keep walking proud

Tuesday, November 30, 2010
I was invited to this City Youth thing which is a Youth Group in Victoria (I'm not religious, just spiritual (: ) and my moms letting me go! I love my mom, she's really nice and I really respect her. Even though we have our creative differences and views of somethings, I still love her and am glad I have her as a mother. :) I plan to buy her so many things when I'm in Japan!
Also, I'm getting my new laptop in the next couple weeks and then giving this one to my friend Kory who is amazing with computers, and he's going to fix the keyboard and make it run fast again like it was new and I'm gonna give it to my mom ^__^
What are you guys going to give your mothers for Christmas?

pray for Korea.

Friday, November 26, 2010
Few things I wanna say:
Korea needs to stop fighting with its self, it's too awesome to do so D: The sooner the better, the U.S will just cause WW III o_o
They look so like... fake excited, ne?

On another note, I don't need surgery!!! :D I'm sooo happy about that, we went to the hospital and waited for like 2 hours, here's a bit of the convo in the begining
Hi Kaleigh (Mispronouncing my name)
How are you?
Any trouble with your knee?
Did it dislocate again?
...Then why are you hear?
...You told me to come back in 6 months? o_o
Oh... (checks knee) Well, it's loser than the other one
(No shit...) Oh?
But, you don't need surgery

A lot of it I already knew... if you couldn't tell I really don't like that hospital xD

Final thing: My USB keyboard half-fixed its self :D It spazes out sometimes, but other than that it works just fine ^^

surgery? no thank you.

Thursday, November 25, 2010
Tomorrow I will not be attending school, why? Well, I happen to have to go to the hospital to see if I need  knee surgery. I really would rather not get surgery because that means I'll miss school and have to stay at home for like a week, which I really dislike, but if I do need surgery in my life time on this knee, than I'd rather have it now then in the future.
Why now? Because Canada has free health care, and the government would have to pay for the entire thing. In the future I plan to go traveling a lot and most countries do not have free health care, especially if you're not a citizen, and if I got injured there and needed surgery I'd have to pay quite a large sum of money to cover it.
I might need this surgery because November 20th, 2009 I got hit by a car by an old man in an eye patch and a hat on a dark stormy night on a crosswalk (I'm not making any of that up either, it's true o_o) and as a result of that I had dislocated my knee really badly and stretched my ligaments. I attended physiotherapy for awhile, but after awhile I stopped because I found it really redundant after half a year, same with wearing a knee brace. I didn't need it anymore, my knee was stable enough. I happen to heal fast :)
Let's hope I don't need it, fingers crossed! <3 (I heard that's bad luck actually... hopefully not!)
PS: I'm hoping Korea will stop fighting with its self D: and if USA gets involved... well shits gonna hit the fan. <_<

please bus, run!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
It snowed today/ probably is still snowing =_= The bus ran fine yesterday, lets just hope it runs today to, or I'll have to find a friends house to sleep over at- which is really unlikely.
I think Sidney should get a Karaoke bar, they seem way  more fun than normal karaoke. :)
(I fail at it BTW :D)

ohai blog award.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010
I got my first blog award just now :3 Even though I don't find my blog all that snazzy o_o I'm super "O.M.G." over it though!
Thanks to the super awesome Vivian her blog is amaaaazing in my opinion. >:P

The 3 ( I only have 5 followers, 2 of which I can't tag xD) people I tag aaaarrrreee:


Snow, please leave.

It snowed on Friday night here, and everyone seemed to go crazy about it, except for me. I personally don't like snow because I happen to be a huge clutz! I always slip and fall, or get nailed in the face by flying snow, or the wind pushes me into walls. I'm more of a fan of warm-ish weather.
Although, what comes with winter is new cold-weather gear! I was able to get some boots, a scarf, a jacket, and some skinny jeans. I still have $10 dollars left-over too. Shopping is always fun, even when alone. (None of my friends could go with me. Not really that surprising.)
Even though I got all this new gear, on Monday it didn't make that mush of a difference. After school I was waiting for the bus like normal although 2 didn't bother showing up, then a short one showed up and it filled up fast, then a 1 floor bus showed up which also filled up fast, and then finally after that a normal double Decker bus arrived and we gladly embraced the warmth that was inside. I really hope that doesn't happen after school today.
On the bright side my friend Moe reminded me of the greatness that is YUI. why did I ever stop listening to her?! O_O

I love this picture LAWL

She's amazing. I also wanna watch that movie she stars in, considering I love JDrama.
Other than that all I've really done is dissect a pig fetus... which isn't that appealing when you're trying to eat lunch.


