Lovin' life

Wednesday, February 2, 2011
First of all, I want to apologize for not blogging very much these past few days ): I kept saying I'd get to it tomorrow or the next day and it kept on going like that until now... Also I've been quite busy with it being a new semester! I wanna tell you guys that I probably wont blog a lot from now on because of the new semester. I have Math 11 Esentials, English 11 Honors, Psychology, and Earth Science... very busy with lots of homework!~ T__T but my teachers are amazing so that makes up for it. (:
Now onto the things that I wanna share (:
First thing, I've never had my ears pierced. When I was a kid I wanted to be a boy, and then we were too poor so I had never gotten them pierced (yet I have my lip pierced LOL was a birthday present though.) So Neve volenteered to pierce them for me, and just so you guys know Neve isn't a pro. When she's bored she pierces herself so I thought I'd accept cause I've been feeling like a loser being without lately. I was the only 16 year old who didn't have holes in their ears.
Neve kept thinking she would hurt me and stuff, although it's kinda funny cause she was about to stab the needle through and was all "I don't wanna hurt you..." and then stabs it XD
To her surprise though I didn't flinch or anything, as it really didn't hurt to me. I've done worse to myself, to me it just felt like a tiny pinch and then a pop. Really nothing too bad LOL especially to someone whose been hit by a car so .__.
Today I forgot my lunch at home, you guys have no idea how devistated I was by this XD I loveeee my food! D: Kory came and gave me a Hello Kitty Marshemellow candy thing which ended up being my lunch lol.
At break I was talking with Neve, Bryanne, and a bunch of other people when we all look over and behold, a new hot guy! He had a beardddd <3 and was part of the alternative style, bonus! At my school there's like no acceptable hot guys, so this was hardcore. We decided to stalk him LOL we followed him to find his locker in near ours, hehe >D After building up enough courage we walked over to him and stood there where the vice principal introduced us and opened us up to showing him around, we were about to show him where the smoke pit was when the bell rang. (I only know where it is cause of my ex, I don't smoke and never have lol) so we showed him to his class.
Later I found out he was in my earth science class, and sat right behind me SCOREEE! He's also Italian :D You guys can tell how excited we were XD quote: "We will make him ours O__O"
After school I walked with Neve, Bryanne, Brianne, and Rachel whilst speaking of many things like the new killer/rapist around these parts and how we'd react if we saw him.
Brianne and Rachel left at this point and Neve said, "if I ever saw a murderer following me, I would turn around and go hsssssssssssss and then run away"
She meant to scream but a hiss came out and so we laughed for like 10 mins straight and tears came out of Neves eyes it was SOOOO funny!
I am REALLY liking this semester. :D
My clubs also finally holding our concert and got a cool logo, looove. :P


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