Next year will be better

Saturday, October 30, 2010
Halloween will be tomorrow, and I'm so excited! For me it's the best time of year, better than any other Holiday combined (Yes, even Christmas. It's too stressful.) Although this year I didn't do as well as I had originally planned... x3
I was going to do a cosplay this year of Kagura from Ga-rei but I didn't get a job so I couldn't afford the clothes, chains, and paint for my wooden sword, but I did have a few things at my house so I thought, "Hey, why not make my own character?" and so I did! I made Yomi Kobayashi. I knew I wanted to incorpirate my wooden sword no matter what, and I found my moms trench coat so I put it on, but it was really big on me. I was really disappointed, but then I remembered I had this huge red studded belt in my closet and this vest thing so I put the vest on underneath the trench and the belt on top of it and hung some necklaces from it for little, "Charms and spells" and it looked pretty good :) Yomi's a demon hunter so it worked out really well, I'm proud of myself.
Even though I managed to come up with a costume that still isn't the gist of Halloween, I needed plans! Orginally I was going to go to Coles house, play games, and then go downtown but then I found out that there was going to be gang wars in Downtown Victoria that night so... not going to happen. Don't really feel like being shot ^^ So now instead I think Jenny and me are going to Coles at 11 AM and then Sera's going to come when we're going out to wander in Sidney/trick or treat because she's allergic to cats and doesn't have an inhaler at the moment. <_<
One of the things I love most about Halloween though is school. I love to see others costumes! This year only about half the school dressed up which was really disappointing and it kinda made me angry because come on? It's an excuse to either be your inner self, or dress up completely wild without people judging you too harshly! I'd do it every day if I could!
Out of the people who actually did dress up, I was impressed for the most part at the creativity. There was a great deal of culture too, there were people dressed up as mexicans, and there were people dressed up in Japanese cosplay (I liked those the best!) and then there were those with amazingly realistic gore makeup which put me in awe! I love gore makeup!
People loved my wooden sword too, it was the best part of my costume by far. They loved the trench too, but if I didn't adjust it so much probably not so much x3
I just hope tomorrow turns out okay... fingers crossed! ♥

On a side note apart from Halloween- I watched a anime movie titled Bungaku Shoujo (Literature Girl) and I loved it to bits! It had everything I love in anime: beautiful characters, lovely animation, writing, reading, comedy, a dark aspect, and of course romance! I totally recommend it.

Change of Pace

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
People in my school are really... immature. I've always known this of course, but it amazes me how immature grade 11's and 12's are compared to the image I had in my head. 
I left my textbook in the Bio room at Lunch as it's pretty heavy, but someone stole it... If it's not returned I'll have to pay like over $100 dollars to replace it or something, and I'm poor and jobless so at the moment it's impossible. Seriously, doesn't the person open the front cover and notice that their name is not there? Who takes a giant Biology 12 book anyways? 
Plus in the majority of my classes except maybe Writing, everyone is so loud and it's really distracting when I'm trying to do some work. Maybe one of these day's I'm going to stand up and yell at them to shut up- in Japanese. No one listens to English these days do they?

All complaining aside, I'm pretty proud of myself this year! I'm doing really well in my classes and most of them are Grade 12 courses. ^^ I'm really happy about this, and on top of that I'm still trying to learn Japanese which is going better than I'd have originally though, I still can't read it though... but maybe the Basic Japanese - English Dictionary will help me out on that! Thank goodness the Library still has that stuff, although it'd be way better if there was still a Japanese class- but I hope to work on bringing that back too.
I need to work on Bio more though, I'm proud that I got B's on my tests, but I'd much rather get A's, other than that my classes are a breeze if you get the work done, and sadly I'm a heavy procrastinator- actually I should probably be doing a Bio report right now, but hey why not make a really long blog about school?

It's actually really hard to believe that just last year I was almost failing most of my classes, it's way easier than I thought, I just never tried I guess! ^^ I'm glad I changed though!~ I have a feeling this year's going to go by really well, and I hope I can keep up this pace and get even better in the future! :D

Ghosty Came By for a Visit

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
When I was but a young early teenager my home was often haunted by a ghosty. This Ghosty wasn't nice though, and I have reason to believe that the Ghosty could possibly have been a demon!~
This Ghosty would have a black ragged dress and carry around a chain. One time I was paralized by the sight of her, and she threated me with her chains, but soon faded away.
Although that was terrifying, the ghosty wasn't done with me quite yet. On a dark evening mother was out and the evil man ,I call non-step-father, was taking care of us. Normally when that man was over I'd just hide in my room until he left, but that time I had to do a bit of detective work.
The house had filled with smoke, all except my evil brothers room, and this was strange to me, as the smoke alarm hadn't gone off. I had decided to go out and check what the sorce of the smoke was, but when I looked in the obvious kitchen and fireplace there was no fire, and no cooking. Although, when I walked by the wall by the fireplace I could hear the faint whispering sounds of flames, and no heat would come from the wall.
I gave up on the search soon, as it was redundant and I didn't want to run the risk of non-step-father finding me, questioning me, and possibly blaiming me for the sudden smoke, and so I retreated to my room keeping the door open.
That's when Ghosty came by!~

This isn't actually my hallway, but it has some smoke so that's why I chose it.
You can't see Ghostly though D:
She wore her usual getup, and was masked by the smoke. I think now maybe she was trying to tell me something, but it defys what she's done in the past by physically threatening me. I may never know what Ghosty was trying to tell me for she left soon after, and along with her the unexplainable smoke.
That was also the last time I saw Ghosty. I hope she's resting in peace now.