Friday, November 19, 2010
YES!!! New laptop in 2 weeks!~ I'm so excited you don't even know how happy I am about this. I've had this acer piece of crap for about 4 years and it's broken so many times, not to mention it's LOUD. I've had to buy 2 chargers for it, and 3 keyboards, and now the fan is being really annoyingly loud and clicky and it's just so annoying when you're trying to watch anime or read manga, or anything like that. I'm going to take suuuch good care of this new laptop.

I'm going to try and get this one, I heard Samsung worked really well, plus it looked really snazzy :D (I think it's on sale too ♥♥♥)

I'm going to pay my mom back for it though when I get a job, because I feel bad that she's going to be paying 600 dollars for a laptop and I'm not paying anything, especially in these times because we're pretty poor, I must pay her back!
Also I got my report card today, did pretty good, but I didn't get all A's D:< I need better grades!!!! apparently I owe the school $200 for an activation fee for every year and text book fees... I honestly thought High School was supposed to be free, guess not. Also apparently they want me to buy a year book when I won't.
If they make me pay for having my text book stolen, I think I'm going to riot, it really isn't my fault that someone stole my textbook.

Broken keyboards aren't cool

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
On Saturday I was going to come home, and write a nice blog about how much fun I had with Neve after I did some things, but when I came back to my laptop what do I find? My USB keyboard had broken! By broken I don't mean it was smashed into hundreds of pieces, by broken I mean it had just stopped working. I've had experience with keyboards that just stop working as this was the third to pass on to keyboard heaven. My laptops keyboard broke when that winter it had snowed and my brother was excited, so he comes in my room with a snow ball, throws it at me, I dodge, it hits my laptop. Bye bye keyboard!~
So, I guess that's not going to happen. I may have to resort to making vlogs as substitutes to get things off my mind. I'm not really a vlog person, so we'll see how that goes.
Although, for Christmas I might get a new laptop that wont die within a few months (this one's lasted me like 3 or 4 years, but it malfunctioned within the first month) and then I can finally do all the things I love again and maybe even play games on it!
The only reason I'm able to make this post is because I'm at school and their keyboards aren't broken.
In other news, I have a new life dream! It's tied into my other one though so it's not like changing from wanting to be a doctor to wanting to be a game designer.
I love Japan and so I wanted to work there as a translator when I learned the language really well, but now I have a new love: Korea. Their music is spectacular (Super Junior, SHINee, 2NE1 ♥♥♥) and so are a lot of other aspects. I don't love it as much as Japan, but I did find one thing out: the language is easy to learn! So my new dream is to become fluent in Japanese and Korean and then become a translator for Sony, and make lots of money, get an estate in Japan, and have all my friends visit. That's my new life dream, and I'm already working towards it at the age of 16! Right now I can speak a very little amount of Japanese and am learning to read and write in Korean, even though I can only say Annyong haseyo :3 Oh well, at least I'm on my way!
So far my plan is: Graduate, work for a year, go to Japan for a couple weeks off the money I get from the government/ the money I earned while working, then go to college and become fluent in Korean/Japanese, and finally begin to pursue for the career!
It's going to be a lot of work, but I think if I really try this time I can accomplish something good here.
Sorry for the lack of pictures in this post, like I said above I am at school- and the computers here are malfunctioning, so I don't really feel like going on a wild picture hunt.

Ohai, sickness :3

Thursday, November 11, 2010
I have become sick for the first time in like half a year, and it's horrid! I had to miss Wednesday on an already really short school week and it was so boring- I went insane from the bordom and apparently felt the need to prove to people that I'm unattractive when I'm sick- no one agreed with me so I think I'll give up on that- I'll post the video at the end actually.
I also began reading Ga-rei again, and I forgot how much I loved it- I also found out there was an entire half chapter I didn't read and it made me sooo happy with all the happy endings! Along with that I started watching the anime 11 Eyes, and I really like it so far. It's so... dark? I'm not sure how to explain it really, but it's amazing if you give it a chance.
On a note from something other than the virtual world, on Saturday I'm hanging out with Neve and we may or may not make a video of us being weird in Victoria, I'm so excited for this she's one of my good friends now :3
Also, on the 20th it's the 1st anniversary of my getting hit by a car/the day I stopped self-harming and I wanna do something really special for it, but I have no idea what to do! I think I wanna go to Victoria with friends, but I don't know which friends to invite! >_< It's a really important day to me, too, but I don't want to hurt peoples feelings so I'm tied it seems. It's in a week, gah what to do what to do?!
Another completely off topic note: I love Korean music now too x3 Current obsessions: SHINee and BoA.

