Ghosty Came By for a Visit

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
When I was but a young early teenager my home was often haunted by a ghosty. This Ghosty wasn't nice though, and I have reason to believe that the Ghosty could possibly have been a demon!~
This Ghosty would have a black ragged dress and carry around a chain. One time I was paralized by the sight of her, and she threated me with her chains, but soon faded away.
Although that was terrifying, the ghosty wasn't done with me quite yet. On a dark evening mother was out and the evil man ,I call non-step-father, was taking care of us. Normally when that man was over I'd just hide in my room until he left, but that time I had to do a bit of detective work.
The house had filled with smoke, all except my evil brothers room, and this was strange to me, as the smoke alarm hadn't gone off. I had decided to go out and check what the sorce of the smoke was, but when I looked in the obvious kitchen and fireplace there was no fire, and no cooking. Although, when I walked by the wall by the fireplace I could hear the faint whispering sounds of flames, and no heat would come from the wall.
I gave up on the search soon, as it was redundant and I didn't want to run the risk of non-step-father finding me, questioning me, and possibly blaiming me for the sudden smoke, and so I retreated to my room keeping the door open.
That's when Ghosty came by!~

This isn't actually my hallway, but it has some smoke so that's why I chose it.
You can't see Ghostly though D:
She wore her usual getup, and was masked by the smoke. I think now maybe she was trying to tell me something, but it defys what she's done in the past by physically threatening me. I may never know what Ghosty was trying to tell me for she left soon after, and along with her the unexplainable smoke.
That was also the last time I saw Ghosty. I hope she's resting in peace now.


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