How To Do "Anti-"Thanksgiving Dinner

Monday, October 11, 2010
It's that time of year again, where we blow our money on huge Turkeys that normally we only eat about half, and dispose of the other half, boil some potatoes, corn, and make some cranberry sauce to top it off, stuffing out faces until our stomachs are about to burst. Well, my family isn't really like that- just me actually...
For as long as I can remember I've always disliked the whole Thanksgiving Dinner rituals, and as I grew older I began to voice this opinion, and so I came up with "Anti-Thanksgiving!~" With this I can dispel all of those age old traditions and do my own thing, and at probably half the price if I wanted.
This year I was tied between 2 things: Tacos, and Sushi. With my love for Japanese food , and Japan in general, you'd probably think I'd go with the Sushi, but I didn't. I went with the tacos. They cost less, and the smell of the meat with the sauce added drifting into your mouth, causing your mouth to water in anticipation of the collaboration of Mexican flavors entering your body drew me to ask my mother to make these babies.
Mother always seems to make the best Tacos I've tasted, and this fills my mouth with a happiness so often I deprive it of.
Another ritual of Thanksgiving is being together- my family doesn't do that. We grab our plates and retreat to our separate rooms avoiding conversation just like any other day. We don't say our thanks, and we don't do anything at all. We're too independent, and my brother and I simply don't like each other, and so it's probably best I stick with my "Anti-Thanksgiving."

Bacterial Infection, annoying children, haircut. Oh my!~

Saturday, October 9, 2010
I haven't posted much this week due to my new found obsession with the online game type community that we know as Gaiaonline! I've pretty much spent the majority of my time on it instead of studying and doing homework, and my grades probably have taken the toll.
Although I'm obsessed with Gaia, that's not what I'm gonna talk about.

I had this queer darker patch of skin in the middle of my stomach which had been there for quite some time (Probably half a year...) which I never bothered to get checked out as I, being the genies I am, figured that I was turning Asian. Although after some time I began to experience pains in my stomach/chest area which made me decide to check it out.
I took my mothers bank card and headed to the doctors, it was empty for once so I figured I was in luck, but after a minute or 2 or waiting guess who comes out of the doors? Non-step-dad. Great. It was one of the most awkward conversations I had to force out of myself, and the majority of it were lies. I didn't really feel like getting into an argument on how I detest him so I just played along without him even suspecting a thing.
I went into the doctors office after that and showed him the strange rough feeling darker patches of skin, and right away he diagnosed me with a bacterial infection called something along the lines of Phrysis, he gave me a prescription for some cream and I went along my merry way to get it.
I figured this would only cost $5 because mother had benefits and I was covered by health care- but no. It wasn't covered in either. I was panicking because I honestly thought it would cost me something along the lines of $100, but thankfully it was only $20.70, so I bought it.

Then on Monday I had decided to let Tyler cut my hair, as it was starting to get annoying pushing it out of my face every 5 seconds or so. I choose a nice Japanese hair style and he cut it perfectly! I'm really happy with the result, I only have one picture of it, which isn't the best, but I'm planning on taking some more this weekend with my crappy laptop:
Not my favorite picture, but it works!

Thursday was another meeting for my club, and we tried to come up with a new name, for we couldn't do anything we wanted without a real name. I expected a nice quiet environment to think and lead my club in the right direction, but I've been on a wrong streak this week, and so there was this annoying little grade 9 red head who was screaming at the top of her lungs the entire lunch hour!
At one point I got annoyed and went out of the room and said, "Look, my club is trying to have a meeting so can you be quiet?"
And of course, her being a superficial brat, replied, "Well, if you want us to be quiet why don't you tell them to?!" and pointed to the group beside her who wasn't even making that much noise compaired to her.
I sighed and my voiced turned into a far more annoyed tone, "If you want them to leave you alone, leave them alone and ignore them, they'll lose interest and leave you alone." I walked back into the club room hoping that would be the end of it.
Dead wrong again!
Not even a minute later her voice echoed through the halls, and we never came up with a single name idea.
Honestly, she better be quiet next Thursday for her own good, or I'm going to get administration to escort her out of the hallway where no one can hear her obnoxious voice.

Even though all that really wasn't all the great besides the haircut, today made up for it. I got to hang out with my Japanese friend Rinko, which was really fun, I hope we get to hang out more!