Summer plans

Friday, April 29, 2011
For summer I've always usually just stayed at home the entire home rolling around the floor infront of a fan trying to cool down, and at night suffering as the aluminum building across the street would reflect the sun beams into my room turning it into an oven, but this year I was given an option to finally leave Vancouver Island for the first time in my life!
Where to? Well the city of course, Calgary Alberta.
It's a lot bigger than Sidney or Victoria so I'm a little bit nervous and still contemplating even going. There are a lot of things to consider, money wise.
My older brother would drive us there and back but we'd still have to come up with a fair amount of money. He has a job for us there though which pays something like $15 - $18 an hour- which is a lot more than the $9.75 I'd be making here on the island, although the job would be cleaning gutters.
At first I thought it would be an easy job because mother made it sound this way, but when I was talking with Jessie the reality hit. I'd be harnessed up, on a roof with a huge hose pulling out leaves and blasting water. I'd have to buy steel toed boots, learn how to drive (without a license I may add, no time for that stuff.) and pay for gas and buy my own food. A lot more than it sounded at first.
Although I was thinking of the good things about this too. Calgary is really really warn during the summer and I've been looking to lose weight too, so with that hard job and the hot heat I'd get a really hot bod by the end of it, except it'd be tanned... but that's what skin bleach is for. I'd also come home with a HUGE sum of money and be able to buy my punk clothes and my bass guitar/amp. Maybe even get more piercings <3~ ORRR there are a lot of sexy people in Calgary so maybe I'll get a lover too?! (Doubt it buy a girl can dream ;A;) Plus Neve would be there for 3 weeks too and I'd be able to reunite with my older brothers.
There's just soooo much to consider. T__T I'm just so unsure.

I really do love citys though <3~

Wife harem?

I just want to start this post off by saying I didn't actually marry any of my wives, it's a friend thing. I only say this because I've had people think I seriously married 4 people...
I married my first wife in October so this month was our half year anniversary, I only actually realized it like a week before the date I made up so I obviously had no time to get her anything too good, plus I was busy marrying other people. (It's a polygamy)
My friend Bry said she wanted a wife cause she felt left out so I offered and she said yes, and then we divorced 2 days later and then the day after that got remarried, so our 6 month will be a week before my first wifes.
My third wife I married... a day after I married Bry. Although I've been married to Sera before. We first married a year ago and then divorced and then we married like 3 months ago and divorced because she got a legit boyfriend and then we got married again... She think's she's the first wife cause of this but she's not. :P
My 4th and final wife so far, Lauren, also wanted to find a wife so of course I offered my hand and she accepted without hesitation, I think she knew I would ask. x3 I married her a week after Bry and Sera. LOL.
Neve and I's half year didn't really happen cause she was sick, and the day after she drew me a picture which I haven't gotten yet cause she's still sick. x3
The point of this is, in October I'm screwed. I have 1 year anniversary to pay for and 3 half years. ;A; I need a good job to pay for all of this... Harems aren't a good idea in the money department. D:
This isn't me and my wife btw. I'm not that cool.

I thought this would be a cute topic cause of the Royal Wedding which just happened (which I didn't watch. :P) I'm such a great Canadian, huh?

The clock tolls on.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I keep neglecting my blog which I haven't been wanting to do, I've just been distracted with games and such. Again, this is causing my working ethic to suffer, my applications for work seem to all me turned down and such too and yeah the games and causing my homework to be... less than completed.
In any case these last few weeks I've been in a state of recovery, I seem to have been over working my body with tons of stress and such. 2 weeks ago I was out with the flu, and then this weekend I strained my back and couldn't really move much (Thus how I downloaded a new game...) Now that I know how it feels be old, I plan to be dead before my back is like this every day. o-o;
On the bright side the weathers becoming nicer and the cherry blossoms have blossomed beautifully this year. It's funny how I live by a bunch of them yet I never really noticed their beauty until this year. I was walking home on Thursday from the bus stop and noticed how bright the world seemed. It really was poetic in many ways. It was one of those moments where you wish you owned a camera but you don't. xD It really got me thinking that I should try and cheer up as I've been a real downer. o-o
I had been re-watching a couple animes which I was out, too like K-ON and when I finished that I re-watched Bakemonogatari (Ghostory) I forgot how funny Senjougahara was! XD "Do you hate kids?" "Yes, I can say I despise them even" "Why? .__." "One day I was at the supermarket and I bumped into a little girl, 'I'm sorry, are you okay?' I said, then I realized she made me be sentimental and nice and there after I looked at children with hatred."

"Arargi-kun, you're planning our next date." "Alright." "You better not take me to any strange places or I'll rip your skin off." "Roger that :)" She's funny in a mean way cause she's overly honest. xD
Someone finally bought my red skinny jeans too! Also Lauren and I's Halloween costume is coming along well, we're getting a REALLY good discount on high quality wigs and might get the costume part for free. :) Strawberry Panic cosplayers ftw!
Well, I hope to try and blog more when life brings me an interesting bit of fruit! :D