, and so I came up with "Anti-Thanksgiving!~" With this I can dispel all of those age old traditions and do my own thing, and at probably half the price if I wanted.
This year I was tied between 2 things: Tacos, and Sushi. With my love for Japanese food , and Japan in general, you'd probably think I'd go with the Sushi, but I didn't. I went with the tacos. They cost less, and the smell of the meat with the sauce added drifting into your mouth, causing your mouth to water in anticipation of the collaboration of Mexican flavors entering your body drew me to ask my mother to make these babies.
Mother always seems to make the best Tacos I've tasted, and this fills my mouth with a happiness so often I deprive it of.
Another ritual of Thanksgiving is being together- my family doesn't do that. We grab our plates and retreat to our separate rooms avoiding conversation just like any other day. We don't say our thanks, and we don't do anything at all. We're too independent, and my brother and I simply don't like each other, and so it's probably best I stick with my "Anti-Thanksgiving."


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