Wife harem?

Friday, April 29, 2011
I just want to start this post off by saying I didn't actually marry any of my wives, it's a friend thing. I only say this because I've had people think I seriously married 4 people...
I married my first wife in October so this month was our half year anniversary, I only actually realized it like a week before the date I made up so I obviously had no time to get her anything too good, plus I was busy marrying other people. (It's a polygamy)
My friend Bry said she wanted a wife cause she felt left out so I offered and she said yes, and then we divorced 2 days later and then the day after that got remarried, so our 6 month will be a week before my first wifes.
My third wife I married... a day after I married Bry. Although I've been married to Sera before. We first married a year ago and then divorced and then we married like 3 months ago and divorced because she got a legit boyfriend and then we got married again... She think's she's the first wife cause of this but she's not. :P
My 4th and final wife so far, Lauren, also wanted to find a wife so of course I offered my hand and she accepted without hesitation, I think she knew I would ask. x3 I married her a week after Bry and Sera. LOL.
Neve and I's half year didn't really happen cause she was sick, and the day after she drew me a picture which I haven't gotten yet cause she's still sick. x3
The point of this is, in October I'm screwed. I have 1 year anniversary to pay for and 3 half years. ;A; I need a good job to pay for all of this... Harems aren't a good idea in the money department. D:
This isn't me and my wife btw. I'm not that cool.

I thought this would be a cute topic cause of the Royal Wedding which just happened (which I didn't watch. :P) I'm such a great Canadian, huh?


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