Snazzy Happenings!~

Saturday, November 6, 2010
First and foremost I'd like to say that this week has been treating me really good ^^ Unlike other previous weeks I actually went out and hung out with 2 of my new good friends- 2 days in a ROW!~ That has to be a new record for me this year! So I guess I'll outline this week for you guys instead of just saying, "Oh, it was pretty snazzy." Also I'll be putting up more photos that usual in this post :)
So, on Monday I didn't go to school. I had forgotten to set my alarm and my body just didn't want to work that day so I figured it was time for a good rest after a chaotic Halloween. Nothing really happened that day, I just watched anime and read a few chapters of High School of the Dead, then went to bed.
Tuesday I had a Social Studies test which I actually think I did pretty well on despite my having forgotten to study. Most of the questions were drop dead easy, and the ones that I didn't know I think I did alright on- considering there wasn't too many of them. I also hung out with Neve at lunch as my friends ditched me to go to Sera's house, but I had so much fun with her xD She's a really interesting person that I can relate to. We have a plan for the day before Christmas break, too. She's going to wear her green skinny jeans with a red hat and I'm going to wear my red skinny jeans with a green hat, and then we're going to walk around saying we're really cool and stuff, that will be an interesting day!~
Wednesday, nothing happened at school- or at least that I can remember...
Although on Thursday Kory dragged me to Anime club at lunch and we watched Devil May Cry. That anime is really confusing, half of it I didn't understand and the subtitles weren't top notch- but at least the point got across! I love watching movies and anime with people because I do enjoy their cometary, it's pretty darn entertaining if I do say so myself.
After school I hung out with Neve and we walked to my house, and we're so darn alike! Hooollyyyy crooowww!~ She has the same views as me on everything, and we even kinda look alike. It's pretty crazy. When we got to my house I showed her my long board and my games and stuff and we talked some more about pretty much everything. I think her and I are gonna become best friends pretty soon. Just what I need to. I think I'm starting to grow distant with the gang- especially Tyler, but we still have our moments.
Friday in Peer Helping we played a game where they put a piece of paper on our backs of different ways NOT to council someone, and you had to talk to someone the way you'd talk to them in that method of counciling- it was crazy! Moe's was "Call me Names." so we had to call her bad names and omg, we all felt so bad! I said, "You're the worst asian- Just kidding just kidding just kidding you're awesome!!" I can not insult someone for things like that- I just feel too bad.
The one on my back was, "Threaten me." so Lindsey, always having to be extreme, said, "I'm going to kill your mom, then your cat, and you're face and steal all your clothes and stuff." I was left being like, "Oh my gosh o_o..."
At Lunch we went to get some baked goods from the fundraiser bake sale for the kid we're Sponsoring in Africa, and Rinko came along ^^ After that we went to the band room and tried to figure out how to make a Pikachu through texting- it didn't work...
After school Rinko and I went into Sidney to mail some letters to her family in Japan, and on our way some guy comes up to us and says, "Are you girls going to a Halloween party?!" and we just stand there all, "What just happened?..." "I don't even know..." Considering it's like 5 days after Halloween. I guess you don't see a Japanese girl dressed all awesome, and a white chick dressed all indie/emo everyday, huh?
We also went to Tanners and checked our their poor collection of Manga (It's like one book case, and most of the Manga is stuff like Naruto and Bleach. They also have really wide Volume gaps. Like for Bleach it went from Volume 1 all the way to Volume 32.) and then over to baby books, to Languages, to Fiction, and then we had to go to the bus stop so she could go home, but it was lots of fun ^^ I love hanging out with her, something interesting always happens!
Oh, and today I looked at Segawa Hajime's (瀬川はじめ) new manga Tokyo ESP, and guess what? I LOVED it! It's almost like his other Manga series, Ga-rei(Also my favorite) but it has different characters and a different kind of plot, but stays with a supernatural feel to it. The main character, Rinka, is beautiful much like the main character in Ga-rei, Kagura. I thought it would be kinda stupid because in the description it mentioned Flying Penguines and Flying Ghost Fish, but now that I read it I understand and think it's a clever way to incorporate gaining supernatural powers.

Ohai photos

 Halloween costume(Demon slayer/person I made up)