A look at the Past again.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

First picture is from grade 7 (Oldest photo of me on the internet) The next three are from the summer of 2008 and the rest are from the beginning of grade 9.  I think that was the first time I put on make up as well.
I was on my old photobucket account showing pupal these photos when it struck me how much I've changed for the thousandth time. I was so skinny back then, but not a healthy skinny I mean look at how skeletal my face looks in the last photo! It's like protruding from my body. I do wish I still had that tie though. xD
I prefer the way I look now a lot more. (:

Come kiss the dead.

Grad photos didn't really happen. That day it decided it would be fantastic to storm and I also had to walk pupal to Tys house, by the time we got there we were legit dripping wet and I looked like a wet rat. I decided there was no way in hell I would ever take a picture looking like this, and so I skipped out. Don't worry I'll take retakes in April or whenever they are.
Even though I didn't get my photos done, I did help pupal with her hair she dyed it black and the tips red, and got straight bangs. It looks so good on her. :3 There was a lot of black left over and red so we mixed the 2 and I got my hair done! :D It's back to black and didn't cost me a dime! I was really happy, well still am.
Also I've been looking at wrist tattoos lately because I want to get one to cover my scars and remind me not to relapse again. I was thinking of that "Let it be.." one. (:
Other than that I've been listening to a lot of Wednesday 13 and Murderdolls.
 Hope you all have a great weekend!

Spread your wings and fly.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

This week and next week are going to be a little crazy. I'm going out job hunting probably Friday, and Thursday I have grad photos and am going to go with pupal to get her hair done. I forgot about my grad photos to be honest, and then I remembered and was like "Shit." because I made plans with her before my recollection. Saturday we're going to be playing Skyward Sword (Which is amazing I've already played it) and sometime this week I'm going to be having dinner with Ty and his boyfriend. Which will be awkward.
Next week I have 2 school field trips, one for Marketing and one for Law. The marketing one is to some coffee place and the Law one is to the courts in Victoria. That one I'm excited for because we get to see real trails and we may get to see a murder trial. I also get to dress up in a suit, for some odd reason I like suits as I mentioned before I think.
Oh I donated blood last Thursday. c: It was pretty fantastic. Apparently you're supposed to be like tired while they're farming you and afterwards but I was actually rather hyper. I think I scared the nurse ladies with my reaction. I can't wait to do it again, although I didn't get my blood type, and I also didn't get paid. So I more or less did it for no reason.

The black moon so divine.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

This picture was taken 2 years ago today. It was taken only an hour or so before I got hit by a car at 5:30 PM November 20th 2009. That was the day that I quit cutting the first time and was reborn into a whole new person. I went through many hardships after that day but I no longer held onto my past which tormented me, I no longer cared about my ex-girlfriend and was able to move on. Now, 2 years later I'm single, but have a career path in mind and a purpose in life. I know now that I am a somebody who matters to people, even though I oftentimes feel like I do not. I still have my problems, but I'm a much better person now because of this. 

Here's my kiss to betrayal.

A week full of challenges and emotional letters. Lately I've been into writing more and so I've actually written a fullish story and am starting a new one. Again. As for that book I was writing a more or less dropped it. I completely lost inspiration for it and actually lost my direction with it as well. Probably due to not writing in it since the summer. I'm also writing a series of short stories about Self Induced Lypo Suction. Yes, I am aware it sounds extremely disturbing and believe me it will be. 
Pupal and I more or less made amends and Kyle and I have "broken up" even though we weren't even going out in the first place. Although I do feel a little heart broken I wont let it get in the way of my life like I did 3 years ago. He needs someone he can actually hold. 
I'm going to be getting a suit soon, and I'm super excited. There's this thing about suits that I really love and I don't know why. I'm getting it for my grad interviews next semester and my Law field trip to the courts to which I'm really looking forward to. I'll try and get someone to take pictures. (:
I hope you're all doing well, it's been awhile since my last update!

There comes a point in life...

Friday, November 11, 2011
…where we cling onto someone else in order to surpress our own faults, a time where we claim to need this other soul to do an involentary action such as breathing. Although, one day that person also comes to fade. They weren’t who you thought they were, they couldn’t pick you up from your internal suffering. You kick and scream for them to stay, but they still leave. Soon enough you’ll realize they weren’t all you had fabricated them to be.
During that point in time you break out of your finite thinking and join a whole new reality.
That doesn’t mean you forget about that time spent, it resonates with your soul and helps you grow as a human being. Every person in the journey we call life, letting go is part of love. It’s as complicated as an intricate math problem yet as simple as black and white.
What is life without love and loss? What is a brilliant sapphire sky without a piercing white moon? There is no such thing.

Learn to love.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Just some pictures I took today. Rocking my lock and Zelda shirt.
For the past few days I've been going to Neve's house with Ty to help him bleach her hair, she's going to go silver. :3 I think she's one bleach away which we're doing tomorrow. 
Also a bunch of us are going out on the 20th to buy the new Zelda game and are going to play it at Cole's house. c:
Also I may be moving to Vancouver with Ty, Jeff (his boyfriend) and Kyle (my love interest but we're not dating yet due to him living in Alberta) because the rent would be cheaper, especially with 4 of us, and there's more work there. The down side is that I'd have to leave pupal behind but it'll all work out somehow. <3

Perceptual dissonance.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Just a few of the things I'm into at the moment. Punk, tree hugging, smoking, (pictures, I don't smoke ;3) love, girls. beauty, and freedom. 
Lately I've been listening to a lot more punk rock and rock and it's been inspiring me to cheer the hell up and have a good time. You only live once, and remember it. 

Not alone.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Made a small video, probably wont finish but I really liked what I did. ^__^

Darling decapitation.

Lately I've been embracing my darker side, my more insane side if you will. I think there is beauty in the darkness that lurks in our hearts. ♥
Am I the only one that finds suicide kind of romantic at times? Yes? Alright. ;3
Punk love is so cute.